Just a "Little Bit of Heaven" IS WHAT YOU IL SAY WHrN you see this- littie brick cottage set in, à,plaxting o~f blooming. flowers .and s;hrtibs, with a private gardeun. The house la just as pretty Isd souit- sid-. ('an be purchased for$30 down liayniýent. For partiuulars call.lMrs. Bright. The Northwesteîm CO. Builders for 36 Years 516 Davis St. UNI. 9500- _____11LTN16-ltcý LINCOLNWOOD, NEW BRICK HOMES-3 OR 4 BED-ý rooms, tle. baths and shower sta, X lav 7., knotty.pine library. Screencd terrace porch, tile kitchen with other feature's, conditioned air heat, gas or ou, cohplete .insulatiân, 2 cai*garag,,e, large landscapéd -lots. $17.500 and $18,500:' C. R. NORMAN,& CO.. 441 Ridge Road Wilmette 424 i I1LTN16-ltlp Cape Cod Colonial .WHITE FRAMr VWITI{1 PKET .FEN(E 1. Low .st $1,21,50f). h For u d(etailS Sec Mr. 1ietsclî. 490 Elm St., Winnetka Wý'in 2700 Bn. 1.15 I il LTN16-Itc * ENILWORTHf 556 Greenwood Ave-in rest-ic-tcd nih bor-hood anid on an 80 SOft. lot, i,ý tht' onlly house listed a t Iess tlîan $500in, that location. This 'bouse (;ini atualvJ he bouight for- $1 6,500 if Sold im11iedEittcly. 4. be (., 2 lge., tile,.,.oeI vrat a. oil ht. 'Sei, -- *SEARS RIi"AL E STATE Ex4duSivu Agenits *421 Richnioiid fd.~ KenilNvorth 2. I111TNI 6- 1tc .Californlia 0Own-ier IWILLING TO DISPOSEOF THrIS 6r1*o)I-2 î, to1, vbornu a t a:i c Lot0-ode-xta sli',cping porcli and sunirou. An atrcive oî in excellent condition., 850na tas.and shopping, Winnetkaý. HEIL11&HE.IL 1:122 Plhicago Ave. Davis 1819-1820 1Rogers Patrk 60 White Brick Côlonial 632 Green Blay Road Renil Ii PLANNING THE, FUTURE FOR those youngsters? On choicest Wil- mette street is for the first tii'e offered ail owner-built really delightful homôie in the Kenilwortb sehool district. 5 bed., 2 b. (space for 3rd) and 2, beauîflLl porches. Sears, -Kenilworth 5288. 11LTNI.6 .ltc $10,500-l066 PINE ST. WINN. Attractive, almost neW, 6 ria.,' brick col- .onial. 1%/ baths. Faces $45,.I00 h.-n'îes. Uy apl)ointlnenit onfly. Exclusive Agcrîts. ;WJTZLEBEN REALTY1 632, Greenbay Road Kenilwoýrth .5540 111LTN16-J tc OWNER.WANTrS OFFER 989 CHERRY ST., WINNETKA. LOT. 50xl77,, 7 room. st 'ucco house, 1 bath, oil heat. Garage. Will, make good terms. Cali Mr. Buckinaster, 'Mead & Coe, 69 W. Washinigton, ('icago. Ran- dolph- 0450. 111LTN16ý-1tc $6,50 6 R. WELLBUILT HOUS-E 1IX WI- netka. A1l rins. Ige. and light. 2 grýandI 2 ýge,4 blks.>- tns., 3 44ks. ,( school. '$1,500 dlown. Bal. less thari 830 per.month, Winn. 269 111LTN,i-lp 1437 ASBURY AVENU, HUBBýAtU woQds. White colonial, 3 b)drýns_.,2 baths, larýge living roonm, ooded lot, newly decor;ated. ('ut to $150.Cmn- v'enient tem.Call owner W'în. 282'3. WHITE FRAME COLONIAL, -LOD- cmn, 7 rmis. 4 bedrmis.,.ý bath and shower-, extra lav., lge. liv. rmn., H. W. 1)eat. Near sebool anid transp. Cal oWner. Willmette 905--M. il 1LTN1 6-ltc 7 ROOM HOUSE, 1 BATH, HOT. water heat. 2 car garage; large lot:* No brokers. Also housebold, goeods. 524 Ridge Rd., Wilmette 2489., 111LTNI 6-Itp FOR SALE OR RENT-HOUSES ORRENT OR1 ALE 7 ROOM HOUSE in <Gleîcoe. Wilinette 895-Y-i. 111A-,TN16-lttp W-ANTED To UY-N OUSES -- \\INNEýTKA R1ES. WANTS' 3 OR 4 ,bedroom bouse in Winn., or Kenil., not over $14.000. WValking distance, to transî. Cive details. Write A-103, Bo(x qO,'111 Wlrete II13,T-Nl6-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT PARCEL. LAND McGUIRE & ORR, mnc. Over 43 Years of Dependable. Service '530Davis St., Ey'an. Gre. 1080 Wil. 228 1lX4LTNlé.ltc -NOW IS THIE TIME TO BUYý VACANT! EXCLUSIVE BARGAINS !