I TWomen i endbhoirway lo our cioor .very day ~ PeYUSUw Wv.s $ 50 -Shtmpoo -Fingerwave -Manicure Arch of, orS Linden C res t'. .Bea.uty Shopm S426 tJnden'Ave., Wilm ette *Mr: and Mrs. Gerald T. Wiley, 300 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, returned Moriday on the Santa Fe Chief from a visit to the west coast. Mrs. XViley had heen at Santa Monica, where she xvas the guest for tenl days ofMr. Charles E. Law. of 24 Warwick avenue, Indian Hill. Mr. W.iley joined her 'fûr two -weeks in ýSan Francisco and Los Aýngeles. NVearest Standard Station to Wilmette's Business District. Our new hydraulic tIf assures von th. fin.f lubricai@m. 1. Staff Photo. .Slonahozc is flici newt 12.5 foot Coflcitettdam on H h1111u, eroad- in conneccti ou Act treS'k o kiLlafluons dceiopnren t under supervision of tre -VtotlPark Servi Ce, .ar'(d On1 tlic doeicnstream faceo1f ftice da; i arc slio> ire tfichlrce orifides tlrrbu';tlz à4i/1 b l", naiedb-v cans of SI mic 1iatos cm t1ire p-s1trearn side of tlircdamt. In the picture. ut tcf t, IS 0 (close-up ve of one of the. threes/uic (JLICS i l ie steeli gratn qsurrundnq t to prez'ent di-bris front c/oging ftic o ri pc. TOILET TISSU!E Fits bulit-in bath- ' $ room fixtures 15rolls $ ,SQUIBB'S MINERAL OIL Quart89C Softer and more abs.orbent, &09 tissues 27t College Wardrobe Con test Winners Assist Shoppers In the recent college wardrobe con- test sponsored b%, Charles A. Stevens and compan'v "of Chicago, Miss Betsy Burd, 810 Michigan avenue, Wil- mette, won second place arnong the 89 enuiep. at N\orthiwestern university in. Sep- tember.- She, is studying business and poIiCal ecoriomics. TRAVELS AND.STUDlE.S Edith Ray Young, north shore piano teacher, has returned home after a sum- ni 'r of travel and study. After attend- 1 ng a viano normal couirse crn<ictedi Phone Wflmeffe 28 1718 Sherman Avenue Coilege .UNIversity 3004 23c