ATTEND HALL CAME Miss Marilyn Leighton and «M iss jean L-eimb ach of Iowa city are theý housé guests of the Max C. Greiggs, 727 Central avenue. Miss Leighton, Who is,,the fiece, of Mrs. Greigg, arrived with Miss Leimbach late iast. week. Te camé to attend the foot- ball* gamnie' held Wednesday between the Ail-Stars and Gr een Bay, Packers and will leaveý for Iowa this week-end. Saudayanid Sunday, Special BRICK ICECREAM FULL QUART lii5C CONFECTION WRY I Just West of Rank FrLaor 0ay ' 652 Boýnnie B . ......... . 1289 Katy Did I... .. ................Mrs. il16" skipit . . . . . . . ........ 6 7 ... .. .. ....... ... ....Mrs.1 8457)Asterisk.......................Ms 19109 Little Audrey.................Mrs. 1 290 A3riel .....M . 1220 Sgta...................M5 1326 Jmnx ........................M. 3a4' Walrus....................Mrs. 11-66 Ouil..................... M És. RE][ SEREES Finial Roce, 'Sunday, Auguist 29 (Windward-1eeward course, twice around, eight miles, liow a y TÏ. E. Mead T. A. Waage N. S. Norse John W. Lane W. B. Ellis A. W. Friskey eas.t wind;. winner'sz XubrBoat Skipper In Serles 1220 Sagitta .............. .. ýBob Bradbury .* .... 35 108K Doiphln ..............E. E., Raymond '55* -.652 Bonnie B ............ . L. Floyd 36 1289 Katy Did Il. W. .1. Noble . . . 25 500 Carol ................Tarold Elliott > .54 556* Blue Mist . ...... Clive JenkIns .. .47 1309 Little Audrey. ..T.. ... .E.. Mead .... . .. . ... 65* 1163 Skipit ................Ed, GallowaY . 33 1326 Jinx ................ John W. Lane............3 845 Asterisk . W. & R. Otter. 56* 673 D. J. Bergnian - 34 1503 Fifteen-O-Three .........T. Davison ... ...............8 681 GlIider .. . . . .Y. ]Bingham.............41 412 Twinkle Ditto ... ... axâ Hayford ........ .23 355 Hummer..........A W. Friskey ..10 802. Pegasus.............. Van ýGathany.. 4 1188 Fit 1-. "M. Strong . . .26 12900 ArWI l , . .. ..... .... Cari Johnsoni . . . . 24* 116, Ouijil............ rhrBradbury.............30 *Series' final standings: Little Audrey, first, Asterisk, secýond; Dolplini, third. FOR NEWCOMER Presents Movie Film Eight littie girls from the Stolp school. were entertained at tea Sun- of Travel in Africa day at the home of Shirley Eiling. Wednesday ýevening in Rudolph 610ÔFourth street, to welcomeé a new- Matz Hall- at Commuiiity House. -coner tô the village. The guest of Winnetka. the Shorelinie Motors, 726 * honor was -Joan Grahiani. .346 Green-. Elm street. presented an ediiuf;tjional leaf avenue, vvho iïnoved hiere with her talking 1rnovie nicture entitied."XVheels sponsored bv the Anierican tFores;trv, association -of Washington, D. C. The firs t expedition ,vent iintô the Wind river-regiofl of Wvorning, and the second trip as a pioneer expe- dition . into the primitive regions of. the Sawtooth rnôuntains. On this trip, in several places. trail, builde rs had- to go ahead :ai)d,.make. a traîl through, thé wilderness for the trail riders. SOn' each expédition the group vvas limnited to 25 and the miembers carne from ail partS. of the Vited, States.* There were seventv riding and pack, horses. in, the string. At the conclusion of the Idaho trip the,,members of the party mwere,9guests of the United States Forestrv service at the Sun vailev rodeo. Miss Lee. then ç,i,itecl Sait Lake Citv, and frorn there 1 .ent to ryce canyon, the' Grandý canyonan Zion Nationalpark., On. the way home she stopped off at Denver. RUNNERU IN MINNESOTA Mr. andi Mrs. G. A. Ricks, 12361 *Forest avenue, and Oliver R. Earr.ett, 623 Abbotsford road, KeilwNýorth, re- turnied recently from a twvo weeks' visit at Camp WVenamana at Lake Vermilion in northern Mneoa They were the guests of -Mr. and Mi\rs. E, J. Larson of Virginia. 'Minn. vvere at th~e trne on a nunnng ex- pedition in Africa. Déserts, jungles, swamps, animals of ail sorts. and maâny other interesting dishots" showed whiat it means to journey across Africa Nvith nîotorized equiprne ut. HOME FROM MOTOR TOUR M\rs. W. .H. Mu\Iischlat. 119 M-\aple avenue, and lher. niece, Miss Alic e Miss W. r.,uas, 81 next week. cH. Elias arrived on i Buffalo,, N. Y., to visit, Mr' and Mrs. Lester Central, aveiiue, for the car is *LUURICATED *WASHED * ICHANGED at "Bob" Gordon's Copyright I.'