- WILMETT-Ideal 50 ft. lot one block west of Ridge on Greenwood, just cut fromn $3,000 to $2ý,600. %/2 mile from sta., KENTLWORTH-75 ft. lot near'Laei section offine, modern homes,3 at haif presênt Wiarket 'value. Under $8,000.1 ~~~INET A-50180ft. lot on Cherry St. in Wi.nnetka Maner. Owner wants ca'sh for this fine homesite. HEINSEN. REALTY CO. 60Centér St. (G. B. Rd.ý) Wînn. 254 114LTIN16-ltc RAVINIA TWO. CHOICE BUILDING 'SITES. One, 50Oxl58, one 70xl5G., Must be sold imirnediately. Prîced under market. Sec* usfor fui particula s. McGUIRE & ORR, mnc.. Over 43 Years of DeenabJ> eric 5,10 Davis St, Evan. Gre.1'Wi. 228. 328 Parik Ave., Glencoe Tel. Gletncoe 13. 114LTNtl6-ltc BUILD A HOME ON THE LAKE WE AVEA LOT 65x340 ON A HIGII bluff in Highlandi( Park ,vith wide sarld beach. at the extrempely 10w price of $10,750. Ternis if desired. .SMART & GOLE E,. mc.% EXC'LUSIVE AGENTS 1.564 Shermian Ave., Evanston Wil 2486 114LTNIG .1te- lZeal bargains rignt 110w. ('all at our office any day And get full details. Sheridan Rd. and Central Ave. Tel. Highland Park 69 114LTNId-1.tc FOR $12,OOO.OO YOUT CAN BUY IN FINEST Ravine airea of Glenc-oe nearly an acre of land one block to lake. 'al mi. Sommer. TUE BILLS REALTY, Ill. 529 Davis St., Evanston (Ire. 1166 WilI. 3740 BARRINGTON As a permanent home BAR- RINGTON offers excellent trans- portation, restricted communlty; beautiful drivewayýs, w ind in g through his, affording building sites of rare eharmn and individu-. ality. as well'as many other im- portant sub urban. advantages.- Present ,Offerings BUILDING SITES ACRES. PRICE 2........................ .. $2iOOO 20 . ...........................2,6.00 20................... .....2,000 10- . . ........ 2,000 6....................10,000 VILLAGE HOMES ROOMS LOT PRICE 9 4 acres.........$10,sS0 8 81x132........... 6,000 8 1 acre......5,000 9198xl32........10%00 7 45 ft. f ront ... 6,000 TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPER I COOPERATING. BROKERS INVITED HELENE LEDERER 250 E. 'Main Str'eet Phone 37 Barrington WOODED ESTATE 48 ACRES In tie rolllng country aide near the Kildeer Country Club with attractive vistas over a terrain dotted' wlth country homes, this tract, improved with a smaîl modern cottage with every convenience makes an >idea.1 and lnteresting country home. WYATT& NWaukegan Road COONS Glenvlew 81 124LTN16-ltc FOR UALE-HOUUEHOLD GOODU Sec Our New DJISP:LAY SALESROOM FINE LINE 0F Maple Sam.ples at *Open Sat. & Sun.-2 to 6 p). ni. * 1042 G-reenwood, Wilmette This lovelY 4 bdirm., -9 mod. 'th-, 2 car Mrs, ,Woodlhead--Exclustýive Agts.' WITZJ4EBEN REALTY' 632 Green Bay Rtoad Kenilworth 5540 Corne out. and W. R. Mitchell- ~R, c. .ext noIthly repaym able Ser-vice Full details b d' Rd., opp. P IRST FI lolf Club. SAVINGS & LOAý yourself. . . 0F WII Id Manager .Mr.- Cllfton, Secrel 114LTN16-ltc -Avenue. Wtlmette 16 ïCIATION r26 Central 129LTN16-lte TWO ORIENTAL RUGS - 9x12 - IN perýect, condition* will sacrifice et haîf, price. Phone Gre. 4178.. 129LTN16-lti3