Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Aug 1937, p. 50

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oi age, BOY WANTED FOR P01 17 years or over-. Par General cleanlng around' at 338 Park. avenue, (;let week dy ny EXPER'D DRIVER drive a school bus. Mue Only neat appearing,. brigi apply. Address A-1.04, Box * HiELP WTD.-MALÈ AN~ DOMESTICTI securt. choice pas À.enerýals;, cooks, second.s,.n Ijousemen, chauffeurs, day Pauline'sEmipi] 421 Fourth St. Wilmette 2171 3: cooks,-$l î to LS junior clerk. ____- - - rig., nicouern eo1>( m ni- s.-t)1(19. Late with coin- TU KP>RAN$î en 18 and 21 TRUCK718 HG A1 'N'A \'F'. 4-5 rms.:.Mi on. north hr. i DSU UTSta nd L'incîn school. $;0 37 nd mette, 111. 15 7"- -,,b înd fcluass. u hs. (11118'2.5 0. 21,16-1 t >dalebae.3x;Rp~tie u'13 JMNAV.<hIce Dais st. __________ - ternis..l tn. Niar uni\ . 1;-7 rmls. $1 17..,1) ýRTER VWORK, \\ilmette, Chexi-olet Sales, $12. r in work. né(fjn f. stor~e.Inquire 61 (ree.nBay Rc,-ad Wlet 441414 tcîo' 111 JIrlQ'l n, ncoe. 9 to Qix 1__ __ -LN ;i ra nsI>). 2. 5. 7 2 L16 - 1t?, 725-39 Hinman Axe. 3-4 fnis.7.50 AUT TRILRS _____ :55.0 A 'nvenientto Main St. VANTED, TO .WA NTEFTO R E NT 2Tl;it 49t bie.over 21, 1 or -5 pas'ýcengeùr tal ht per.son.> eed Rep to Gleneoe 1740. il..SAT4½ ROM ARTMNT. <66, WI]mtte,7sJenc -1ul>R.d (ast exposure. 2. bedroorasý, 72 LTNl16-1te __________________ v îtile--wall bath andl shower.1Large *'FOR RENTF-ROQMS living oorn, kitchéen and dining.Al ID FIEILE F VT .7RNIH FD ROSFOR iPE N T. reydec. I~ciPr Vtre 20d lcaio. Lden Crest Building P rNeéar statio>n. KOL MJTHi, AGENTS NIE TO 1326 Forest A ve-.,M'il mette. 424 nden Ave.Wlntt 0 -Mions. ______ ____ 2T1~t 92LTN1-t nurses, couples.--- ____ workers. Ronîsta en. .i.2)tJJiIýTIii.i1Y IAgcv. Garage (fptional. 2nd FLOOR, 'OPPOSITE RAYM'OND 634'àl - . alVilnîette 1671.. Park. Light.woodwork. Unusual light 61 dviSt 82LTN16-ItP and ventilation. Overlooks ýlarge side D)avis ,ý7777 73LTN5-lt FURÎSHE> ROO FORSLEEING.yard, belonging to buildin.3bck -~~~~ ----* '2blocrks frorn.othetr and from Miller School. 25 North Shore, Stations. Reas. 629 Park FREDERICK A. C OÙP ER $20 Ave., eWlet e 24 5. 82LTN6-tp 10Cia v.Gre. 3030 i..t S 0 . - . - 1 - - __ 6; upstais anasecoe"s-iiý io -tf ATTRACTIVE RO PM EAU~1F 6waitresze s-10 to $15) Pr ndte ghomeRanbl. reafs The best way to get the best, job is Prvt ome. Rc-a1719. 82LTN6-aatp t<) keep in touch w-ith your agency. Cental n~îvinyent re< Cal Wýinnetka,31 .R;.NCL IRTHDRO 73LT N1 11tc haîf block to rlm Stre et !ztation. WXin'- netka 1-ç67. R21-t see BAKER for the Big Pay Jobs. Sio rline E p.Agencv USED CAR BARGAINS WVe Are Featuring Hidson and Terraplane * Specials EVERY CAR THRTG lY RECN- DITIONED) AND CARRIES A ONE-YEAR (FAA ,E '36 ,Terraplan~e custam brome ...... 55 f 36Terriplýine zeflan........5 '3 5 Te-rraiplane brimi...... ....... 42.5 '33 Hudson ,sedan, radlio, litr...... 225 '35 Hudson sedan ................4 75 '34 Hudsion 'sedan .. .ý............400 "34 Terraplane, brome .........275 'l36 Ford tudor, radio, hea ter ...4 25 HARRINGTON MOTOR H udson-Terra plane Dealers. 1110 Chicago Ave. <Ire. 3600 77A4-1TN164C)l( 1'URNTSTtn OOS ORRED DEXE -Eo0Oý APT. AJROS TUE front of an entire wing. flining and li'ving rmi. wt4 in-ador bed. Bedrm. large enough for twin beds. Sunny out- side kitchen. Linden Ci-est Building. KROLL &, SMiIU, AGENT.S 424 Linden Ave. Wýilmette 560 I o~iùLbw OA. VINFKA IEVANSTON TOWER FURNISHED 55M4BA-.602 FC N Sh(eridan Square floIor. Privaýte enranc.Gaage.