7'Iomnas j. Lynch, 1131 Green P(13, road, Glencoc> assistant ,direc- t.o' of thec Illinois state, departmnent o)t consCrvationi, was appointed oact- ilit/ direcetor it/s zceek. follozwi!l tie deatlu, Siiidai, of Clier/oc P. A mherst Men to Meet A t fndlan H1111f Club; WVilI Greet Freshmen On Septemnber 8 at the Indian Hill. Counitry club will be held the animal Indian summer dininer . meeting of theý alumniii and unldergraduates of Arnlîerst college. Dinnier will be se-ved at 6 o'clo.ck. Alumniii of Amhlerst, of whomi therç are 150 residing between Evanston an.d Lake Fore-t, will gather at the wilu Le raster-ot ceremonies. Midshipman Arniold- Berns of the United States Naval acadeniy (ex- A\mherst '38) will open the prograîni With a short talk on "Amnherst 111 INketr-ospect," after which Thomnas . Rodmnan, '40, 775 Bluff street, Gleii- coe, will discuss, "Undergraduate Lif ec andt Fraternity Rushing," and Josephi L. Messenger, '41, recipient of the regional Lord Jeif. Scholarshiip, will talk, on "Amherst in Prospect." , l'le aIress of the evetdiioý iil Vi.I exact dpplicate of the Leani of Pisa, provided -the spot presentation of the opera, an the interniission those who terested walked around the ç ilug the itatural beauty spots. of the riches both of the wisdom 'and manfliestation of Minci" (p. 275). knlowledge of God! how unsearchable are bis judgments, and his ways past Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Findiater of finding out,! For wvho hath known the Chicago are now occupyjxig the new minci of the Lord? or who hiath been home they buit at 2121. Chestnut. Patrnz Our Advertisers his êouniseller? For of himn, and avenue.,onz On Butter .ýýDQualîtyI IA 8 E, "WA itiA POUwu 09 BUTTER" NOW YOD DON.T HAVE TO TAKE A CHANCE .e 111- - - - - - - ' - 'l- ------ vislit- US THE ONLY.BU1TER MADE THAT MEETS ALI L THESE STANDARDS... NOW.