Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 50

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lot--special igxtîîg Jix- tures ......$18,00-00 -Confortable-Livatbe-Homey-a lh- brary; 4 faniily bedrooms; large and well .arranged beautiful *rounds a n d splendid East Wlnn. location E a s t' Kenlworth-Brck-niodern- 100 feet of fronitage-beautiful garden. The right home in the right location At the, right price. Brndnew-3bedrms.. 2%k haths, game rm., att. gar. jitst what you .will îike-$15,500.00 A corner house with lots of light and air-3 Ige. bdrnis.. 1,ssmaller bdirm., sleeping rc.Ali East Winnetka-$12,500. French-white painted brick-sA«te, roof-spacious grounds; 5--)family bdrms«4 4bath. 3. ,servants rins, The ultimajý%e ilaa home; just teduced to ,$70,000.00 <Tell us frankly' what *.you N-ant - where you wvant. it and. then look * out for speedy action. (QÉmai 'T7cm * INC. 1571 Shermnan Ave., Evanston Roi. 2616 Uni. 2600 Wil. 2602 A DOWN PAYMENT PLUS $7,42 Per Month Per $1,00 Wil l handie lpraetically eveîy one of themi. At preseft prices, own», .i, costs less per mlonth than present rents which wil go lhighev set. Prîces usual3 yfollow îents. MNcGUIRE & ORR,.Inc. Over 43 Years of -Dependable- Seî'vh-e 432 Deerfield Rd.. Opp. Sehool and IN EAST W iN;NETKA CON- venient. to Greeley sehool, New Trier, lake, and transp. A re- inodeled home, 30 ft. living rm". library'. 4 bdrmns. 2 modern bas. deep yard, two car garage, side drive.. $15,000 IN EVANSTON., AN UNUJSUAL 6 rmi.:brick, .tie roof,. two wing porches on large,. deep lot. Lovelyý living rn.' and master bdrm.; also two other bdrms. 1%/ baths. 2 car gara ge. $M19750 TWO BLOCKS FROM LAKE, Winnietka, -a,,heautiful setting among large old trees faeing l)ark. 5 bdrmns., 2 baths, a porches, 2 car garage. 100 ft. lot. THE BJ13LL«oS REALTY, l .529 Dais.St., Evanston Gre. .1166 Wii. 3740 lllLT.Nl5-ltc PRICE $25f000 7 RMNS., 3 BATUS, PLU.S GAME room, glass solarium and roof deck (living room, 24xl4; mas- ter bedroom, 1.5xl7), fireproof construction, perfectly insulated. Maintenance of this soiidly beau- tifully built bouse wiil be at a minimum. Many unusual features to appeal to ail mnembers of the farnily. Location, 2103 Beeechwood, Wilmette. Open fori, nspection 2-4 P.M. Sundays and every evening. G1,EN COE SPECIAL OFFERING ATTRACTIVE R E S T 1) E N C E, 1ST floor-Lirge liv. rmi., largýe *.Sunroom, dlining rooin, butlerý's î,antry, kitchen, I)>dro i'o. 2ndic flooî': four family bed- roomns, 2 tule haths. 3rd floor: 2 mnaids' 10onius and bath. 2 car attachied garage. NXear'13 acre of land. offered, at mortgage costs for immiiediate sale. MeýIGUIRE & ORR, me. Ôver 43 Years of Dependable Service , G. Co. 1 11LTN15-ltc ON ATTRACTIVE LINDEN STREET. ïn. S. W. Winnetka. Bick colonial on, l00x187 ft. overlhxiiîn *g a beautiful peren- niai garden. Huge elm ianîd o aks' Lovely living rm. anud surirm., brk. nk. and but. pafltry. 