BOOM E N 1 1Il 13, PtI.C K 6adjoinifig Linêcolnwood distric-t: 2batls ;' att. gal-age. 'xeln value at $350.Mr. Van Kirk. RAMBLIN( E];NfLjI fl CÛTTACE ý,IN I.~ico1xvo>d-,W.Evaliston 7, spacnUsi'<)m5,3 iaths hlot water <>11 lient wooded lot, 75X br ui wit l Il_ îuiii I'iiel $ 1. 00. Y(u il; \VI ,1 il lýN11 e t; f<4k i l 1 1 WINNETIKA sîo:soi Il." TIII': lli(;IIT Luî'ATI(>N essential - then sec Ibis G loi 'ni - . home '~the East ~ide near kH~e, sr'hoois aî~ sta tîuin nil heat C;. l~. rt'frigvration garage. Miss ('ronk. ~VINnutka 2700 . Bilijîrgate i : I H-iJGHI4AND PARK fieuae inl, 1aviiy b emd, Park lR55 VIT1l'.OR 1PHO4NE ONE F )TIHrýE: .Bria 1-at4. 185 ITCHl(,AXV) PARK-5 .1-. ýT. .ON 11igl atn d Park 1 - \V inret 1 02 MAIN OFFICE-7 S~ ER3R T. Ce'ntral 15 ;05 1 U R ELAV'E. NOT TUST AN OIIDINAPY 6 RO h1OMe. he arrange!menit i sacot Ili(, om large, wails are çna~d thc niaster' bedrooni bas Nwoodbuimning fiîeplce ndthe porches are dielightfl these warmi-n summner days. A loVer of ,ili - iliii11rfA '.,,th the 0 s- ~?iit5, ~ t these iuses. A\T .BU.RNIIAM PAEAND LAKE. silor& rie a charming French stone lims f 10 roomis, 3 batbs, and 2 l~ivtrres.An tunobstriucteQ view-'of tiie Lake. Convenienit tri scho<ls, lI ii nslprrta:tion, atibusiness. diitrict,. 1 X ýIL13URN PARK AT THE NORT- eatst -corner of Sheridan Roa ' and \Niiburn iStreet, 'astone bouse and Eliglish T.dr-design baving .11 ben,3lath,, andi 2 lavatories. Now îîîçie crnstucton.Finish à.nt ima- pçkintménts rnay be selected bv' buver.' Priee . . P........ NVE ALSôOrFFER. FOR Sale the following modem,. up-o-dtebouses all in-flrst class condition iniside andi Out. .\qlT 5TPrEET, WINN'ýET KA:, 6 RO0OM f'rame Colonial'bouse,3 bedroomns and ba-th.- Lot 50x177, one car garage. elitc)rtl(îitfeiy paîinted and decoratei.. Pi'ie.................$12,500.00O EUE~LANE. WINNETKA: FINGC7 lis brok ouse of 7 roomis, 2 batbls - ad lvatry.Excellently locatet witb * iefeenc to.~ ehoistr-ansportatio)n, lîîsies setinandti te 1L a k e. 1> ce.$8,000.0 ('ENTRAL.. PA'ýRK AVENUE, EAS t(,ton: 1Red brick Colonial bouse of î'<>oms. 3 b~aths and lýavatory. Lot 0610attractively lantiscei. Ex- c.,Iellt neighborbood. House in firs t class condition. Price . $23,500-0 CENTRIAL PARK AVENUE, EVANS- ton: Engiish brick bouse. Solid ma- sonry Nvalls. 8 rooms 2 baths and lava-. 1mths and lavatory.. Lot 90x1.75. Fln- ishjetirerato room, awning screened poî'ch, Price ...$27,500.00 C. A-. HEMPHILL, & AýSSOCIATES. A i.hitect s-Cfl t la cteOrSB1uilders ~1-6Dais Str*et E vanston, Illinois UNI. 3840 Earlv Anierical Residenice' PURCHASE WeV have both. 12x$90 renting equals T'. Q.NI. Sopwith's wins with the Endeavour - ùnless you use the receipts for wall paper in another rentai. 12x.$90 purchasing equals a pretty tangible. equity in a h~ome. Also 2x-' still equals_, four. You. can have it either vay, but if you'd like to> make the rent dollar counit, we offer a few fiee ways. A brand newv brick Colonial ona Kenilwurth in a nieighbo;r- hood of nëw. homes.'is listed.with us. It bias'tbree:bedrooms, tiled kitchlen, canvassed walls, Bryant air-con- ditioning, and garage. It is within twvo blocks of tiie school and sta- tions (this fact ~ilstyrnie the Mlaster-'Lind that' tlouglit it wvas in Renilworth <ardens). A'small, lowIn payment and $9.