to Be Married in California Oct. 6. MissMarjore MNe,(augh- ter of Nlr. and' MNrs. Char-les F-I. \Iclieý of 266 Foi-est* av'enue, Winnetka, m-111 be leaving tb' noôrth shore Septenl)ei- 16, to jo 1in her fiancé, Albert' C. Wie iaw of. Long Beac,ýsoîi of Mr. and -mrs. R., S. Wielw of lignian, K(as., anid be înarried there, on .cýtober .6. The 1 Nvd- ding w~ill take place in the Wee Kirk of the Heather iii Glendale and will be followed by a recep-. tion ini Monrovia,,Cal. Two of the bride's nortiî slorC .triends will be goîng out to the*Wesýt coast early ini October to Leieni lier '-edding party. They' are Mis.,;_Nar- gartGould of Winnetka and Miss Doris Benson of Chicago, £orneri'v, of Wýiiîuîetka. A. C. johinson of Rapid City, S. D., Miss Mtc\ie's grand- father, is also going out to California fo0r the cerernony. Before her departure tlie bride is being entertained by manv of ]ier friends. Some time ago Mrs. Williamn Nichiols of Oak Park, formerl v of \Vinnetka, and lier 'daughiter, Mrs. McGrew-Budinger Wedding Charming jIn Its Simpli-citly W e su H i er f o e s a tellS, Illies, and gladioli wýý\ere(, I (t1)iIlifl(l vit1l févns.ait( i Miî (iCiUira to lecýorate- st. chturch last Saturday, -when, a tL j high no, isMarette .\lice ýlc(lle,\\' Of E.vaniston and \Vil- liant (;eergc Eti(linger ru-< tnarried. l'Fhe* lev. -j'0411 J.l)¶.- tuan 0of ('î,1lvieiv perfo-)rieç t1h. cerevinîoiv hicli %vas follo\%ed( liv,a i)reakfal't -for thie.inînîedîal.t(. faînilies at the Georgian. lu t.i Broidai sa tin wi thIlale ilcoi . Lace ai lie lneek a d~ trhnilniing the slev~ *wlîich formed a. point over the .hand's. was ývorrn by tue bride. A large -c1 tte r of orange blossomns heid the dlouble) tulle v'eîl andI fae veil iii place. \\'hte ochid. an iIhes 0f the vallev w vere iin lbr 1ridai bou que-t U eri brother, HrvMcGrew, gave lier Mi 0f prwikebâle lace were faisllb-Ioed the 'oowns of thu bride\l tbree attelants '\Miss MXlîM(red Itei )f' Chicago, maid of honoýtr, ij- -- --- - -' )' s ua '. i r eLeCL . \\ in- '- Pvli- prnt India i H llc/ni, on C/iristiias du fo net1. Tose th, edaýs JIliss S/itiliik b August 7, Mrs. Russell Gessel (-)f dt'îut Part1ies 1 i, !/171011' for lier i(' frit'nds, and zcil/ a/so have ils bei' bouse Winneika gave a luncheon and guiesi Mliss kraieMp-toaci, of Hiiqh/aîî)d Park. Mliss, <z( bridge party at the Orrington hotel,. debuli<îie Ilis îa '/ '. ainqfru irfieisl suniîner /ic Ii'ii .Nolf/i and August 19, Miss Marjorie XWood IHaizetii Io in i tific ft'stÏ7 lies. o? Highland Park, a former-W'in- The partiniosI rc,î/ //nndfo iss Siomke s aunilchom netkan, entertained at a kitchen show- J'rida 'v, Scptcîuîl'er "', to w 1,'e lZ'1ii l ier llor for a(lare iiiber ,/of dl» er MssBenson, the nlaid of lhonor. tailes. Th',liostesçes arecMs. o/'ert O. Biîî.ýâand Mîs. Jjrnst C.vo will be hostess at a hincheon and Aim»bo/iof I iek' id uit'parts i//,11lc'e ldld i fli ofo! /w bridge on August 28, and Septemnber form,,j622S Oak St>cî 4, Afiss Nfary Elizabeth Colv er of AIrs 1 5U Ofuk a.Il, »ntk e l netit a dinier /crv< VVilrette is to give a luncheon and II nio,(ýi oliltrylio' Saturdar 1, inîî<,. Se/'tof.i/t'r. 4, h bridge at Cooley's Cwpboard: x,.,, .. t i.l û< ... ..- --.. J»à,o lïs After the ceremonv. which wvi11 take place at 4 o'clock il, the after- noon at St. Luke's.Lutheran church Nierrill, a reception will be hield at the home of,. the bride's brother-in- law andi sister, M.r, and Mrs. Albert Kanit Z, mho live, in Mèrrili.. Snortt fled sleeves, and li 1gli &k Elles., Ilev w ore m atching lijais t hî faïce veils and dare l (uhonhlel gladioi.. Mfrs. IMcGreyw wore gar(enias Wt J beri tlîistle print dire"s, as (llditur Piotlher of thé rdgon with lier bine lace gown. Serving as iiest mlnfoyrte brideé- gro-nWas William 1L. Edniond, of Chcgand the iushers \were *[obr M Grew a brother of the bride. and Nlalcolin D. Colle of UWiimettv. ouui, ria., ir 1925. Prior to tliat store in St. Petersburg. i\' - iss . rance 1 ronof72 evs they had iived in Wilmette for rnany B.tet sreetrwinedof 20 allyn years, residùi.g at 1415 Ashland ave- Satuirday evening, August 21, for hier nue before they moved south. . fiancé, Dr. Edwin Comfort, 'of 812 The wedding. took place Saturdav. Give Dinner for Counf Prairie avenue. Both live in Wil- .August 14, at 5 O'cioc.k ini the Eirst metteMs. ams .ShkmnDr. Comifort isivineariy o Mr.jnis G Siakiiiinext nonth. for the Uneriyo Presbyterian church of Saniford;1 withl entertained at dininer Monda3' evening Arka*nsas, where ýhe egins, his - - the Rev. E. D. Brownlee officiattng. in ttheir hogme at,35 Linden aveue. in structoFship lu inte athematic§ de- A reception at the Marshall home ,. honor of Counit CacchttGui. prte.