AUl communications and contribution- intendec cation muet bear th~e ture and address of the necessarily for publication, but for our files. Si muet reach the editor by Tuesday nôon .to be' te current issue. 'WE HAVE OU'R W-'. A for publi- eauthor, not 'uch~ uaterial in ti'me for ture. vhich, réeiber, is net eititlëd te thanks t h seson cf Hbai t s oflCc) )k thanks on ~~~very many scores.,uubnte fCe cointv are as "long 1las§t"to hav e thîcîr i va i the matter of re.gisterîng as Neters at fru- quent intervals. Uîîder the, terins cf a-new laxx' 4w a i nown as ."permanient registration" is 4 provided. thus forever puttîig roui the average villager the bugaboo of heînig denied thje righit te * vote because ôf faiu.e to-register. Spimeh.ow, the suburbanite lias looked upoti ttle requi.rement to rcegister, as somne sort. cf aff rent to his dignity, -or a challenge to lus honelsty. e-r. a veiled charge that he is atlheart a- "relpeater". \vho rmight, for cash or ôther compensation. travel fromn pollîng to polling place oni electioni day, exercisiTxg in each his inaiienaiile rilht of sixffrage. So up goes his back, and lie glares niialevoleneitlvat the judges and clerks, who as.k sucb rotineý' questions as nam-e and address. Ail that is past now, or ivill lîe couic Septemuer: * 21 and October 5, the two days' set aside fer permanent registration, after whichl the voter w~il1 flot l>e called upon agalin to register foria long as lie remaints a resident of the sainie pre- ciuict. Looking back uiponthie p rocedutre. l(N P supersedled by the nw it did look ratlier si f or a voter to go. into the p)olliiig place and faceý the iîî<ies n lrs iigioso i o perhiaps many years, orily to be asked "\'Viat iý. vour lnme; whlere do you live anid iow 10o1- have voi lieilthere?" Regillur, of course, and entîrelv without injeît to affronit., But. the voter, hiaving cone into tlhe conmunnity (or borii in it), bouglît a home, be- corie a responisibleanid civîc-ninuded Ctiecu, sent lis cliidreh to. tueschools snrd the church. anîd othier agencies of imoraltv just Aid net ike Io have a neigbbor be,ide wvhon lie lîad !ive(l for p-egrs, ask lîini 'bis, anje and address. (of this, fancied imposition lie is 110w to lie retîeecd foflr teest of lus uatural Ide.Siuîess lYe hnoses to invite it hy rnoving iuit. somne otlieýr votiig preciîct, and even then lie CHIlhave die sais- I v .uî(turptrsuns Deconie aed or conipletelv dead, and thev refuse touniake an effor't te bell) tiieniselves as ong as a paterîial government pro- v-ides reli(ef stations. No une ieedl orry about tflii turv of t1wi ilbree boys, for it is tiot clifiliciuit tlu vÇiî thejîî ii erl ianhin1 ~d as j reprieers cf a thriing lii.iiQ5 prl>a)l fruits, and ývegetables ,- or holding respenlsible positions iii estah)lisheéd bus i- "e$cccouiceris.. Tlhat is the kiiîd of stniff thevc Ilav' i hei THE REAL PURPOSE li t thée davs of, (i1 estie after aino .ct-iier, the wvor<ls "clo-sed"4 and "o(peni" slîoi are frequentiv tise(. Few, people kniow jtnst. wvhat thé terni "closed shiop" imîplies. But a recent -new ,s itenm frolii Pcnuiis%,lvania tells thie' whole storv.. Jl a lîflsiervIîîuill 'a group of girls Of the N eil- "(Alxite: scct ivo rked.. Their relÏigin orae *eî ,to join ait% organization snicb as a lahor unionî. Bnt thieir lalît became a cls( hpIli whicli thiese tiot h)eloingïîng to t"he nion conld trot work. lt ilan t tlîat the ellpflo ver ýoulldlbe coînpelled *~ ~ ~~s tý 4s4,rc î 1egrls aidthey '\-oulid llnse the-jr 'J'lie uion, llowecver, liad the answver to that. tofficials