4 maes. bedî'msî, 2 col. file baths, shower staîl, luiditr. and bath. SI. pch. -2-catr gar. Ou1 heat and water heat- er. An excellent value at $28.500. SM.ASHOUT - $ 13,50 0 A modern brick ,With lfelong tile roof., Lge. living rmn. with bridge alcovýe, pine îaneled diii.. rin. 3 bùdùrnms., 2 baths, 2- cair att gai'. Oil heat & oil water heatet'. XVelI financed wit.h $ ,, le-alan at5. W3UANN-COOIK 552 Linc'oln Ave. Win :Ha350 11LT Ný5 -1 tc OVERLOOKING SKOKîE CLUB Modern.-white Fr'ench home, on hligh gÏrounld. Finle ie'; 6bed- rm-is, ;'lhaths. uslllame iroms ;I 00-ft. lot. CENTRAL LO A1N Plemfect house foir large family with modest ilume ; 5 ed- x'ooms, 3 baths. I. W. heat. Vii seIl1 for$,0.0 on eas'. FREDERJCK A.7. COOPER 1,505 Chicago Ave., Evans.. Gi'e. 3030 AWAY FROM TRAFFIC Oin quiet street in the Hovvard School District in -Wilnette, -this seven room, 2 bath house, is just the place for a famnily *with 2 or ;) children. Lot 50x150, near train and ýtores. Just listed for quick sale, at thte s.acrifice price of $10,500 CALL MRl. JENKINS SHIORE -TOWNS REAeLTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Ave, Evanston Gre. 2700 Wji1. 6 0.8 . og. Pk. 6636 Ofrering nmy-wnhite colonial lnaechoice location. 128 Robsart Rd. Caod landscaping and lovely gardens. large trees along- rear line. S rooins. 2 tiue baths, maid's roomn and bath. sun roni sleelinig porch. Hot water oil. A gond house il1 every way.4.To see, ph<'le. Kenflworth,5111. 1lLTNli-Itp CHARMING ENO. BRICK AND TIM- ber near lake. 9 rms.,.3% 2bâ., scréened and slpg. pch.s. Oil he:t., 2-car gar. Beautiful grounds. $371500, rent $225. Eng. brick,. 4 31ms,112 b.., rec. , oul heat. Car. $23,000, rent $1 50. 6 min. brick -Col. $11,000, rent $5 M1 U ., LNG WINNETKA- il1!4 WVINNETKA BARG AIN MODE WN S 111N G1,E. 4 BI M 2 baths on ii2nd. fi.' Sleeping î,orh ;l id sun roon. 80 ft wloodt4 lot. WVhite 1Iinit.wotld (1o.xondt'rs t' 'r this homne. A bal*gain at $ .40 FREDERICK A. COOPER lao0-)Chivagu Ave.. Evanston Cîr,.30 175 1,LAKE $SI., I E CO 1>NMS.. --) BATIHS, A "TTA<('HlEp L gized porchf, hot wvate-r ouhe t.L Sli-IOWN BY APJ'OINTMFEN-T Citv National A ec loF EVAýNSTON, INC, ~.0 avs t.,R 4 -00 î.I11 111 -L1,NIT 1-ltfp H OME-$4,:,00 l)EIRBL (ORER LO, T 75 x12,. tres, hrus.5 rom framie, batth. Neaiy e.wfurnace. 2-car fradmt' ga- rage, 2Ôx24. Can .be finanved. C. R. NORMAN & CO. - Excliusive Agents 441 RidgeP.1'ç WhImCltte 4,>4 ATTRA.CTIVE I-7 RO EI)N on1 finle lo)t î75xl7. northeast of i- mette. 1 heated sun poi'h, -) open orces 2 car' gtrage. Excellentop>tuiR; . JOHNSTION- & CO. Opp)osite "L" Terminal Wilnliette 4141 1IILTN15-lt.' IN NORTH EAST WILMETTE. IN A weîl established nieighboi-hood. 4 bed- vooms, 21ý baths, library, H\N' )îl , - C. G., beautifully lani-.scaped. A 'ýhus, -ou ilwant to own. Priced at $P50 jWaul N. E. WIL. A loveiy 6 r .slpg. poli. and sun lrm. 0 old, Owner hasceut price fi Large liv. rm. Excellent kiti bath. H. W. lit. 2 car gar. Wilmette 437. ~cest. Owner, 111LTIN15-t ryv Il *$1,000 DOV LLYý buys modern 4 1 chen, Colonial; hot, paY- ideal section; drý * Heinsen Realty, 31/2 bath brick lieat; 2 cars; eut to $17,000,

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