Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Aug 1937, p. 34

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Qualify for Titie at Sunset Ridge .The women Ôf Sune 1 idg Country club xii play.the qutali- fig oud for-the 1clu) chaIn-. p ioiiship on Tuesday, AUgust 31, the remaining rounds of the tounanen cntinuing through Saturday of that we.Sattrdayý of this wèe.k,..the woînen ,wili have their regular bifr ýIte lh eon at 12 :30'o'clock,. wýýithll)art-ý uier progressiveJplay. The winners of the 'annuafl husbiand(,, and. wife, tournanient-held at theCclub on iast Sunday iicluded:: Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes E. Alniond. of livanston; first low- net;, Mr. and MËs. F. W. Anmend id Evanston, second low. net; MIr .uad ýjrs. George H.JDovenuelile of Wm- nieika, first low gross, and MIr. and Mrs. F. J. Bowmian of Chicago, second lt>w gross. lu the putting contest held during the saine tournarnent there \\,a,, a five-\way tie between Mr. and' Mrs. C. F. Butler of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Luick of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Reeves of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woolf of Winnetka, and Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Wilson of Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Buitler won the. drauï C.ourtriey iceeves of LEvanston, iJiass /A; NIrs. D. J. Donahue of Evanston, Class P, B; Mrs. E. J. Witt and .Mrs. E. W. S-ampson, both of Glencoe, tied in Class C, and Mrs. H. B. Herbel of. Kenil- mworth, Ciass D. Foliowing the golf event Tuesday a C driving contest was held in the four1 * classes. The winners were: Mes.t Reeves, Class A; Mrs. DeWitt O'Kiefe j of Evanston, Class B; Mrs. Sampson., Class C, and Mrs. W. B. Presha of J Wilmette. !1Class D Underwoold & Underwofod -M4rs. Gail Be/den, w/to now' is chairinan of the North Shiore J'l Ies1ev circle, u'ill have the fii.st * meeting of the uîcu board -at lier. afartmnent at 1313 Oak avenue, IEv- anston Se'tcm ber -1. Servi» g zwît/ her are MViss Eli.za- beth Kingsley of Evanstoni, record- ing secretary; irs. Burton U'. Hales of .Win netka., eorrespondinzq Plan l'o Mo vo Into New Home in Glencoe Mrs. Fred laines ReYnolds, tiow ofý Evanston, is at present making plans to move mbt her new home on Sko- kie Lanie drive ini Glencoe, N, hich will be ready for occupanlcy ini about three week's. After she. is settled shie willk for Daince -Break Record Advance ticket sales for the Thieta Upsilon *Rho annuai benefit dance, to be held at the..Kenilworth club, this Friday evening ýhav-e exceeded ail past' records, according 'toMýi>ss .Mildred Fa-rmier, ticket chairman: and, executive secretary of the group. A sumimer, formai affair, .the dance il feature a talent ed. floôr show, incl.ud- ing Jack Byrium, weil kn'own tenor. Kay Sizer, specialty tap ,d'ancer,.'.and. -several novelty numnbers by miembers of -the Borre-Wolff Schoot of, Danc- WTally Van and his. "swing" or-. chestra "will furnish r 'hythm for rest- less feet from 9 unitil U." The general chairman for the dan 1ce is Armen-i Jot-jorian. Assisting him is the dance cùommittee. 'including Anita Johnson,- Wallace, Mitchell, Ted' Hosking, Albert Ackermanin,' Barbara Betts, Elsie Jane Edge, William Thybony. Patrons and patronesses for the eveunîg include the Rev. and 1Mrs. Anmos Thornhburg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, C. Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Storch, and Mr. and Mrs. James C. 'Leaton. Reservations, although not nece-s- sary, may be made by calling MUiss Farmner at lier home, 915 Elmwood ýavenue, _Wilmette. The remaining ,tickets will be sold at the door the night of the dance. a+ Indian Hill Aug. 31. Womien gQlfers at Indian 1JIlI club ,nill play their miost important turna-, ment of the season next week. The quaiifying round of the event will be held on Tuesday, August 31, and play will continue on W'ednesdlay, Thurs- day and Friday of the sanie week, ac- cording to Mrs. Chester F. Sargent, the chairman. Benefits Opera Luncl-eon Club Mrs.;.Ros$ J. Beatty, will.olpei lier Ihonie in l'ighýland Park Suni-. (lav - fter7iiooni. Septeiber 12. for a "programi soirée"' to benlehft the Opera Liuncheon chlb. The hostess, is to be ass isted hv M3vrs-. jasoîî F. XVhiti e, wife, of the president of the Chicago City Opera conipanv, by her, daughter, Miss* Veroiese Beatty, and [jy lier two clatiglters-iin-law, Mrs., joln Beattyv an.d Mrs. Ros.s- Beatty, jr. Plans,,indicate, that the 'event- will be <lelightful. XMrs. James G,. Shak- mai,'chiair.man of the Opera Lunch-, con club, xviil be ini charge ofte preseinta'tion> of the box tickets* for deserving music students. Two lhnchcons have b.ep given re - ceiîtly by the club. Last Fridav rs John Gail of Evanscon xvas hostess, with bier dauighter. in a *dress which vas -a replica of hier own, selling iiosegays. Amnong the proiint -guess at this buffet luncheon \were MNrs. Rovden Keith of -Chicago, one of the mnotivating Powers in the Womian's Svmnphony orchestra. Suiiday Mrs. Gerry Europa O'Xýeill had an elaborate buffet ini lier pic- turesque home overlooking the lake. Viviani Della Chiesa sang, for the guests, as did William TRoss, vviio, after giving an opera aria, conipleted his program with Irish ballads popti2 lar with John McCormack. Monidav* iast NMrs. Frank Hall opeil- .ed lier beautiful Georgian homne on L.inden avenue in Wilniette for- an opera club luncheon. Her house,. dis- tinctive for the perfection of its, G.eorgian ,detail and. appoiintet. is the House ofthe Month in t4w ctr- rcît issue of *'House Beautîftil."-> Mrs. Hall's two dauvhters. Mfrs. Thomias B. Singleton and] Miss, janice Hall. received with her. During tlhc luncheon and its musicale followviniz. of 2016 Z, WILII the uinner from 9:30, to 1, toý with and hie or- 1.)l ivtuiei nniey, Merry jane Presbyterian churcli. Mrs. John N Orr,iMary Jane Eddington, Martha Connell of Evanston, the reader for Brown, Elaine Victor, Betty Jane the afternoon,. gave. characterizations Sinoot- Betty Jane iM!cDonough, Janet of enucy outaners ' Bahr,: and Harriet Anthony. Mrs. B. G. Calloway and daughter, Caroline, returned this week* to their home at 920 Linclen avenue, fromi a trip to Europe.. They were accompanied h ebyMrs. Whitney Adams (Jane Calowy)of Elizabeth, N. j ., who Wil1 visit her parents for thre weeks. Mr. Adams will> arrive Tuesday. nour 7 -30P music o chetra. .4

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