coulit of darkness. Th e T. N'. T.'s started off with five runs ini the first inning and were leading 12 to 7 start- ing the fourth inning. The Turnnoils put on an eight-run rally in their half of the fourth tb bring their ýtotal to 15,ruis.. The Ene- up was as follows: T.NX.T. (1>Tu6il)(5 A. Wagnier D. Dittrnar, ilf B. Huek M. Kivian, p B.. Bouchicas V., Schaefgen, 2nd, B. Leal . 1B. Kreusch r). Davis P.* Whittington, l1st B. Marsh B. Steffens, 3rd E. Patterson M. Latner, cef D. Lamson VI PI REConrad. A. Bad Dog Catches'a Doâg Catcher, Which Is Real News, Anywhere There' is an old storv. about a mani whô caught a bear by the tail. but foiind "he couldn't 'hang on a'nd did nlot dare to let loose. The details are flot' clear, but somehow the story seemis to fit the case of Fr*ank Pierson , officiai dog catcher of the sovereigii Village of Xiimette. Tues-day morning josephi Oleverii, 205 Ridge road, brouglit to the Vil- lage y7ard his dog, which, being the progeny of an Airdale and a Police' dog, carried within his hide more cussedness than. could be fotund i the saine sDa2cP 2lvWhere. -Mr. flteveri Mr. Pierson agreed to accept the dog, 'which at the moment wvas 'held' by its owner withi a chaiti leash. Re- moving the chain, the officiai hoisted the animal into the dog PaddywAagoni 'by its collar, and proceeded to the dog pound. Suspects Trick' Arriving, 'he opened the door and beckonied the dog to comne out. Sus- pecting a trick, the dog refused, and M r. and Mrs. Ctayton B. Burch, Gréeenlwoc former Kenilworth residents powliv- as Richar in&! at, 15 Woodley road, Wininetka, Etiropej' have just returned' from' 'a thr'ee camp, Mc weeks' stay at Jasper Park lodge ini day Step Canada. Their two daughters, Bar- Mountain bara and' Nancy, were with. tieni. Colo. ys camp, rk,~p In the preparation of the final pro-' grami, at which Miss Lolita Bertling of Wilhiette will again be soloist, Mr. Farrar added, -the 'cooperationý of the music lôvers is sought, and .thiose who have special. classical favorites thev wish played are'asked t'O regiSter heW 1 coi~ with '-Mr. Farrar at- the office of the~ XVilniette Home Owners' association, 1155 Wi 'lmette avenuie. ,The concerts have been given, ever%. Wednesday throughout the suinier at the new.ý howvl- which has been co n- structed hy the park board ini coopera- tion with the federal governmen.t.. It. ,was. the. second year during which thle, concé,erts.have been presented. Winter Concerta The orchiestra, during the past twu-( years, lias given concerts, in the ýwiter tim'e ini the auditorium of the .e Trier ,Town~s1bip. High. school, .1Iidian. Hili. An average. of 5,000 to .6,0'0 peoiple have attenided each of the stunirer cont- eerts, it was estimated 'this ek Sound eeluipment for the concerts at the Wilmétte bowl is furn.ishied liv W. W. Quinlin, of the 'record' ani sounld departrnent of* the Shoreline Radio and Music 'store, 897 Linden avenueHlibard Woods. Village Green Holds Carnival and Circus The village green. piavgrounid Ll hni'nîng ,,with -business. :Xttenldants aail boohs 1,vere in1 cos;tume made y hnseIves, Refrcshments aiI sold for one cent. Iin the side show' Mickey MNou-se, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Big Bad WVolf per- fornied. There were severai races which inciuded the turtie, sack,',three, legged and haèkwa'rd racrs. Gay hats, made hv the costume comrlnittee wve given each child to wear. Xattmnan park held a ina'rshmiiallowýý (EE ILLrhand Mrs, W. H. Hayt, hiave 52, an emsoidetheIr home ,at 1310 Maple ave-' 52, ~ ~ e a0epoyenet rof. and Mrs. Robert Sea- [inter Ilc. grocery shore,'who 'carne here from. Cali- t6 Central avenue,' fornia the first of the yat ec at work Wednes- at Northwestern university. The as remov-ed in the 1-ayts 'have moved to'Cîncinnati and to the Evaiiston will move 'into their new home tbere as sboon as it 'is finished.