l' irst k'resbvterian chutrchi of WiIjj mette. Thle Revý jamecs T. -Vcniekla'sen il , purformn the- ceremiony at 4 .o'clock, and a reception at the tic itt \\Vornian's club will] fojloýý'. 'the bride w ill biave two à .te1t,ats miss Martha. Fariner of Wilmnette. the naid of honor. ai(.nd iss, Lisbcth Gs of XVilmiette, a bridesmiaid. Jerome I)îrkcers of Aurora, Ill., a fra- ternity, brother, of the ,l)ridegrôonm, will be the l)est man, and the u shers arc -Albert Zile lqlof \Xilmiette. brother of thle hridegroonm. and XV it- liaiS. Slhepherd of Chicago.1)rother (it the bride. 'lhliebride lbas beei fe<l at se v ci-i bo -isni receîît ,'eeks and itht first of tbcse wvas a > irJ)risc nis-ý cel Iame Olsho-%vvr fîxvm iiic4.l Nfiss Irene L. Stark, of (icg.The giicst s-%\ere teýacliers iii theHig hlald, Park sclicool uer N Shcphierd. bas bbcn on011the facult-v. Juily,29. Miss. EeaIo dler (iW1 meitte andm isFariner weC co- bosesesat a dessert bridgu and( b m~ Asecndsurprise mliscellailcons s ower. %vas: beld at tbe borne of Mrs: Ylrmn ihhle of \inct.Angust Il. witb NfMiss lconla I'anlitz of \XVIl- mette alld Nr.Zibeas hiotsses. TbiursdlaY. AtigiistI 19, MMarioni Huistinlg o- Wilrncttc' and \frs. Daniie!* Rull. the former G r arce lizab)e.tl \Veb ber 'of Chicago, entertained at ai] Elwood Gray Glass, Jr., Engagea l'o New Y orker Mr- aid Nr N .Danliel 0of \Vbiehal; . Y. aînoncethé cll- * aeçt of their dauighter, F lora *Wood1, to Elwood Gra - vGlass. 1Jr., son of -Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Glass, 1049 flîiff road. Glencoe. qualified approval of thousaiids of' Evanstori and. Non-h Shore parents. And,. of course, shoes bought hereare correctly fitted! CHILDREN'S NEW, FAIL HOSIERY.' ý pairs*$ 3' nd4 4for 1 PODL & RIPERý 1608 Chicago Ave., Evanston Ujni.-097 Frank Routh:Studi'> JMr. (Ndlirs. Robert Rcnic Floiitli(,,z of 121 7'hird sçircet. ii ilette arc -amnnouncin,ýq théenglfaqoe- ment of their daughiter, Regina Anmn, to D)(nald TW. Mershlon, inepliezw of .1r. and AMrs. Herbert Moon o f E- ans/on. Ilr.Ili-islio;i attendcd BUaiM Colle c wlmcr/lu' *as a inwmnbc,- of 7'nn >Kapta hn. Phcilu nii, Thi rfeen Friends Fo 'Asssf a+ Debul Tea. Mil'1ss Gertrude Gallowav, a fali debuitante. bias chb'sen thirteen young girls to assist at the tea to be given for bier. fromi 4 uintil 7 o'clock Thurs- (Iav aftcrnoon, September 9. by lher parents, Dr. and -Mrs. Charles Edwin Galloway, at their borne, 940 Private Roof1 FEATIUKING1 DILL L TTON. and II Itrna- D L I BILL LYTTON.tIonally Famous &N .4ded very Saturday niglif during September Cou~ibe $1.35 plus foix D z P,~