3½/ ad CHAPMAN &< 13S, S. La Salle S.t.ý Fm - OS». Hawley L. Smith is building an ad- dition~ to his residence at 500 Maple Street. The permit for this imnprove- ment, costing $2,OO0, was the only one issued. in Winnetka during the past week. Bu,,iildinig Commissioner William .n i- e Vôlff of. Wilmette has been a bUSy 2Nc ÇA * hl, inan the past week, but bis activitie s Ges-' tlg -have tiot included the. issuing of a NorthEaso tl od h pt great nuniber of building pérmits, one lgt nth evity sl hols e b>pot- residence and one residence alteratio i act intie hcimtyshb onti. aiïkii ebeing the suni total. Thev. :arc a s high .i n the Chicago suhurban arua. follws:Last sumimer this activity centered in, .-\ugtnst 19-B3owdcn hiei.., 931 Poiu- 4he Simpson-McDa.niel street triangle tiac road, sinnie familv brick veneer where if is continued througlî the. residence. Philip D.Wet architect. winter. This -s pring.it shifted to tlie Walter' Norris company, builder. new'er section west of. LiincoltNvood $1,0.drive,, f rom C entralI. streetý, north to -Aùgust 19-r-F. J. LaBonte, 718 For- Isabella street, at, the Wilnîiette vil- est avenue, res idence alterationis. L. lage limîts. Morgan Yost. architect. $3.000. This section, wes t t the ridgé. lias experienced, this year, a niost lnotable Pemi ssedfr ra e bifilding ievival. It bas becomie the >Auto Garage, in Glencoe eI lChcago archict ndbuilders.. One building permîit as issile(l inii. One portion, praitrie two years ago., Glencoe during the past week. Ilt was i, rapudly assuming a built up ap- for a one car framie garage. corting pearance. Eighteen neýw houses fin- $235. which MNrs. Amelia1 Turnbuil i ishied, 12 under construict*lou-i, wItflï -sýx building at 33 4 South avenue. others definitely projected. ks the rec- ord for 1937 to date. School Addition FOR NEXT WINTER GET CAEHEATUNIG NOýW! will gire you automaUic beat. ASIC your heat- iag contractor-or mail the coupon. The overnight growth of. this Coin- Inuinity has maÉde itself felt iii sev- eral directklns, notably at the Wil- lard school. This popular grade sechool, deemed ample for aIl purposes, two years ago, found itself over- croWded this june with an eniro-)! mient of 547. A new $25.,000 additionl kýto the building, being rushed to o- pletion for the faîl terni, ill rvd facilties for 150 new nurik ment. Colonials. and Einglliof >î\ 1() cight rooms rangîng ini pricu. itli the lot, f rom $12,500 to $22,.X)(), hai\ve 1redominated. A coniservativu eCý .- tirnate of this years operatio.is Itv at least $250,000 inA inished lul~i. with another $5,0under côfisl'ruc- tion. Gcood Transportation Good transportation, fine schooI,. and other natural commiunity fact or.s are attracting home seekers anid ....................................................... Mddren ...................... .................. Ci4.......................Stt............ IlTii Susalned Hett Boier Burner Unit u coMp>1eee, automadic heasig 8ynem wour1rI. Jvarer and, ýMc'jrew, Ot E--vaniston, are the 'architects and Car- nley Construction company, 1200 North Clark street, Chicago, are bulilders. The peimit for this im- provernent, costin g $33,000, was, the> only one issued in, Kenilworth durirg the past week. Minimum:Upkeep !Î7olinbêrs, Qarpentem~ or tinners tô bother you for years to cone in thîs new brick mrodemn Geor- S glan with siate roof. P erftecet construc.tion, built by an engineer undpr supervision of fine architect. 7 large, sunny rooms, 2 exquisite~ baths and complete lavatory off lst fioor,. library or S guest roomn. 2-car ga- rage. Just completed,,Neatr estates district, yet a short distance frôm Kenil- wvorth station. Cali for. appointment to inspect. Ask for Mr. Bradstreet, UNI. 7444 or Wmnn.3603 or call Evanstôn or W ilmette offices of Wil. 437 Mrs. Fuler and Wmn. Pickard GRE. 7220