And. to those many home -ardeners who have been batting weedy lawns and have decided to start anew. Fali lawns ini the northernl sections cati safely l)e'nmade up to the middle 9f ,Septemler.' The mloist cool fal NVeather is just muade to or(ler for the gropwth of grass. Feév veeds -geri-- nate iii the fail, and by spring the grTaSss ill have made sticIf avigorous growth that mainy-.wéeds Nvill be spiothered out. Grass sown in ' the fail tends to develop a stroinger. deep- er. root systetm thanl la wns sowni l the spring. Ths splendid ýroot, sys- tem promotes earlv, and vigorous growth ini the spring so that the grass i.ill be well establishe1cl before 1101 Nveather sets in. supplied willbesuDe StC~lI ro assure the grass in yôi.r lawn a square meal. during the fali season. Established jaw»ns. that look-~a ittie ragged wvill. be greatly benefited through, such an, application of plant f ood at this time, together with rea- seediiig .of bare and thin spots.ý Give v our lawh every o pportunity ýfor growth nw while weather. conditions are' favorable, and weeds àrte more. or else dormant. RETURNS FROM CAMP -Mis - Virginia Graham, daughter .of. thie Richard M. Grahams, 79 Abbotts- ford road, Wiinnetka, returned -fromn Cedar Shoresý camp, Mon tague, \ich., last week-end. . :ý' BEET 10-lb. cUo*h bug I9 c 17c RAVIOLA ý23c CAMPOELLS TromIlto#Soupý EDWARD'S Morshmcullows. Cracker Jack ig1/e.z.-3 OR20C e e LB. 15c PACKAGE 4c AT YOUR A & P MARKET BONDS Dili Pickles 2-QT. JAR 1 .15eÎ CHOICE CUTS POT ROAST e e e lb. 2.3c HORMELS SPICED Luncheon Mecst 120"- 29c AGED AMERICAN Cheese b 25c 1 1