~eaneOf this. holy 'dav,. which ranks mii sacrtý(dness and soieniniity nlext to ilhe 1.av of Atonirient, w~il1 usher i the x'ear 5098 of thceI-{cbre\xv calendar.~ The 'ho1ilay xiii close at stuni-et on M onda* '%,,Suptenîher 0. ..\fier, an absenlce ofthre nîonàithiS <luriuî1g' vhc h ravéied extenisivclv in PIolan(l, Runianial, anîd Palestine, Rai)l) Charles Shuluinu lias returried .te lus congrégation, and(i xviii Ol(IUCét the NeNv Ycar services, at the Nol-th Shiore Conigregation Lsrael in Glencoe Suuîday, Spcme .,and(on NMon- (lav, Septeniber 0. l'le temple 'is Io- cateà at tu.e* corner of Linicoln and, Vernon. avenues. *'WllithrIsracl' wxiii 'be the sub- jct ' of Rabbi Shlmiani's' sermon on 11w eveing of September 5 at 8:15 (u'"Iclck and at thed Ne,,% Yea r norn- 1119 service at 10 o'clock0on Monday,> .Scptemibcr ô, lie xviii have for bikSsub- *ject, "Four Approacliès to Life." Mrs. Shulmnan who is returninig thIlis .weeék- froin a 'six, monthis' staý, 11K Plalestinie, ,ilIl conduct. a special New YcVar service for children on the. irorniing of -Monldav, Sep)tenîber 6. aitIl1:15 co'ciock. George SokolskY. nentoal kilüwî joiirialist and authgrit-y on the Orient, zvill inaugivratc. a series ai 'programis spoiisorcd by the Grad- itatc Teachers', college at Wiiipietka this faau. and winter. He will lecture at Skokie school, Wilnnetka, Oc- tobes' 19. JThe prograjus, inclui( such notables at Alec Tempicton. Bishop G.. Brornley* vOxirn, an~d !,ouU Untenueye, tretOý bc givn ..as belnefits fùýr tfliclulrl pf of >the -colle ge. Child Is Born to Former Resident of Kenilworth College Tailors Open Mfr. and Mtrs. Darwini P. Kingsiexi Linden Avenue Quarters of Hewlett Harbor, Long Island, N. The olgTaoranCeaes antotiic th brtl ofthir irt lhave just opened a niew store iii XViI- -.4,1.'i CharlesC anerii' i nesl 'v- whoinet i ./ .. 2QZ T ,..i ili 2-iii i( 1119-21 Central Ave. 0». J7ilmette TI.#atre Witnette 183-184 LABOIRDAY DOESN'T MEANYTHAT ' HO -AVE, TrO FIX VOUIR OWN FURNACE. -- BUT -ME-A TH AT ITS ABOUT AND HAVE IT PUT IN ORDER FOR THE :COMI'NG W INTER. Don't delay-Cal our service de» Partmnent for ù trained tnecbonik. Installing -Repairing -Cleaning FURtNACMS-PIPES and DOILERS AIR CONDITIONING - HEATING - VENTILATING Roofing-Gutters-Spouts-Sheet Metal Work the tidings to othier niemibers of tiié famiy. rs.Kingsley is tlue formne Elizabeth Eckhart anîd is thie sister of MIrs. Thomias Roswel1 Coyne and Mfrs.- James R. D. Stevenson of Keriilworth. Mrs., Eckhart retturw 1e( home thle first of the week but lelf ininmediate1y with Mr. Eckhart fora vacation ai Lake Placid.ý VISITS ON SH-ORE ' iThe concern's shôp has been Qoper- r 'te(l for 30 years on Noyes street ini r Vvanston under the saine naine,where (a policy of offering five-Jour service f pro'ved quite successful. la additioni. .the, concerii conducts a taiioring de-. partnient. A.)ccordinig te the nianag e- m nent, this pliywiIl be carricd 9ont at the'sfore iti,.Wilnette. a iid NIr s.E.F :hler, Children- in Oklahoma 'are often given a hog's tooth to wear on a string arou nd their necks as 'a toothache cure.. Snider-Cazel Drug Wilmefto ad Central Cmll Wilmette 400 1531 I. p J 1, hêne