nsÂV, v lI 'IIl4 > LIIaII dlI'.IlV eir nl rml.,jCl1.11 Because of the loss of 16 letternien, 1 h s offr [/oo0 1 i Ei, i,- * pln to ret urn home throurh IiDetroit- W\aldorf inviting thein to report -in th i cas w I be fr d to el NUles Center Vntil FîcrtI&er Notice. 1 where they will stop to visit relatives good physical condition for the open --Ileavilv on sophomores for replace- Iof NMrsýAldrich. ing practice, September 10. mns eea fteenwoes Faced vvith the necessity of rebuild- of necessity, wiIl be callèd upon for EVANSTON ACADEMY 0F FINE ARTS ing last year's championship eleven,I first string duty despite Iack ofex- Registrion Week . .Tuesday, September 7th ibeii radnes or a vstrenuous threc fo SAturday, -SepteBmber 1 Ith. 9 A.M. Fa 5 P..M. ekpr-asndil Art Tramning for Every Practical and Cultural Use Theeks re-sa rioli.h The Wildcas are confonted w'it 636 Chureh Street Evansfon GREenleaf 1674 a strong October schedule yih il s A TE NS A __________________________________________________________ another reason why the teëam niutst JEV be prepared for a fast get away.,_____________________ M Ater 'the opiner with I.owia State,, H s m cý uo nOcto:ber 2. the Purpie ,vi1I meet Aiter the usual sumnmer vacation, 'Michigan, -Purdue,, Ohio State and\jlîte Chapter,.0O. E. S. e WViscons11In iisuccession. The No- jormerly ai Worthen's for 10 years VCmI)er portion'of: the schedule cails M-\onidax- eveniigi August 16. Several îor gaines with Illinois, M'innesoôta of the offic rsar ilaavova- - andl Notre Dame.,I t olis. soý the follovving acted vr' Takes Pleasure in Announcing: the State o Une tein: Mrs. Mary -W. Jones -as. asso- Form-ai Opening of Rer New ý\Waldorf's rebuilding job, this fa]l: i' j~~mtrn rilleD.ons s- muiist start -in the line where onlv ;1X caepto r.MreJ is lettermnen, thiree of* whom are endS, icat arnMs lvreJ 1ýi>i %vill re turn.7.Eleven ,playýer-s whu-110 e.r çtarY: Mrs, Helen J. Cook lcon- Ex C I u S I v e Hi S o elît iae he W poat'er îi ~ n1 hepdPaeth;ict frvrdIdi.tc s rs. Çaroline 1. -Convi\erse, wall oiie of the imost fil Il - aces 011 ~~~~~~~~t1ie con feýrcice> last vear lhave heý(eni Sidcn)rhl:Ms\waPii Ofl ~~~lo>t t rough1 gradluationi. ad.masa Mr.AnBl u Th(- tacklc, guard and center po- sitions wverc particularly hard biit. Thé -mis Dj- L. Kiuelzow\, of, tw o111v experienc.ed players back fori- Credeti iials .dmi -e asesrt( these positions are Bob)\'oigts, tackle au nfodcd. A.nln i ort on j ie Calvano. guard. and Erwini the sewing at Mrs. Gertrtude( M.Mo- XVge.ceniter. The latter tbo., vere euX. was ýivenbv ont maia-roni-Mi-,. ruscrve players last *yeaîr. The end GMtud f. Ac kcrmaiin. Ourtirîi positioiis are bevtter fortified m ith ArtImir G. Bloom. Lave a fine*c pr C(o 'Di 0', ohn- Kovatch and 1M I d0f tlie pîicnîli e]D o01lv 3l. Glanimi letternién, avaîlable. Theie us 1 .1 twowere îastseasoMr,.' Mav Woodliead, Gracé lqaa.i. .ý\- egue-ilars andCaro Çoîars,: i;< - a1 mtiit aroundf sucli everans as Capt. )onl Heaps. Fred Vatuzo, Bernard. Wili find_ ma*g9flfcently simple classic gowns of 952 Spanish Court, 1 Wilmette, Ill. ha~ tir>. f1al1he '.Sot onutt~ is etijQ-aiopng nicclv and we op Jhe Wl bu ticalop to be wîHOns au.a:n. Mrc. Elsa JoFs hnsbaîd \mas alle to In ati Ppartv hbcd at the honî& o? Mrs. Alberta K. Orner. Thu lhostessu< mli oasite(1 were NMar -Anna Hoti- Iînit irs,. kHizaitl)t i ce, Nrs. Bertha Schinettge-and tirs. FT-à Sýchuiniaclîer .A pe titi011 for ii'tilia-7 tion mvas reccive(1. tir. and 'Mirs, August J. Ketulzo\\- andî Mrs. Mavbelle.K. Oakwý-ood are a *1 g: mrs. . Adelaide Scott's liuisband .passed away and we extendj. otir sympathy. The next meeting wilI be lield sep- tember 6. -M. W. J. September 9th, lOth.. and llth .1132Wl1it vuu