______________________________ L: Mçr;,~-~ ".: -. -~ - -- ~- -- an<i k. -k Mry--a'---,.. - Te~a~. ara'- ~ i ) Pasnmize Oui Adverds&s C G ~rw h .~tr ut. '--~. IF *r:' -J r ~' j nF. .(,- . j' ~ ~ .. - 3- .- r .w1 -~*1 r-~- eau arF -4e-- - , c ce h -rrtv rÛ ' - 'a' : J.- -.....- - - -- ~ c .J~. c.- -. --e -....- r- C -... ' -- .. C., ~C.. . .. New e s jplet SwotLU NÉ MUSIC & RADIO 097 Line. Avenue HUISARD WOODS WIt4NETKA 687 want t//s. Loat Control . a r iv--. :~... .~.r. na~e e-'. an a.- . I .(....--r.-.. - t, E' r r. F ~ ..~' r- r . azng rf-'jft.otFm-; * c ~ ~ - 4 4¶~~~~~ .FM'-j..- . 'P ai.. a ~h: :r.r 'r~ . tir'~- a--' -'ar~.-.- Jr k ~ * ~,, - r,1r~ .:n'- 1).Ç'-at. a-id .(. ,.*~ *, j r~- .&y..rF~r-rr ..urt ~r î~a. d-r~ rr~r~:CP n:- -'rn22 ~- P wa- ra: 'r, r r yF- .rr..rF-r rr at.f-r Th~ r ~r ~.an -~m~:': aC ~ ri~ruaerl tbe f N* t-r-' di--ati'iactjon- h r, n.ter-.~xv the alreadv c-x~t- e-..- It ha-ten.ed the a ch *lsn * 'e -o ies. o Citl --,errr..iiit c o y rIa îwCo nmme c-.--rn P- -1 0 :pte-d at thu C:xv M7 -*M amenr rnmr ucir à--*nu su:rn Lradt- and acic c . -upeintndet. riza3i-r .--r'p E<.GiniIit.wa aardeda 14iunmeir. Dur.ing thle tre a-t h-i atended the sumnegr -c:ax-plu.cU A'nxdr ceand eaansquarterma-eréf. atbronze tuxis, medals.:and a incmber of the varsitx'- sa!bnl eai Ix-n o!]d Felt Koch. 35Wh"it' ,> \a' - \i ln et Uka, a - - ):.- :u'ji t ":a-. r .p B cof -the ca-à à x ,- rccc i% (d a Gold Ttixis andcert at coi gradifatîon. Koch was..a memiber of il '1wm-ical ride 's-tuad ùi cd, cavâIary troop and also) earned boz and >iih er Tu.xis medaký, and i riîie -iir-ooter medal. Dlipl.y Ioom: 1*- J)ar N. it s 1,' )ee imade clear in4t iir l. r. jiraçtstrcet. C. B'. KenIled. I., Eoisn, l~ .he Mntd t b the one in commirand W. ' LoeP,-z.T. 'S.MEanr. and( that he intends to continue to- C. A. Marsli.iH. S.M, i, : ~ )QM FILLID WITH ward the left.in. a(Id J. W. Strà1lub. ESTIONS. COME IN. Vhcn, the president sent his sui- Av~ bç@.prerne court proposai to congress. lie Mr. aild Mr. 1)nte'alnalu 'Ave, cicoo dd. otconsuit, bis party 1jdrHý tfurlev, W-is arcvi--iýting Mis Ber- came- as a surprise. When, hc ,,cnt bis 1 niée Cvhulski' of 727 etrlaemue.