Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Aug 1937, p. 40

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Just rtuirneu to lier home at 540 Sheridan road after an absence of. two months. Mrs. Grahami has been with hier daughter, Mrs. Thomias R. Wigglesworth, ini Shaker Height3, Cleveland. Mrs. WVigglesworth a nd. hier baby daughter, Judith Ann, who ivas borni Augus -9ihve returned to their home from the hospital., 50 Cl rxpectea Hrome r>on '0 L...ee Sprinfl Mrs. Robert L.: Tudor, 422Ese 0 f . road, Kenilworth, and her daughiter, South o Line Peggv. Who have beeîi abroad. this, summiier are expected home the end A sunimer extension into the bud- of this week, anid Marianne aild ding blossoms of early spring hel' Carolvn ,Who have eeat Camip o- dul gray clouds foretell winter lih the hana .in . Michigan, will ' e- coiming North, will be the central thenie of a hone about the same timie. : seriesof. autuminal voyages to South . After their. return Mrs. Tudor's' Amnenica., Further to poputlarize the niother-; Mrs. Harriet Kirkpatick, reverse. climate of the southern re- wvill return to her home in Chicago. publics, travel çoncerns have, this During the absence of the family slie week scheduled, a number of fali sail- has been sfay*ng at the Tudor hom-e. iligs to, the cities and. ports of. the Although. Mrs. Tudor and hier M-est coast . daughter were' both abroad at . the "'The ïadvantages of visiting South sainle tirne. thçy were traveling differ-. Anierica, in spring time are becom11g eCit. routes in dfferent:counitries. 'Mrs. more generally known,," states Doug- Tudor was, with a- small party.ý while las Malcolm travel expert, who cites Peggv was touring. withý a group of that the cruise transition, from sum- Bradford college girls taken abroad mler t.o spring not only appeals to bv colle of the faculty members.r. thoe ~ho ishtoavod ~intr ut Tudor arrived in theéeat first and re- present, the first, dawning beautv mai ned there until Tuesday to ieet which harmonizes with the flora andà Peggy Who was landing that day. To- fatina of,ýthe Southerni Repuiblics.. ge ther they are returning to Keflil- Panama Canal. worth. Peggy was graduateçl in june Asa pr4ele to th-e main itiîlerarv frotn Bradford junior. college. the voyages through the Panlamla Canal zone will include visits to the head along the rich valleys and inor- 1 cities of .Christobal, Balboa, and Old. rored peaks of the Andes as seen Parnaa dty, where shades of Henrv fromi Arica, miost northerly citv of1 .Morgan an d the "Roarini' Days .of ' Chile.. the Spaîîish Main" fink a historic Promi the sightly mietropolitan as-i sequenice with the stately citie., o pects of Valparaiso is the fainous re-1 the Chilean coast. sort pleasure city of Vina del Mar,1 Following a sea trail of nature's where race tracks and casinos spell flaining.colors soutito'Coloiibia and a mudwinter Monte Carlo iii a- Ilusciou)ts the port city Callao0 i,- tropical;setting. At Santiago, I)eauti- 1 of~ TL,~ima ul caPital of Chile. the sightsun Wininotka Couple Return, from Trip Through Picturesque -Spots of Canada; Sec Quints Mr. and Mrs. Vinton E. Sisson, 429 Walnut stre et, Winnetka, returned Friday of last w.eek* fromi a 4,500 mile 'auto 'trip. arouiid the ('aspié peninsula and .through other parts of eastern and northern United States and Canada. 'They report that the sights of greatest interest wvere found in Percé,, the ext reme end of the Gaspé, and',in the home townl of tie quintuples Thie.five littie ladies of, Cobeil, On-: tario, (flot Callander as is invaniabIy given) are as alike ýas, their I)lOtosý depict them, and present >a picture of, loveliness and .action -t)e on(l de- scription. Twice each(lav tlic pulic. is allowed to' view the quintuplets' through glass 'and screen so arranged that the childiren are uîîawarec thîe . are being obscrvcd. -Two Thousand 1Oni the day the. Sissons savv themn. ilo feweri than two thousanid other curious tourists took advaintage of the courtesv offered by the Canadiau government withouit any cost to themn whatever. The littie 3-year-olds have neyer been off the premnises of flic Defoe, hospital and playgrounds sixice they wvere'built for thern by popular subscription with the aid of the gov- ernunent, ivhié)h is th eir guardian untîl they reach the age of 18. 114 & V* cou6-210 hîbit. Spain anld her Conquistadores' %Nhlen the new world %vas. wnriting, its first chapter ini blood and gold. I , Noted Monuments AIRC NDIT ON EIii~ Lima are the notable mionmients AIR«ONDI IONE reiuiscenit of the viceroys, the Unii- vsitv o San Marcos, the oldest -seat SLEEPING ROOAMS of learing ini the western hemni- AR n.0 .~j sphere, with the flnest examiples of H o ~ ~ v ~ il Spanisix colnialrchitecture in¶ ex- IL 28 EAST RANDOLPH STREEt CHICAGO ~N~1**I~44444,j4444444 I - - * ntroducing the beauties otfUîl e's gorgeonis green, winter foliage against the dista:nt snow-capped Andes peaks. On t he horneward voyage, Auto- fagasta,. nitrate port ctv, will hej vîsited. fromi where auto tours w1*ll reveal the wvonder mines of copper and nitrate. At the attractive niative village of Talara, another phase of Peuni. industry will be seen in the oil fields. Salavery, starting point for the pre-Inca city of Chan-Chan, holds interest by its ancient mounds IP. S. Use our simple plan. Esti. mate cheerfully given at home, placing, you under no obligation. miles southnot North Bay N, vchfl tct the Sissonis di.scovered by chlance as they miiotored west toward Chicago after their trip aroûnid Gaspé.' The-, visited Mackiniac Islatid for several davs l)efore returing home. Beauty and Interest Gaspé peninsula presènits beauty anîd interest to the tourist who is willinig to endure lonig stretches of -wash- boardy roads, badly rutted, which will iiot be com fortable for travel for two STG MOVE EAST .NI. and Mrs. Robert J. Evans of 112 Dupee place are mnoving ilext week, to Riverside, Conti., with th'eir two sons, Kenneth and Roger, Mr. Evans., who 'is coninected with Evans and, Stuits, Advertising company,, has opened a, branch office in New, York. Il 0 TAYLOR

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