WiImefle 332> Winne'ka 1332 UN. 9300 Glecoe1332. . Higind Park 181 mninouncrng oh p pin ment. of NORH SOREREFRIGERATION CO, 1551 Maple Avenue. Evanso a is an Authorized4 RCA Vctor Dealer See he Complete Display NEW 1938 MODEL SI her husband's friends received a privately prînted volume of the ad- dresses and writings Mr. Tenney- muade during his careeër., Her brother, the late Henry FavilI, was a noted physiciail. Mrs. Tenney is survived by a da ughter, Mrs. F Goddard Cheney, and two sons,.IFHenry F Tenniiey,. former vilage president >of, Winn et- ka, and Dr. HoraceKXent Tenney, Jr.,, of Madison, Wis. Services were 'held 4 o'clock Sunday ýat Mrs. Tennev's flate home. Interment was> in. Mad- ison. Father of W innetk Woman Passes Away William G-uild Bruen, until hîs re-' tirement on July 31, director and1 -secretary of'the. Western Pacific rail- road, passerl away at, Berkeley, Calif.,i on August 21. Mr. Bruen was born at Newark. Ne-w Jersey, October 31, 1860. In 1878 hie entered the service of thie Illinois Central railroad w h i c hi brought bum to Chiicagçb where he remained in the executive dePart- ment of the railroad for .30 years. In 1908 he joined the executive de-2 partment of. the Western' Pacific railroad, then. under constru ction, and remained1 in the service of that rail- year and approxinmately $120,000 has been spent by the navy department in building new shops, administration building and airpiane facilities. ,The planes and equionient. were re- mioved from the Naval Training sta- tion at Great Lakes Mav 15 and bave beenat the Curtiss Aitport.,!since that time. The new naval, reserve avia- tion base js. in reality a small naval air station ini that it is entirely, self-. supporting,-anid caîî carry on al over- hauls of engines and airpianes. A' crew of ab)out 30, mciiý and two com- rnissionied officers are on duty. through- o ut the year at the Base. Recently the naval'reserve scouting squadron fine completed its, tvo weeks annual training duty at the base. 'During this time tactical àfling, guniiery, div bomnbing, radio, niaviga- tîin, night .flying and cross-country fligWere enigaged ini. These pilots go througzh the sam-e training that is receiyied ini the U. S. fleet except on a sinaller scale.; Soi-e of the officer personnel who wýiI1l atiipate ithe ceremiesin- clude: Lieut., Com. J. H. McKay, USN., fromi the reserve aviation base, St. Louis;. Lieut. Chas. F. Greber,' USN., fromn the reserve aviation base, Detroit: Lieut. H.. L. Hopping, USN., froni the reserve aviation lbase, M\in- neapolis; Lieut. F. E. Weld, USNR., froni the. reserv-e avjaýtion base. Kan- ana asonRobert, both residing miPar Ridgue; LnieaEneG rank Berkeley, Calif., and a daughter, Mr.USNR., Cliicagoj.; Lieut. Victor W. Richrd ates Hoffmian, residig R Wcinaetka. Randecker, USNR., Glenview ; Lieut. (jg) Johin W ure USNR.; ChIica- go, Executive office of the Base.; Mrs. vuinlevan Dies 'go Lieut. (jg' J. ýG.. Sliney, IJUSNR.,, Executive office of the Base;1 Lieut. After hort Ilness(jg) Chas., G. Keigwin,ý (medical),, Funeral services for Mrs. Mary H.' USNR., 2605 Prairie. ave'nue, Evans- Quitilevan,. 1928 Thornwood avelne, ton; Lieut. (jg) Reinhart *E.' Vogt, Wilmette, who passed away on Tues-- USNR., Milwaukee: Lieut, (jg) Rus- day of last week at St. Francis hos- seIl M. VanTuyl, USNR., Chicago,« pitl, after a short illness, were lield Lieut. (jg.) George T. Tremble, USNR.. - ~.~y*JL Uis iuglte, IT. M . . G. I n addition- to Ms H. J. Hickey, Van Wnkle of. Glencoe, and by a Mrs. McDermott.is survived by three son, Roy.h Services. Were held Satur- other daughters, Alice O'Reilly, Flor- day at he Achilles funeral home, ence Verest, and Marie Chase, and 6915 Wentworth avenue, Chicago, and two sons,, James and John McDer- interment was in the Irving Park mott... Road cemetery.