à month ýwill..soon pay, the asking price of' $15,500. Another brand new one. This in Highland Park andi is an Early Amierican Colonial with a two-car garage. Four bedroomis, two and, one-hiaif baths, open terrace, air- conditionineg and al the modern gadgets. Also two blocks fromn the sehool andi station. A littie "on the line" and $90 per month and wýe'il wrap it up for .............$16,900 hI one df the nlcest' wÔÔ4ed ei borhoods in 'Winatet'ka we have titis four bedroom,' two and one-hiaîf bath 4iouse with a two-car garage. The beat iý bot water oil andi whiie the school andi station is flot with- in two'blocks yet another hop, skip andi jump wvill get you there fromi this outstanding bargain w4iielh can be put in your namie for the 'w. k., smiall clown paymient andi that rentai plan of $90 a mionth to 'conmplete the purehase prîce of....... $14,500 1 -717 . reduced for- quick salée -, . *.$12.500 Five rmis., 1 b., gooti construction, $.1,000. Down payment, balance like rient. Ré- duceti to only................... $5,250 West \Vîlmette, 5 rms., H. A. H., 2 c. g., . wooded lot, Qîder bo;use, in very good condition ..............$3,500 OTHER QOOD VALUES, IMPROVEID 11. OR VACANT. ALL SIZES, $4,000 TO $125,000. BARNE TT & SCHELL 748 ELM ST. WJINNETKA 96,5 l1LTN15-ltc tion. 3 large master uedrooms, 2 tule ba.ths, dressing room, sleeping porch, niaid's roôm and bath on .third floor, recr-ieation room with fireplace, hot water oul heat, 2 car héated garage. Rentai, $150. Mr. Abrens. RFENrtAL You cani rent this attractive early Amer- ican brick house in SE Winnetka for, only.$125 a month., 4 bedrooms, oil heat. CiQse to 'Lake Michigan and. New Trier High Schoot. Call for appointment be- for e it's toc late. Bob Clark. HIGHLAND PR Architect builder poured bis pent up de- sires into this brand new 4, bedroom Connecticut -Colonial in East Ravinia. It bs colorful, compact, commodlous, and con venient-mnoderni architectural prac- tice, at its best.' Compare- this wlth oliters at $16.900. Mr.' Walterà. VACANT That attractive Cape Codi home you have yearned for may. be buit With vour owvn ideas încorporated on a nice ivoodeti lot in Ravinia. Let -us talk IL, ov<er.* Price of lot, $1200. Mrs. Wink. S UNSET RIDGE bouses in Sunset Ridige District. One, a~ distinctive Colonial on 5 acres of grounti, is reacly for inmédiate occu- pancy at $125. The other is a 9% room brick Normandy French style home wvhich will be available October I. See homies before renting. Mr.'Taylorý R. B. WHITAKER C0. 140 Green B3ay Roati, Wlnnetka Winnetka 3250 or Rogers Park 7302 * Tllie' kitchen, two-car brick garage. Lot 6OXI50 in beavlly wooded section, throe blocks to lake andi transporta- tion. This home cost present owner $40,000 andi is now oftered at $1 5,750 S HORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Ave., Evanstoii Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rtog. Pk. 663 Rentai and Sales Realtors for Wilmettè, 1564 Shermlan .4ye. Evan Xenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe 111LN9-3tPOPEN FOR INSP BEST LIQUIDATION LTJY ON NO. Seven rogm house, new SShore. Modemn 9 rm. 31,2 bath brick decorateti Irside and residenice. 82x210 Ravine lot. Owner. move in. Bes buy in 221 Franklin Rd. Glencoe 958 mette.. ýee it. 1032 Ashîsi lIILT'N11ltP mette 4630. - . ' ' EXCE] .- --ttractive Eng, brickç 6 rn., 21% 2btbs., .onf% id ati good loc. nr. Jigh & Grd. schools.. ht., gai wdi- ELM ER E. STULTS, Inc. MIL' Wil- 460 Wlnnetka Ave. Wiflnetka 1800 156 Cei 15-ltp , 11LTNZ5ltc 'TCH COL. drms., -2 % H. W. oil $ 11,000. & Co. Winn. 1492 ýLTN1Si-Itp