USED FRIGIDAIRES AS LOW AS $40 Guaranteed one year. V. J. KILLIAN CO. 907 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka Mû 129LTN14-3tc CLEARANCE,.SALE-SEPT. 2, 3 and 4. Ail, clothing, shoes,ý pictures and books, hiaif price' G:lider and 6. burner 2 oven gas range, (ILENCOTE. THRIFT SHOP. 659 Vernon ece 129LTN16ql-ltc Sale on Antique Furniture DEVON MOVERS,& STORAGE 7122-7124 NO. CLARK STREET l29LTN15-8tp MODERN DINING. ROOM', SET IN firet class 'condition. Wil seli very cheap. Phone Winnetka 2889. ________129LTN16-ltP 8-PIECE DINING SET, $35 Large overstuffed davenport, $20 Beamed baby scale, $3. ýWilmette 40 129LT16-Ilp DAVENPORT, LATE MODEL KEL- vinator refrigerator; Simipllcity nman- gle 'and129 Lineoinsedan-,-excellent vondition. Wllmette 3929. 129LTN1 6-1tc 11-PIECE DINING ROOM SET. VERY REASONABLE. CALI, WILMETTE 2831. 129LbIN1 6-Itc, F INI,' MAHOGANY PURNITURE, oriental rugs o11 palntings and water colors. AI] furnisbings must be sold at once. 815 Forest Av'e. Wilmette. 1291,TN16-ltp SIDEBOARD AND A GLASS CHINA -Cuboard. Kenllworth 2189. 1 1 NORMANDY- HOUSE The Food ile always *mmeu#tiii -d% Unîted tables), $2,600 a yeaxý, Burweau of Agri- cultural Economices. Specîalist in Infdli arts and eraWftsý, $2,000a et Indian Arts and*('rafts Board, and Indian Fielil Service, De- partment of the Interior. Fui! information' May be obtain.ed. from the, seéretary of-the U. S.. Civil Service :board of examiners at the post office. ~ORSAL-HOS!HLD ooDs MOVING AWAY-HOUSEHOLD PUR- niture, garden tools aind fuirniture, sun porich set.. Reàsohable for quick sale. 1129 Elmwood Avenue', Wilrnette. 4469. . . 129LTN16-ltp HOUiSlEHOLD GO1,ODS. A N TIQ 13E sofa, chifferobe, table topgas, stove, rugs, bookshelves, reed chair, desk chair, cot, drapes, curtainis, curtain sxvatôhes, victrola. XViI. 4573. ý129LTN15-ltp P3ARTY MVI É O CALiFoRNIA. Will seli ighl sed 6.7 eu. ft., Westinghouse refrîgérator. cali wîn-~ netka !90.8. 19T1-t 1,. A R E 0 fl T1, ,tr1 zi1ÈPhtE1tAT 0 R, suitable, for delicatessen, . $20; large- 2ý-oven Clark Je-woll gas stove, bargini. Winnetka 1021. 1 I29LýTN16-ltp TABLE TOP GAS STOVE, LIKE NEW; rugs; drapes; curtaîns; bookshelves; reed chair; cot; victrola. Wilmette 4573. (1019 î3th St.) 129L,16-ltp COMPLETE FURNISHINGS 0F 4 11001\1APARTMENT MÔl0VING. WINNrjTKA,2,321. ý04-6ý Emers ton Uni. 0189 ý130É,TN43-tfc WVE BUY FURNITURE RUGS, BRIC..A-BRAC, MTEN'S & WOMl- en's clothing, shoes, etc. Phone :Uni- versity 0103. 923 Chicago Ave., Evans- ton. 130LTN16-4tp ng MaMilne' i-uter landlng at Havre tiIey visitect the. picturesque- seaside -village of Etretat on the Normiands' coast, a rendezvous for mnany British nA e- can army. officers during their rest periods ini the World. War ; and Rouen, famous fôr its cathedral; and the joani- of-Arc Memiorial, oit the.