PrA SOUP, CAN CONSOMME MADRILENE- Delieious tomato and chiokeri souP. Grand hot and better 'Stili whefl chilled and served ccld. 13os. ~ l can 2 cans20Ic MN EVANSTON The Centeella Food Stores located ini Evanton regret that the retail food store own ers here are compelled to abandon the Wcdnesday afternoon ciosing -plan, due to the lack of co.ýopera- tion, of a few local grocers. To, seek an uni air advantage in thesé days of keen comupétition by remaining open on Wednesday afternoons, these f ew indl- viduals may' cause a1 conditio n that Will cventually destroy the finer traditions of Evanston. Centrella Food Stores1 nu mber, among the, oldeat retail, food establishments -in Evanston and aire, individually owned ana operated. Their owners bave contributed much. toward the build- ing of, the communlity as a city, schools and churches. As merebants and1 as ýcitizens, we respectfully .petition al Evanstonians 'to do everyething wvithin their powei to. help pre- serve. the fine ideals and splendid. traditions of Evanston by uniting in aIl worthwhile projeets that make for greater home betterment and happineis. In behalf of our employées we wish to publicly thank..our customers for their help in making it possible for our employees to have~ etjeG$d4 iirjg j f'iy woekla hoda~y ince.June. , To our neighboring communities listed above we say to you, "Carry on this splendid programn of human interest in the wel.' fare of the employee. Your example will bud for the -btter things of this life." We have been informed that 97% oi the retai1 food store own- ers in Evanston can rightfully bc classified with our neighbors to the north and to the west. And that les. than 3% of the total nuinber of food retailers in Evanston took unisir advantage irorn a competitive viewpoint by keeping their stores open on Wednesday aiternoons. It is the nurnose of this article to_ inforrn the public that CýENTRELLAMAT * I*Are Grade-A-.uU. S. Iuspected Faincy LbgOc .m Finiest QualitY Baby Lamb, 1937, lb.... Dellolous, HAM !NE Whole or Shank SIOKOH IA Hall, 33 rff.k bs*s Lb.....,c SfIfll OLD TRI * ALL TERRIER A blefld of *w1iea ground beef bone. moistejied with sc tables rnay a1so he .a.y FOOD * our, meat and ,be fed dry or or milk. Vege- BABY PORK TENDERLOIN Very Choice and Fresh 5 OUR FRIDAY FISK SPECIAL AUÜGUSt 26' 1937 17