*Teresa Ferrio-Peterson, weil known north shore soprano who lives at 1924 McDaniel avenue, Evanston, will bc guest soloist with- the Illinois Syxxphony orchestrain- W il ie tt e bowl, next Wedpesday evening at The baton 'wilI be in the hands'of Robert .WIhitney, Chic ago1 supervisor of the foderal music project. This is a- return engagemecnt by popular de- mand' for Mr. Whitney who Nvas en- thusiastically received by north àhore, music loyers when' he condtct'ed a "farewveli" conàcert at Wilmette. bowl o on. August 18. Mr. Whitney is sched- uled to leave' early iii eptember for Louisville,1 Ky, where he has been appo inted conductor. of the., Louis- ville Symphoniy orchestra. According to Walter C., Farrar, chairman of the commrittee on ar- rangements, the policy of comrmencing the \Vilmette concerts at 8 o'clock. ta facilitate the seating of the, crowd, l)efor-e dark'will be continued. ~Nati~ve Clttagôan 'Miss Peterson, the soloist, is a native Chicagoan who receîved al hier mutsical education here. She bas made many appearances with orches- .tras and is particularly weIl known for be r church choral work and her: radio activities. On~ Wednesday's program she wiIl sing "Voi Io sapete" from "Cavaleria Rusticana" by Mas- cagi. and the aria ' "Mi chiamano -Mimi" f roini "La.Boheme" by Puc-cini. The orchestra! will play Weber's -AND ALSO TI4~ -4 Or- -r EmIT- N- M 0o LE PNE S 14t ____ ____ ___ ____ - .~ SfetyCouncil Two Are -Arrested After IWilmette Sox Lose letkft. 6 to dahlia shows which are held each tati1 at Community Flouse, Winnetka,,unt-. der' direction of the American Gar- deners 1 association, are said- to be largely r espontsible ,f or this.. Plans are now going forward by theý association for the, coming third an-. nual exhibit, which, accordinig to*As-' sociation Secretary ;Lester E. Bird, Prom ses to far excel anything of the, kind .heretofore undertaken, eitber on thýe nortb shore -or in. the :entire Cicago area.. owGarden Clubs Joi' Nwjoined'witb the association are ail the garden clubs of, the' iorth shore, whojse, tuembers, are not only pttingf orth their best' efforts to produce.prize winningý dahlias -in the scores of prevailing. varieties, but who are also interestig many ot1iers i the culture of this popular flower. .A feature of the corning show is to' be a children's section. hast spring the association througb the aid of members of various garden clubs dis- tributed over 400 tubers to boys and girls who expressed sufficient interest -in dahlia culture to 'enter the contest. Battle lusects While the season, in general, has beepn favorable for the orowiiig of prentice," ,a n d Tschaikowsky's.and Couxntry club, who was driving Marche Slave." north on Fifth street. No personal injuries resulted, but both cars were Two Wilmette People Are badly damaged. Eoth - drivers claim- ed to be driving between 20 and 25. Awarded Degrees at N.U. miles per hour. Ross Was held by Two students f rom Wilmette are police on failure to give right of way, arnoiig the approximately 400 students and Cawiezell was charged with reck- Who received degrees this week froni less driving. tIhe summer session of Northwestern univesity. ., .-Wilmette Driver Ixjured ROTARY CLUB At the meeting bell Wednesd at Shawnee Country club, the Rotp club of Wilmette had as its speat Dr. Paul O. Sampsoni, dietitiana * lecturer, who spoke on "The Joy F ats." tnrot pitcher. Woy allowed 6b runs, 5 tilts, walked 3, and struck out 11, whereas Kramer allowed 4 runs, 4 bits, walked 7, bit 2, and struck out 9. On Sunday the Blue Sox will play the Nules. Center Home Laundry at Sharp Corner, announced manager Doc Reynolds of the Blue Sox this week. inspection 'anion-g t way 'you wil save and energy. nio one home the window. througn the gruwing seaon i au shap, and will be on anc! wh.n the show opens with some fine specimens. The prof essicnal gardeners who un- derstand, combating borers, bugs, etc., say they will have a finer array. of blossoms than any whicb have graced these past popubar exhibits. Show Trophies Another meeting of the association. was. beld Thursday evening of last nem. b oth Saturday, when he attempted to stand on the shoulders of a playmge and fell to the ground. H4a was removed to the Evanston hospital for treatment. -7 e7