\%av, to Pari-, and the Exposition. Most of the. exposition l)uilditngs wer:e flot ready ini June;*the Germian, Rlussiati. Italian, ýand Belgian buildings wcrc I'ready ou tinie. This wvas.beca.use these co 1u- tries sent their own workniei. The'United States .building-at that timie was> just, a tangle of iron., cou- crete, and stone, partly w.ithôut walls. Indeed, there were evideuces of labor difficulties there, tiot riots,b1ut grouips of *working mien standing arouind do- ing - nothing, waiting* for, sonetl'ig to. hé settled.. Just Like Philadeiphia *As. sooni. as . on -di ffecrence wotnld be patched up, the "rashi" \vould break out i another place. The situation reminded Mr. Geppert of the Seýsquti--ceutenniial ex- position at Phiiladeipia a fcw years ago. .Whiie taking a view of the exposition front the deck, of a Seine steaniboat. some people frot Toledo, Ohio, who had cornle to Paris from Hfarnburg, said: "If von wvant to see aut exposition that is ready, gro to Dusseldo.rf. X\Te saw it and it is very finle." Duisseldorf wvas added th the Gennent itinerarv in i ermainN me.hst1inn one person could take in, 1~loer serud o othe riei'-Iju- dîîtr1-Y "f Ni(,ee and .i<njtv. TTnllwi>îll 9ilng' thrIMPof <if lço'rs wlis, hntthe 1--11,.j ot;z, e 11o"( tIli',i Pttle of thé r'nrose~io ntavnln. but this tMo the occmmnnts werï,'-eIwihbxs0 fIli-aIbomrunits ç,nd tho th.oujsadý ofý neoile who lined the strootts were smlr clty, anu oo amn UiLI11r UýtLUIit a iýsland in thie Danube, an island big, enough to hold a îark and several resort -On the road fÉorn Viennia to Salzburg, Innsbruck, and. Feldkirk, Austria,. one is p as sing through1 country of great scenic, beauty. T4ere are' green valicys, for- ested hillsidesý rusjiug *streàims, rapidly changing landscapes. onemore -beautiful than the other.. (To Be Continued), Mrs. Tr.ue Willý Deliver Talk at Baha.'i. Service On August 29,. Mrs. Cornne Truc: of Wilmnette, Nili, deliî-efa' talk; on -"The On1eness of Faith," ini Founda- tion. hiall, Balha'i -Universal Flouse of Worship at Linden avenue and Shler- idan road, .Wilniette. This is one of the. regular fre lectures which are giVen on Suuiday afterxioons for all those who îmay ws to attend. ,Çlass for. children ipet every Suin-. dav at Il o'clock. Local Woman Will Sing in Ithaca, N.Y., Church, On Sunday, August 21), M\rs. Della Cook Clark of Glencoe ivili sing at the services of the First Baptist ëhurch of Ithaca, N. Y. Her song will, be one com.posed by Mrs. Mar- jorie Elliott of Glencoe, "Open Thou Mv y s" TOUR IN EAST Mýfr. and Mrs. Horace Capron and their dauighter, Constance, 560 Ridge road, Kenilworth, have just returnerî from a three wveeks' motor trip cast., stopping at Lýake Placid and Cape Cod,. Th-ey. visi ted Captain and Mrs., F. H. Roberts at thiir home atNew- port before returning home'. In their absence their home ivas occupied byv Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray. of Rogers Park. A. BiALLEJN, P. M.DC Service Engineer. %les ~jxv~dJ.j, J~ ~L1 on. $1 for 100 they are too poor to have automobiles.LUt1 parepecg the S- 7ILMETTE 744. A Chevrolet le regarded as a, big and mer with Mr-. and Mrs. Edward A. 132LTN13-4tP heavy car' over there: sueh a car costlng -Zimmnerman of '219 Sixth street, Mrs., more tItan twice what It does inl thiS Dickerson's parents. Judith Isabel ,YCLE country.. 'ION. $5.00. One Good Eoad is the' fi rst grandchi1d of the Zimmïer- 5087 There seems to be but one good road mans., The Dickersons may remain in' 132LTN16-ita fromn Vienùa to Budapest and It runsý Wilmnette to,.make their ho'me. here. IN (