ag-reed that if the girls wvonld pav,'u r.....ioni (ues thev wonlid ulot have te *o eil. Anîd tllat is the storv. lithe final sho\vdown jtfle 1un1(in(hi(cI lot caIre Xvlletll(r theý- helonOe<i te f)(lim non. It w-alte(l the (lues. The closed sbep' i-,,a1iiieails hv Nwlîiclî eniplveesare colllel(lte pavý over a tax ii>ouil each Pav enlvelope or quit worl.. Notr So EASY surins of ionley thiat -ie ein- hcte eç.herer eand everywbere for this. thlat ,11(jl Hie otiier -tilîing. ouîe îigIt li tiislel i4t pntîn iuice Sindown as a saji and easv mark wbc digs 'dowvn inito b is jeans, and1( l1alids onlt cash Ji'lee it is asked for. That is îlot alwavs the case. The ic:old boy1 becoilles qulite stiîîgy andl tics the pturse strunlgs, a4. idoubîle:kilot, seca if sornecolle thlinks lie lias l>eeli datmaged liv Incle aiir,(l sCeks recilreCss. li a group 0 f six sticli clainîis recently, passeri on? bv Coiîgress or the Court of Claimis, five we.rc InearIv' -?0 vears old anîd oee as 40> years old ii 011e ca>ee, ait inspector iii the Fedr-d ~T. "lhe Honl. Iib Gr aves, g-overnor of Alabania, apinte( lis sife to the eat M ithe U. S. Senate \,'acated bx' sornehody or- other: who is niow un the . U.S. Suipreiniecourt,.A nmantinanîvd (1"Pihh') k ikel alnîlost anivti,îgl). "Enoîcil 1.1t;liv"i now> accepited 1)v a CI îicago jtidge as caiSe foi- deprivîig a inotorist of his rgi to drive. ' Eio(tionial isaiîv'is sàid te he .insanlity in a mild fori. lf ail motor- ists vî show iî of insanlitv are restrained freio vi î;t1here %x il J) ea. lot of roonii on the hil i va v s. Onle freqjucnltlv h1uars 0fe cl i 1)it ioi- e f initellJi - -cnce of -a Ilîgh order ameong anitiaIs, tstuall herses or degs. This bias rio doulht deepei3ed t h ,eneral beliei t bat ai cat lias noc brain s, and tatits. acts are Inotivaite(î hv instinict rathi- C r thian tbonight. Lt larv- illaiile(l for a Wîinîctte c'if t4t redeetili the fejjnce race f i.i.rn. , the charge of id1c11Ïsii for the monient anlobim fifiil(,enienlt 1N1)()n the pre- eýrves of Mr. RiplevY, wc 1hereý give thé storv~, as tl. Ili the er. ctnringfroni xvcrkIin the earIvlv bors cf the niortn 11,19. à-1 ll ad vas >erelv injtîred. loss cf hlood( rundcr'ingliiî è s.F'ailing to :areusje other icilibers of the faîniliv, lie calle(l thle clt all dlirected it t o go îp,;tirs aid( awaken' tbeml, wlîiclî it uroipt~- idkeepii~g iii a constant inîeôwvi, iintil they epnei Cali voni beat thatNilr eaul Pin Tiji 1Til. world f -aious dog, no(.r .1111, the, educatcd Iherse. 110 ay o 01e eali say Me valîrnan is, stîig ~vtbrainî lieni once lieiniakes unil)sIii: idtý One neyer realizes hoNw ,dceip and( black is the Pal of igîloance throngh xvhlich he gropes unltil soîne briglit mnciî bursts in wvith information Af sncb stupeuidons importance that he ,vonders howv lmeyer Inanagedj to live with so incomplete an to cc) ceuve thierMotiîve to De relief of tiue parents of thîe urden of caring for thern. However that miay be, thev decided to "go oun their own-t," the vehicle ehosenl being the 'fruit and vegetable busi- ness. With their smiall capital thîei purcbasedj stQcks at wholesale aiîd sold, at retail, niaking our rKe te milk. Fate plays strange tricks o1 man, A Chicago youth, winner of mnany mnedals in swimming con- tests, was drowned ini a lay hole. womauî under 50 years of Rus sia eight peôlple were e accidents hiad occurred in worked. Re the smoking, ladies like. that ?, .. lood reasons mhý' In. Germany uno niay sxnoke. In ec because fatal )ries where they Would American THe PH.ANýtoY REPOR.TER Z j~1. '1