Seek Federal- Aid;- Voters Will Be Asked".to Endorse Proj- ect in Referendumrn Plans and specifications for. a re- -ief storm 'sewer. system to aid the erltire village of Kenilworth, as ap- proved at a recent meeting of the board of trustees, vvere mnade' public this week ai the village office. Action, of 'the counicil followed îîearly a year -of study which began t he hcavy ra ins and ,floods of last September Mihen the Kenilworth ditch overflowedý and the. storm and sanitary sewvers alrealy ini operation backed up into hasemnents of -the comm uni t y. WVith the approval of the planls, it %ýas announiced that the. aid of the fcderal governmetthad'~ beeni sought lit ant applicationi to the Works Prog- ress adm iniistrationt. Peidigthe dis- posaI of the application, the village authorities withheld an estimate of the cost of th.e program. The village's portioni of the cost, it was added, will be bornie by a bonld is.Sue, provided the voters approve i a special referenidum to be lheld this The enginieering firrn ofGrey W hile,' iu tue discussion 01 mei programi, the councit acted as a coin- mittee of the whole, the project will be under the supervision Of the streets and drainage committee, head- ed by Henry G. Zander, Jr., and the finance committee, of whichi Chase W. Love is chairmai. Novel Program Featured at Rotary Club Meeting At the meeting hield Wednesday at Shawnee Country club, the Rotary -C Snr -:1 1 ...4 01-o-1n I. '-j--.>. ZVarly 50 boats races whiclz begapn l the star cldss part icilated in the first of the series of Sunidai, andi which are conitiniin.q pail this zvcck, spo»- 'hore Vnacht club, off Wiliiette harbor. The' photogra pl PROCLAMATIOJN It is well known to most of the citizens of our village that the time of the year bias arrived when entirely too' many of. our friends and lieighbors are suffering f romn the effects of hay fever, caused to a great extent by the pollen from noxious weeds lef t grewing in large amouhts, principally on un- occupied premises. Optimists'Are Busy With "Fumble" Basebail League The Wihriette Optirnist club bas kept busy this sumnmer. with their "f urble" basebaîl l'eague, modeled somewvhat along the lines of the great mîajor leagues. Injuries have handicapped the teams' playing iii the l e a g u e, howvever-, Cost' of ImproVendent Paid Out of Vill1agý'8s of 'Gasoine, Tax to B Share - public impro vement, for which villager have hoped and longed for b, these many years, Was definiitely ssured T uesday-night when the Vil- lage board. awarded the contract for a 36-foot concrete pavementiii Wil- met avenue, f rom Ridge road to Park aveinue. Representatives of fourteen pav- ing contractors. crowded the counicil chamaber. and, listened with ,tense nerves as the various bids were open- ed, and recad, indicating that fourteen. concerns Nvere mighty anxious, to get the contract. Peticils were sharpened and resharpened as the. figures were checked anddouble-checked. This fnishèd, the board went into com- mittee of the whole, and at the con- clusion of its deliberations announced that John A. McGarry and companN * 189 W. Madison street, Chicago, with which Henry Fowler, 1404 Forest ave- nue, is connected, had carried off the prize at its low bld of $42,285.63, ta be paid from the. Village's share of the'state gasoline tax f und. There were three- altérnate- speci- Acations, calling for three different methods of paving. Alternate No. 1, specifying a 36-foot concrete pave- ment from curb line to curb line, was deemed by the board to be the most desirable,' as it would insure a better. and. more durable pavement, and it was on the basis of this alternate that the contract was let. Thus 'Wilmiette avenue, which 'was one of the irst streets to be laid out -Marian Kremer, chairman Note: Economy Shoi), locateil at 11.35 Greenleaf avenue, h4 conduct- edl by the Womnan's Club of WiX- mette.. painting the exterior of tne v works building, including al work, window fraines, stairs, el its bid price of, $345. Brickwc not included. g seriesC, e Yacht and Shimmer, also provic bhell was third Water. boxi -Great Lakes mnoved by1 4d by Sheridan pense, and dniesday. . 11W being.