(eirLKE56 ROOMý, A PTS. lake, Ind(ian Hil stationr. Wininïetka 1122. a i l ct1~.2btts$5t 15 ____________$2TN1At fSMART & GOLEE, 'mc. R R)O4M F iR)l'iE 1ý NT I1XNB 1-S 1NFSS 1DI 1S - ¼64 Slierilan Ave. ri~028?3 trie-t. Fo-r 1 or 2) gentl(eniïn. Call after v 92LTN16-Ite 82ilmýTt, 't , ATAC TIREE R. ýGARAGE APT.. ovem(-ilooking gardens. Free gas & light, PLEAANT1. ARd . FUY~.SHED$39month. Adults only. Open for inspec- roo. .Shoerand b-athadcnt tiofn 7 ta 7 0 eves. or Sat.afenn. Garage if dé-sir,(d. $51. hoo Wlrntt 329 W\-%arwick Rd., Kenilwortlx. i ICL RO ERBATH. NEAJIý FURýN. AND UN',FURN. APARTMENTS transp<rtatianj. As bird catge- and in Linden Court bldg., 918 ,Linden, tan, forsale. Nq-arly. new Ph(ne Win*netka> and Hazel Crest bldg., 7j wirnette 2255. HSLN6lpFazel, Glecnco(e. Phone Glen.oe 3 102.1 NIECLEAN RÔO{)M FOR (GE-NTLE- LT'tf ma n. 1 block to.,Elym -t reeýt station. Winnetka30991 s'l 6-ltp r. miflat-gas Îheat. ____________________________t, 6room flat-stove heat .. FOR RVT-APARTMENTS -\ilinette 4227 ROOM'\ ON EAST SID)E. AROI7ND 92T1-t Sept. L By epod lady-. R-asc>n- ~*N.~UIHDAT 7 rrn., 1 b., Il -% 11, 1 (. . j- 7 rm., 1 b.,, HW<l, 2 (% . g 9 rn,2b., fLAC, Sil). pehi. 2 rm, 3 ., WT, 2 e .$5 1 r M. 12 b., <il, '2 . g. f; rmn.,1 '/-, 1)., II O, 1(% g. (Ither gaad \'Values fural., riu""fil". BARNET'1'& >CHEL sel' l'%%'lST XVNN ET KA ,5 DEý'ERFTEI4I IFHAVE HOUSES FOR, IIENT' ut $69, $65, $90, und1 $12-5 per month, saxjîf,ý rt.a<Iy low. but $7.42 PerM onth, Per SO XViII pay f(>ra ho)use in 2f) years. Afler naking*a down payrnent it actually- costs lessthan. rent.to buy a bonie. Deerfleld taxe,; are extreme- ly srnaII.C(orne (out and tal1k it over. There i n obligation and present prices' cannot last much longer. MeGUIRE & ORR, Tue. over 4'l Yctars of Dpnal Service 432 Deerliel Rd., Opp. School and Brier Hill Golf Club. I.l. MitchellNlgr. Deerfield Offlce LE'I OIr RENTAL SERVI('E H lihcos'eie thcire is stili a chiee. Sfý aur list -lf at tractive.; suitâble homs 1>o lease, fuîrislhed or 11n- furihed. Visit fdî' phon&e on forthe-se oaeii EVANSON:"22 DAVIS 'TREETP (renlet I> Ir Holyrfurt 1855)1- XVINETKA 7iýû . EM szTREE'T WViinatka 217(m riirgat4e155 1HIG(HLANI) PK. 5 S. ST. JOHNS W~inntk i 92. ig'laifd Pk-ý.7, 55 BANNOCKFD-URN Attmctîv( cuntry hom1-e 0on wfotIdud *lhaîf acre. Ideal forý farnil.y d rigbst ila ntigh-ý biiooad tavirornetnt. Excullnt ,school ;: stu(lia, living r' arn. 3. bëdmonS. 3 baths. fbot wvatc-m er n onth. XVIII sell aI 150 WYATT ý.& CQONS M- iukegan 1Roadt( <3lenvit~w SI 97LTN16-itc M.ttC. 1.anj LV.u.Ec Wilrnette Che 611 Green Bay Roaed iieater, white er lights and lack finish like- New car guatr- trade. ol1et Sales Wilmette 4414 77A-LTN1 6-ltc vate front and rear entrances.' Fur- 4 Bedronins, 2 baths' breakfast nilshed or u~nfurnisherd. AXpartments ove-i- nook,'I car gar. . W X. 011, on look French Courtyard with distinc.t]-,- weîî wooded lot adjolning Ver- Parisian atrnosphere. Across frorn Ra"- non Ave. Park. only $125.00. 462 mond Park. 1 block southi of Davis Sýt. Madison, Glencoe. FREDERICK A. COOPER ý'FR EDERICK A.. COOPER 1505 Ch icago Ave. * <re *30301) i1505Chicago Ave., Evanstqn Gre. 3030 92LTN1-lt 7LTN16-ltc White Clapboard Colonial NEAR LAKE O.N LOVELY WOODETY lot. 6 . Isdrooms, 3 baths, oil heat and water heater. $150.00 per mo. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Ave. , W.innietka .3454

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