rity of Decelded Contratst A decided ('ouitrast to thè gréieatr numi- ber of towflns onl the î,eninisul1; were Ga spé and Perce loetted at the. casteru end of the ]and, e~luit artheular wvas a jem-el in a gorgeous setting as iewed .fr-oni the top, of the niiounittaiiu behind the vlae where the Peak o* Dawvn lodge and cab- lus offer miodern conveniees and ex- çellent'food t<, the tired traveler. The historie pe~d rock froin whielh the towu gets 'is nameè riseslike'ka huge sîîlp out of the «,ater. e ntirelyý surrounided by water except for- one uarrow bar.tmat is visible only' at '16w tide. Thiý h uge etonüe *-shilp '18pieiîced through at une edwith a cuvered -arch. wide and high enough to allow aà1.0W boat tu, pass. thruugh. t. is .,S0 feet .mhglanad 1,565 teet long trouA thIle row to the oÙter end (if the ooeli.sk. 1t as about 300 feet widë at the widest point and it is said that the part of, the rock cxposed above.the water weighis about tour million tfs Another %umuler of Perce is Bonaenlture .Island auuuott tirc-te iiiieAs off'suore. îlere thou- sancis outi ioUs seel<salictuaryiand ,ar protectec by Itlel.aajingeruut "ihe trip aruuaîd the Gaspé îemisula 'p roer 15 ibti(t ttaj lt it ke 1110(l Ltitil :fi0U m11iles to ituake h ru trip troinUaQuce. Ili ,pite uf bad rojad, pour louil, alla dîsillUSiuiiiiieiits the trip fve days there, returniig -on- the Q ueen of Bermuda, and miotoring home again fromn New *York. M. 1r. Hins haw took inany colored motion pictures of scenery and historic spots in, Bermnuda, and Mrs. Hinshaw was dllighted with the English china which can be purcha-sed so reason- allsedeclared. Mojre .Than: 1,000 London Streets Wili B e..Re.named, Over 1,300 London thoroughfares are niow .-being, rechristened, iiia. proj- ect to eliminate- the -m ultiplicity of treets wîth the same îiame. In the city of London alone theère are fiVe each Of- Sun' courts, Fleur -de -Lis court,, Red Lion. courts and *Plough courts, and. in the metropolita*n countv more than* ten each of Church,: Chapel.. East, and Cross streets. Post- meni at present, often find difficulty in ýdelivering mail, andl fire enginies frequeiitly arrive in1 the wrong part of the city, because of duplicate street nae.The rénaming policy will be kept in operation until 1940. WaSli 11OlVeL teXl>eieilce aîuwith te T ~j effort. j Fippo leeLl ButtonIS S Latest Bizarre Fashion Noted Houses in London Lat est of bizarre ideas in fashions Will Be Torn Down Soon Comies from Africa, says Arthur Dob- 'lhle residence of the seconîd Earl1 press Travel Service, xho reports the of Shieibourne, later Marquis o)i suggestion thlat hlippopotamius teeth Landowe.who -as- prime mjiniýster be made into large buttons for go\\s a resuit of this and *other safety canipaigni, there are today onily haf as miany fatal accidents, in proportion to the nlumber of miners, as there wecre twent-v-five vears ago.i HOME FROM, TRIP M.%r.,and Mrs. Robert M. Telfer, Jr. with, their children, Bob, Grant, and Marilyn, of 419 Nlaple avenue, 'Win- iietka,,returnted-recentl3, from a trip toWashington .Island, Wis., stoppîng j at' EllisonIBay and Sister Bay on their return., They report that the flshing' at Washington Harbor %vas very good this season, and that it w-as' Highest quality worIwian- ship of the better type. Large selection of Import- ed and Domestic Fabrics. Phone, and. Our estimator uIcilwithoutobligation.: DbAVIS PURNiTrORE CRAFTSMEN 721-723 Main Streel' UNeverify720, sie of Berkeley square, is, one of, iwent-y well-known Mayfair buildings thaï must be demolished, says Sher- mani A. Boyce, manager of the Amer- ican Express tr 'avel service. Another. ýo.. 11, wvas once the residence of * Horace Walpole. Its front 'door lias been . oughit by an American,, w-ho No* * 17 Bruton Street, the birthplace of Princess Elizabeth and once the * residence of the, present Queeii, nitist pachyderm's ears. This is dressed with a browvn, black or maroon fiîiish and caii be made into dressiug. jew.el and attache cases but is somie\whati l)rittle for other purposes. NEWCOMERS Mre. and Mý\rs:> Whitney Buck anîd their son and daughter, Whitney,.' jr., anid M iriami, 161 Gregory street, are ncw residents in the village, having coîne here . fronu Detroit .the first of Aý ,,cni c tive liferaturé. EVERETT VALENTINE Andkrson Hotel Ephraim, Wisconsin T RU N K.S'for BACK t.o SCHOOL Specially Pric4 *Hartmnan Wardrobe Trunke *Smnart Canvas Cavered Wardrobe and Overnight Cases Ne*çs Wardrobe Cass. <O1dtoncs) Koehler Luggage Sh.p 1421 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Uni. 5637 We Repair and Refiwish A il Makes of Tr unks and Suitcases Pork on Lake Sret cnu o/444e 4/fOt 'FI CHI CAGO& NOR-rHWESTERNRY. a- 1 ý.i 1