Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Aug 1937, p. 52

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"1r1LVA1ý you 2225 ureenwoocl Ave., west of IDA IL SOE CLNA UESMA BEINPECED, Kenilworth Gardens. Same builder home is belowv new cost by 20%7 AT YTUR CONVENIENCE. has nearly completed 2 others. Look ' at. îeast. 4 bdrmns., sun rm., atthe fascinating exteriors, then brkfst. rin., and servants' quar- I~ ~ ~cali us. Inside are parquet. floors, ters, l>uilt in 1928. Might rent ILnalrd âZLýIe imported fixtures and the very lat- 2yer.ClM.Srrn est equlpment. Best of aIl, low up- 2Theseare just 'ar.few of ou XXTII~~~1ETTE ~~keep. Brick with slate roof. $22,500. hieirod.lsng. lo NEW HOMES. AT 1936 PRICES (3) FOR'LA&RGER FAMILY. HOUSE cali US for Apartment. Incoin'e SEE BY APPT. ANY TIME wîth 5 bedroorns, 3 baths, at 1390 - Real. Estate InVestnments., 1728,WALNUTý-6 rooi ,11/2bath brick Scott Avýe., corner of Vernon, Win- THE IBILLS REALTY, Inc. Colonial: knotty pîne garine"room ek.Lt 510 taeaae. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON $56 mornth on làt. $1,500 cari. oil heat. Su-h- a hanidsome,; sunny -Gre.* 1166Wi.74 handie. 1724 W'alhut ýsoid last hom1inths eoie lcaion(v week-d on't lose this one. $1,500 rarely ýcar offer at $20,000. ShoWn 1LN6t 2225 THORNWOOD-6 room Cape Cod. bY appo.intiént. .N arteLk Most. inexpensive NEW 2 bathe ho me in ýKenllworth Gardens. (4) JUST1 HAID ITS .FACE WASH-ED). FINE 9. RM. ENGLISH BRICK HOMAE, $3 0 ah 13,500. White, clapbâgaý--witb green blîids. 5 bedroomis, 3 baths,, suni roomn and 2136-214Ô casEIWRH prkig A small Colonial, with 6 *roorns and seeig.och -car garage. ild 2n36-2140 KENILWORTH - stoing 2 ýbathe, suni room 'and complete -1 x186Wlith many large trees. This 7 and roomCojonals -stone lavatory .on îst 'floor; .sleeping ia u~ b odinodrt and brick construction of the 1 i n - p orch overlooks garden. 2-car g- hoe isb ol nrd t. Wen. 270 00.. mthB.'85 rage. Lot 6,6x175. Ownersas, lîquidate, closed, bank. Listed MODERN 6 ROOM HOME: LARGE Dntgieteadress. Brinig theinu 2250 living roomn with réal flreplace*, here." He:rmigbt take $11,500. Cal Mr. Jenkins 3 bedrooms on .2nd with. excep: FULLER & PJCKARD'S SHORE-T.OWNS REALTY tional closet space; screened CORPORATION» jorch. Close to sehools and trans- VINNiEIKA OFICE10hiaoAvne.Ea.o portation. At $8,500 a. real buy. 63CiaoAeu,*Easo A. K. Smith. U lniversity 1444 or:_ý Winnetka 360 Gre. 2700 WiL. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 5, ROOM BUNGALOW -A-iS AE 746. Elin Street Winnetka :,111LTN1i6-1tc, onlt40xl30; 2-car garage. S1LN6-t . E. WINNETKA $7,500-$,1,006 down.Mr. Hin- . ,See this realiY adorable fram'e Col., lns.q neri; CflRenlèeaf 1855, HOL1y- WE HAVE IIOUSES FOP, SALE than 2 blocks> to lake, schls., and court 1855. froin $3.500 for a bungalow aIl trans., for the first time offered for sale WTTT\T~'TT7Athe way up to $40,000 and Deer- and. at only $16,500! The. house is iîn VVI1NNETKA X ~field taxes are extremely small. ierfect condition and has 3 lovely bedJ- HUBBARD WOODS-8 ROOM BRICK, îrms. 1 bt.h., but adequate space for tu)e Living roomn 17x2.6 ; 2-car garage: A DOWN PAYMENT 9Idbh f h ase er.Teyr A select. offering. vill taiçe any i. -ndbh. of f e aser bearun.thul e ar reasonable offer or trade for PLUS ad tis aoer f loe,r beutiuy kc sinalier. Mr. Mehren. hand in it i and., crened summernd 2 4 STORY VINE-COVrERED RED $7.42 Per Month Per $1,000 houstie. CFoing apond enee. bid brick Englishi type home set i Will handie practically every one of .Fi ponmnse i acre lovely yard: beamned ceil- thein. At present pnices, ownership) SEARS REAL ESTAT ing; step-down living room, 18x costs less per month than present 421 Richrnonil Rd. Kenilw'jî ..i 528$ 24; 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, rents which will go higher yet. 1LNh.t maid's room. and bath. HOLC Prices usually follow rents. boan malçef purc-hase possible for $109. per nionth with reasonable McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. EAST CHESTNUT downpaymnt.Quick sale im ln1 perativ. Barain. Miss. Gray. Over .43 Years of Dependable Seryioe-, WIMETiTiE W~Nntka 700 BRlrgae r1. -. 