Saturyad Sanday Speceial BRICK FUit QUART anston Baptist church where. three Evýanstoni chuirches, Congregational, Presbvterian, and Baptist, w'ere hold- ilg joint services. COMPLETE. MOTOIR TRIP, MNr. and M.\rs.* John Si Holmes, 323 Cumnlor road, Kcnliiworth, and ýtheir daiighter-, Patsy, and son., John, have just returiied -fromn a niotor trip. Mn. and Nlrs. .Holmies and Patsydrv to International Falls Ito.pick up,ohni who -lias been at Camftp Kooch-i-Chiing anldtheni they ail proceéeded to' Lake- of-the-WVoods for a short stay. COt4FECTIONERY_____________ Just WPest of Bank NRHSOERFIEAINC FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETrTE, ILLINOIS Fr'ank I,.. Mar-shall of IWilmn cite lias becii nanzced adv isoi-3-co ni 1 ni t trc mebron .forcit,,î commnerce, 1> the colle t/( of conînîicrce of (lcU' ni-* v7"ersiti aoflînîvlis * k c'i'thoritv o.f. (le l)oard of Iraisic<s, the rwo sectionis. Iule Ieature oJIt te afternoon will be a Tug-of-War be- tween the two disfticts. *This will be. followed by a double- header baseball garné between. the two sections, and hetween Mosquito abatement employees and dôowntowvn office empIoyees.. During the aftér-' noon there wvil1 be 15 racing events for various classifications. M:Lvnch, has provýidéd 'suitable 'riz sfor-thewinners and, runner s-up There- will be plenty of rcfreshi- ments of ýail kinds. Acts of enterta'in- nMent of diff erent types Nvill bc givenl. An orchestra bas beeni. provided for TI e e arc the races: I <10 aid diishý for boys 1 to 20 yas r nd dash for girb~1. .6 to>20 yea I. jO-y\pd d (a.f fi .boys 12 to 16 yea 1iS. 25' .. rd, dash for girls 12, to 16 'yeaîs,. ýý-var .î dasîijfori, 8 Stro 12 y_ rs 21 *N ýtd dasli fiwr girls S 8t" 12 ýcas Advice and colin _e;l Nith the foreign ii udr comtercefacitv-ii te dvelomentof il(-s o(ys iilffl girls u "2î the nîost practical and progressive edu- yea 1". is cailed for bv the 'assignment. M r. -lic s ( e ,u -Marshall is expont manager of a large l'aS. Chicago mercantile and distributin9, con,- -yî' dash fori- iiarried meil. cerni, and an authoritv on foneign trade, 51yi dits]) for rnanied womein. >ý 0 iii both theorv and practice. Jadd~ o u -giî~oe 0 J.R Celad Are Richard Roth Is Awarded Newcmersto W l et Honors in Essav .Cnntest August 29, 1937, Subject: CHRIST JE'SUS READING ROOM-iu3-3 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7.:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P.~ M. daughters, Janet and Gwynýiethi, h have been, spending the sumimer at camp at Pine Bush, N.. Y ' Thein datighiter, Joan, lias just returned from- a transcontinental tour with theYVouth Hostel group. She will enter Neýw Trier as a senior next year. Miss, Ruth McClelland, the eld est daugh- ter, will arrive this week from suim- mer school at the niversity of Maine. 47 Suniset road, won launreis in tyin with tiwo, othlers for third place. There were ove r 12,500 entries ili the contest, which xvas ,von byv David W. Dean, a student at Chicag&'s Semi high schciol. The essavs were or, "T'he Ftunction.s of the Supreme Court of the U'nited States," and were judged Iby three lawyvers coin- posed. of Ferre Watkins, Chicago, a former departmient commander ini the Legion., J. V. Bartley, Joliet, and Haw'ýýs Kceiidvl- of Chicazr. .... rares I This is die twentY.fourth of a seiies of Edi. v h toia lvetsre s appearing in. this ae tin each W.ek. .. . addreý Copyright CAN cojjy. On newsstani ce ro TI ond, BI the pi