Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Aug 1937, p. 30

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Shore Party Will Be Large Social, Event at Skokie- Tlie next large ýsocial e ent at .Skokie Coultry club vviIl be a Shiorel)artv to l)e bell on .Sat- lur(lay, eveniing,,. Augtust '28., A shore dinner %vith INeW England' and( Pacific Coast. specialities %vil 1)l e serve(l.at 8 o'clock. while ïn the grill there %vill be the sing- ing. andl play'%iig of tunes 1f rom the Old D)oniniion coiuntrv. Diii- lier wvil le followved by laniciili fron 9 :30 tuntil i1o'clock 1to ilusic h.v joe Rudolph's orches- tra. -we will1 have cvery-thing appro- priate to the occasion exce pt the sat ocean breeze "ýalinin~es~ the en- tertainmient committee ini charge of th e party. Serving on the commit-* tee are: Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peu field, Mr. and -Mrs. J. C. Eliff, Mr. and M rs. S. * . Gilifillan, Mr. .and Nirs. T. E. Hough, anild M r. an d M1rs.iR. W. Pliillips. Air. Phillips is the chairman of the comnimittee. Skokie is conti1nuin.î ils regtular Tuiesday bridg,,e tlcheons t1iroughi- out the summner,-and on Tihîîrsdav. Septellber 2, wilI have its nixed T The womnen held a regular guest An aeronautical self ing such asç this, and/'irett 'v îaincquins like E/s'it dav at the club last Fridav. and in Earle (le! t)> and N vBrozun (riyht) 1I h.atacin tî a!1i / charge of the golf events this mon01th eleventh animal style shôzwhc' h e Wnck board of othctr are Nfrq. Daniel Stilling ofýWinnetka University settiement wed! hold Septenzber 25, in t/w auditoriumn of Sko kie and Mtrs. Cliftou H. Stowers of Gleil- school in Winnetka. A transport airie is providinq ifsUla-odr coe. The general chairmani of woin- Skysleeper as a background for the showin g of mîodes of 1938. en's. golf this season is Mi1ss Lorraine Miss Ear/e, the daiugjhtei- of' flhcEdwun SFreso 22 To- ci-rad Hiaves., iill not bc able. b mnode! for the fash ion o w cases/wi s* /co î'ig bef -e. Mfiss Haves ;announiices that the fli for lier senior year at Sarah Laiorence aicq.llit suc ÎS(Islndnlg /wr. (Iualifving round for, the Nvollen .S support Io~ the bene fit. Thc past 'feu' , onthis s/nlweiis bcu puîiu i l ii 1937 charnpionship tournânient Nvill nwîka and at lier parentis' sîcînnirr home af Castli Poark, .1fici,.At pieseuf he plaved on Fridav-, Auigtùst 27. The she is the gitest of Miss BarbaraBefv of I'outo, a fclbltanlte. of /ast tournainent Nvill be completed %with seasoli, aithew entley's sînwreta.q a inc Na' rs. Bar/e an~d Ilier Bridai Dinner to End Pre-Wedding Entertain.ment. I'onjighrt (Thuitrs'dav') the bridal dinuier gi-ven. by her iiothier', 3dr. \\.alter T ..Mead of ViI-, muette, at the Tavern' club, wviIl 1riuig to a -close e.tertaiing i holnor of, Miss Marjorie Mead. and John iReed Fugard, Jr., whose marriage takes place Sat- ur(lav afternoon -of this week., a4:0o'clock iïn the, chapel1 of E the Wininetka Conigregationiial cliurich. * Mrs. Mlead. is having -the ruception ù lh>ing the service, ini the -garden v o the umeof the, bridegrooni s parenti Mr_ am'i Mrs. John Reed Fugard, 8~(( UlintQu.pl.ace, PEvanistoni. is.Mead's bridge club cntertaii at an eveîlîng party in her lhunor ru- cently. and last Suntday nîglit Mrs. jlack_ Kaufman of Cambridge, M ass, l MisRuth Kniiiep of Evamîstoi ôgave a cocktail par.ty. Both of the osese are in the wédding party. Tuesday evening a hosiery hvr wvas given by Miss Katherinc, Parshall and Miss Mariami Flentye 'at the 1Flentx . home In \Wilniette, and Wedtiu.daý, M\t Jane and Miss Helen Holden of Kcil w-orth were hostesses at a spinster dni11 ner at Iridiar illh1 Coun.try club; gî\'l wvhile -Mr. Fugard hiad bis bceu (limier. The eddIng rehiearsal 1S i'rida\ cu- Dr. H. G.,Smnit.h to Addres'sM. E. Guild ihe r e organized XXoIiaiix. the Wîl.mette Parish MýNethodi1 opens fall activities Thuirsda inoon. September 2. witlb 1. gtmild (-uf st churlcýl iy after.- lunclheomi The first ini a series of five book reviews sponsored by the WNilrnette Parish Methodist church guild will bc held on September. 17, at 10 O'c iôek, in the morning, in the chutrchi. Eleanor Ellis Perkins will review a- 1)00k of the: hour, the title to bc an-, 0oun ced late r. li1crc rornthe east.- The animal Country Club of Ev- anston dance is Saturday, August 28, an i ivthis vearfor tefirst -Nl. ,id -rs Wllim -lrrige..timie at the She'iàiàn Shore Yacht Mr.andMrs Wilia Harideclub at the Wilmette harbor. The 1440 Forest avenue, spent last week- Town club orchestra- wiIl start .ly end visitinig at Deélavan, Wis. ing for dancing at: 9 o'cl9ck., Alpha -PhiTea M rs BÈ G. Calloway of Wilrnette, mresident of the Alpha Phi Mfothjer's chll of the University o)f Illinois, is. having a tèa at.,herhome, 920 Linden avenue ,lMonday afternloon for Alpha Phi'S"a;id their mothers., i

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