Dr. Horace Gredley Smith. presi- dent of Garrett. Biblical inisttitute and a formner minister of the [Vil- mette Paris/i Met hodist, Episcopal, churcli, will bho the specaker fit the initialiiiectinig:of theieîcwscason for the Wo;,ian's giuild of thcit chyrc.h Thursday afternoon, ' eptenîbci» 2. fils P)rOgram 'l ho oiic of the nu)5i outsandiq c1îIs .to fthe scas(on. Circus Day Golf Event at Kildeer Circus day for woinen golfers ol Kldeer club is the next outstanding- event planned for themn. .t occurs T sdvof next week. <'ofers Nwifl P1onlships'were to be playcd off, eîghit to) qualify' in elch clas;s. Prizes , wcre tQ be awarded in Class A, B, atid CI ..for low gross scores. The regular monthlY guest (lay at Kildeerwas held on August 17. Abott Sixty- five memýbers and guest, plaved gol f -on the Woods course, teeling off betmeen 9 and 9:30 o'clock Ili the morni.ng. After a lulicheoin on the erdaoverlooking a large expans11e o0f rolling. terrain, hosteses aind Me b ride nas ueciued tupunlieat tendants. She wiIl have tw'o and they will be her sister. Mrs. Robert Taylor of Plainifield. N J., the for- mer Georgialna Fowler, and Miss E1i7zabeth Quinlan, sisier of the bride- grOoom. IN THE GREATEST'NUMBER OF FUR S! The fur ini every Swagger we have for sale is the. pck of thr.p" - and so. as lways, you get full value - in quatity, workmansbip, and beauty - for every dollar you spend on a Bshop Fur Coat. 77 years' experience has: taught us how to buy furs lo YOUR advantagel COME TO OUR 2ND FLOO-R SALESROOM WHERE THE RENT IS LOW AND THE SAVINGS ARE HIGPA SWA GGER Black Kid Kafakul........$ 115. RAr, Pýrc (..iirlkArUti c oe Mendoza Beaver. (dyed coney) Seal Dyed New Ze.aland Buck Coney Back Kid Karakul Silver Fox Collar SWAGGER Sable Dyed Russian Squirrel, Silver or Black Muskraf Mink Dyed Russian Fitch. SWAGGER - ,Ç2500 S125 $139 $145 215 215s Auqust Prices