432. Deerfield Rd., Opp. School and7 Brion lHill Golf Club. COLONIAL BRK RESIDENCE HIGHLAND PARK W. R. Mitchell, Mgr. fleerfleld Office. o-)l w-coded grounds, Off ered, at A REAL, PRIZE WILL, BE YOURS IN Corne out and talk t over. No obliga - . substantial reduction. Cost about this 9 room home in most beau- tion and no high pressure salesmanihip. $45,000 to build in 1925. tiful woode.d section. 4 loveiy mias- 111LTN1'6-Ice !9,1100 M'S--6 BEDROOMS-3 BATHIS ter edroms,2 tle atfi, lt 1Best Possible construction., 110x245. Mi\rs. McHenry. 505 LAUREL AVE. Caîl Mr. Hlarper WOOLAD OA -FrmeCoonalN"T J UST AN ORDINARY 6 Rl'OOM lSJIORE-TOWNS REALTY olbeatîful wooded lot: 4 bed- hoe Tharngmt spciuCOPR IN ronis 2 batbs; completeîy reno-thomTearneeti pcos OPRTO vated. Reasonable down paynment th ron'S la rge, .walis are a"s'. 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston -balance like rent. Mr. Rink. th matrbdomhsw dbîn Ge200 WI60 Rg.P.63 DELL PLACE-Drop in and see wav Ifirepflaee and th~e porches are d1elighitfui . 11ILTN16-ltc we dim his EWT7 rom, 1 these warni summer da S. A lov eî of -__ bath brick Colonial is priceà flowers will be thrilled with the 1)~u REALT1ORS!!. $1,50.0 below reproduction. bilities of this splendid lot 60x221.Wî Smlth. Winn. 2700.. 'lot let is imake an a, o.t en o o Can You sell nearly 2 acres of ground LAKESIDE PLACE. - 8 roomi,.3. bat)th nýjwnt it today? . with owner-built bouse overloo1çj-ng -white brick 'homne oveilookini Q -N1/ffA IDwn._ o iý T- .T,.T and iadiuining Skokie (country Club,h 748 ýELM .ST. ies, ait sizes. $4,000)1>to values homesites and 'T & SCHELL WINNETKA 965 I~ ~ U ire~llyllwE TO INSPECT A NEW HOME open for your inspection on Sun- day. A beautiful 6 room, 1i/2bath, brick Colonial in 'a. new section of.rising property. values. 1916. Highland Ave.; Wil 'nette. W..G. .RUGGL4ES &,CO.' 517 'Davis Street,, Evanstôn Uni. 6886 lOI. 688'6 Wil. 1660 WILMý-ETTEi'S FINEST, LOCATION Lovely white Colonial on well land- scapedl lot. Large screen pcb., 4. good bedrms.-, slp. ýPCh., 2 tile haths. O11 heat. 2-car -gar. Attractive recreation rmn. Price $19,500. THE IBEST BUY IN GE(O OA is a modern brick with lflogtil.e roof. Lge. living rm., with bridge alcove, pine, panelled dlining rm., 3 bdm,2' baths, 2-car att. gar. Oul heait &' o;l water hetecr. Well financed with $9,500, fie-ea an at 5%. ý$13.500. BAUMANN-COOK 5-53 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 34 50 GLENCOE Ona private winding R-d., and on a beau- tifuly Wôoded 150 ft. lot, is thisý perfect French house Jiist placed on the muar- ket. 5 mnaster bedrms., with 3 tile bt1i,'., 2 servants rms., and bth. Charming paneled llbrary. Unusuaily Ige., sur., pch., ope-ning off 1 Iv.,. and. dining rmý-- Finished recreatio» 'rm., ln basernent. Owner moving and most anxiou*s to sell. See SEARS REAL ESTATE Exclusive Agents 421 Richmond Road Keniworth 52ý8 CLOSýýE-IN ESTATE NEARLY 3 ACRES WITH FINE RED brick home in choice section. Own- er flot returning to City.. Will en- tertain 'offers. Inspection at any tinle by appt. with M~rs. Fleming. t4red'k Via Eim st. NJ BRICK I'-Mrs. Fuller& MW71 roms 21,ý cobored j407 Lindien A-'ve. garage, large deep ___________ s selI. It's a '"buy." for inspection. BRICK COLONIAL. S1ZK SGlencoe. 7 rooms, 3% bE )lias & Co. att. gar. grounds beaut. lai Wlinnetka 2850 ifice $18,500. About , 1111,177ltP Owner Glencoe 682. :ard. ,Oring m e 437inco - Id andscaping ýHT1S large trees aloi *ium; 2 tile baths, mald sac- roorn, sleeping pc cost. good house in eve 6-tc enhlwort-h '5111. nd lovely1 gardens, AIN rear lino. 8 rooms, room and bath, sun iHot water oil. A wayý. To. see, phone80 ý.>ity .NdLio 0F EVAN Davis St., Rmn. [NTMIENT Agency N, INC. G re. 1412. IlLTN>ý61tp

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