In..n esl1677 IV PaiuDgs Restored-Frammo Repaired PI... UlifV.rsl*y 0770 17»e SHERMAN AVENUE CARDS (V Statlonery by Clarenice Day.... $ I "Lif. witI. Father" [ Newed ton Hte Bidg. I vo/teneCy êWLocate h Ave. IR & Rosea. st.- iWestern Ave.. q2Ave. --1 ed. 'reé eor nry. 001 1 O Juy30, Charles cbrs sons pl)ilihed 'iheSaqal of Alnerwcan So- cicl v by Dixon Wecter: *a panorama of Anerican social if e betweemu the year> 1007-1937. Mr. Wecter takes up the is tory of the "flrst familles" of Anerica. f roinu. tlueir earlie-tý arrivaI. down . to t'vle present tnuuie, telîs the origîn the source of, the social. register and thé9 SO- .Ciety' page. the difference betwemu so- ciCti' and aristocracy and otiier de-tails oif the social sceiie as spelled, with -1a big S. Thue book covers the social éoteriés <if the variou s' large ci.ties in tue Country, naines nain es, and. briuugs out a lumg", amuount of iiiterestnug au)d freqnently liîari<us material. rt is fully. illtstraited fromuu jiliotograîulis.of society, leaders, of today and yesterday, aud witlu dramx ings h)v xxel knowp Anerica-n illulstrati rs oif tiie last fev decades. Scribncr publications forJ ulv ai si iiiluidce Kinq 1JoblIrîof Jl'i alo Li l'anlr- cilce Iloulsîan, a novel wluiclu xas frsi lirint, and was republislied becatise Mrl. 1 otusmnh, the author of I/*icýtoi'Ix>'in wluemu lie wrote the stuîrY of King J,1111 and bis înytbical kùuigdoinu, xsa 1beI ter prophet tluan lue knew. The lhistory of King Johmm anmd bis troib.led reigmu parallels initi mrexv than oone that of the Euu)glisbl crowu in thie past year. CharlesSuiersiii aI ýo plblislied i]J-tlv *u ri m /w Air .b . (7 arge. a novelo <ifsc iii.thu (ithe f bîg bint.,ess and1110 r100 a a story of justice tliat we(nt: wrong,.1),y *Davxid I amsuju, wlu\ xvoteli, Who 111~ Abo1/u To I)1 . - ci On Fads and 'Folles \Vitlu i ednn,'Niess»s. .eaf aIl Lawson's buillWho wîuldîmj't fighî.t, akiiug his pflace, as a ver-itab)le clssic ltd, flwere is another animal lueci( for Jiu affection Of yum and old this Auigust 7.On hua, day Applleton1-Cenltuiry jtmh-ý lisbi Tin' Ioings of' PDiakiie hy Selskar M. (G4u111 witbi pictures- by Vera Bock. The story is of. a fat young (log iianu(l Dinikje, whio organuized a cmuso DI )roIIf 'cter, a utIo- i of s 10</tIo f A jil i'fl,<iw 1 1 Ixiî- 1<137." t/mai/s Scr--1 ibc'S s il - bWit-il fl ic iok u[Y 30. I1/ lias caus<'î <6 sidrab<'io cri'si îuid lis- Tells Boat-Qwners How f'o Use and Enjoy Craft The mnan who is planning to buy a boat, or wbo lias just bougbit omw and wants to know how to equip, run, an.d enjoy it, Nvill fi.d a boon in the new book, An 1>trodmictli o aBoat-' 07(inq)i] by William RX Crosby, editor, of the Tcxudr It aiuswers eve ry question likçeîy o he asked by tiwe novice yachtsman, and it does so ini simple and. practical ernis wbich show the reader how, to save rnoney yet get the mnaxinmum, pléastire 'out of bis craft. The book is particularly. valuable o the muan who is interested in rmotor-. boating., There have been a great riany books on sailing and sailing vessèls, but few on motor boats. Here the reader will find the latter subject t s tg v 'l'lie irsitbe re owrîk mi newsppe men, Havliîg epise i îîubl n. îzed htinianlitv gvîîerallv ' ;ir lonig ptriod of timelieir iex-t ambil 1t npi, apparentl, is tù)"tel]l ai «moitl: selves. and their fellomw xvorkur,.. .A1iong thIle more remint(;t !,iiiiil; Iît, .the iuige i,, Burton R~î<.t nir't- igravure and ic iterarv- edito1r i f' IibeChi *cago, TrIiue, whosv.I? 1 jf.F(,î /i * \as brouglit out ii<t liong ,agoly.I) ii jdv. Do ran ai! Jcinpanv-. Bult1 e: of an abunidaîîce of writijjg àalillit ;îîhil a store of got.><l niaterial t incli cif il ab>out Chicaguo) Burton: Raicuîe al1bc; l'l aniting autobiog raffliical n(,ww spaper iin ('ali)bu fîirgix'eil is tcp~e a bv vîcarîîî.uslv Vlij<)yC(. [lisi. stiliate 'if HI . ie r'dl'. Chi-î cago . ()f isPl cdIllattursîî mi' i i(buli edîtîîrial policy of Ilis ('invago Trilîîîî '44 iîla.v' amid of books, <4 (livag'i ý * (ictx' aîidl(bitgoplmitïvs.and .grafit\i ilntriprile inauî- a 'b<ille t î n ;o!, i-, i i nt er e s t1 , b i l u g e n a l lv l e w i i t i trmcdbY this latest ~ e t r anl Amrvnboy. lýîr iîi, n of a sal','i ll i)uV. ' bonrii M Kcntucky.. Later, fiél< g lnîîi t ýi1, 11.11(e fanîily imoved (U If ) klal mi imu;î %x here t be box conîpletud àa li g bl i t i eiucaiom. Btli Plbvsîval lyanudm < lec tuIl was prec (wiu i i and <il a ft r c lt e r ilu g hig h c i J b va n u Il ~mi>pîirtng tlrotiglii Ml<\1)prxxî iii)d other jobs. Oil tb i<Itlie, wxva footall pilayraidlc<uld tibd sti tli ibr tnie to take the girl, ,Iut and bae <o îîîd tillic. A.fter llcf-t igli hoîîl.1 are j xxav for tw iars a tIjnlrsic i (1bivagi i anld b t tillic liexvas 2() lheu r e p i . s I l e r p o i n g a n <i e ù î t :> ~ 1-n, Ili i 1rune, vas nar.ilaid a lxvi In<lrui Bs Tibnework cxetu iiv led t4p Hic -pi ist <if terarv iy t r sti1l a pilnng mulan, to dav lie i s al litevra 1. v figure iii e ok Iwraigii iS StC ,1<irv i: botb a1 treait amI ail Stars Life Anew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ug tue " <<q.ivoriU Ia ,u t, u s. eutlusmastc about I3ackyround to a.qrfoî,-deçl by a variety <4 highly iitrigiuuii bv, 1'ric Aibiler', a sto'ry of interna- secret agents. Knopf is, touting iliu thullal espuonage wvhich. wai pubisbed btîok as bciuug not nuerelv a xx'ellrtem on Auigiust 9. l'le -background" of the anmd exciting yarn, but a tliorouighly titie Consists' of London bankers,, Rou- rcalistic oue, I)roying that tuieiautir miaman ouIl Nazi poliicians aiid Soviet kuuoiis the latest insi(le dpe about Eui- war documlents;.the "ý',daniger" is af- ropeaii politics and finiafce.