Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 47

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Deadline for Insertions-cepte up ýtadvrertlayet llb WILMF/TTLP LIFE or al three PaperZ; Wednesd&Y 9 P. -MI. for WINNETKA'. TALK:and Thursday 5 Pi IL for. GLENCON NEWS. Telephoties: Wilmette 4300, Wlnrletka 2000 (Wlnntka 0 .er6'P. M) Greenleaf 4300 or Sbeidrake 1216-1217. siTruATiON WANTED-ýFgMAIL.E, WANTEi)-WO RK P1W TUE DAY.' Ntll-siiig, cnoking, s i\-ng cçleanînitg, la iinld.ry or~ plain sewing. Siundclay din- ilers and teis a speity Best rets. \Vill go anywhere. Gleneoe 1411. 6SLTN.15-4tî, STENOCGRAPHEH. TYIST.. DICTA- phone operator, clerical work, with knowIedge.t of salesrnians ip and book- keepi ng. Experienced, Phioné Keriilwvorth 4794.. 6SLTN!5-lti) '1 1 EL. EXI>E. WSHES CARS of nor-mal or sub-normnal, c(hildren.. Permnentpositi*on. Very. good north soereferei ices. Gletncoe 228. 68LTN15'4.t1 EXI'ERIENCED CO-LORtED GIRL wanjfts day and, atternoon Wrk. XViII do .iaundry. cieaning and couking. Uni- vriy5861. 6LN5.t COOINGAND> SERVING,. ALSO CLEANJING'. WILMXET'T' E955. Day Work-Cleaning WINNTKA102!4 SoITUATION WANTrED-MALEZ EXPERIENCED COLORED C 0O0O K, chauffeur, houseman. North Shore Referencer., Write A-70, Box 60, ,Wil- mette, I11. 69Ll5ltp 11ATN1b- P GIRL FOR'GENERAL HQUSEWORK Small family. Own. room, Plain cool<. Goodsalary. Wimette 2392. 71L,15-1tp WANTED: WHITE GIRL, GENERAL, *HOUSEWORK. 4 ADULTS. RO OM AND BATH. $12, PHONE KENILWORTH 5534. EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR ilqpn k T-1n lnaurr BI.WTD.7-MALE AND FUMALE Wil mette .1353. _____ 71 LTN1 5-ltp EFFICIENT COUPLES ICONMPETENT .DitESSMÀKERS, -FIN- Geran-m..under 5 rs .Iifhers, or tailoress' for custom-made ,v. ith last employer clothes. Not. ove-r 40 years.' Must be capable. Florence, 333 Park Avenue, .Finnish. under 40 yrs. Glencoe. 71LTN5îtc 4 yj. referencs. . t WOMAN, SETTLED. OWN ROO'M, Belgianl, lnder 45 yr. bath, ra-dio. 'Gen. housework. cooking- 10 Yr. refereçes, $10. Phone Wilmette 561. 71LTN15-1tp Germa n-Arn., unjderý 30 yrs., EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR 6 yr. references. second work.< Permanent position. Ex- cellenit wages. References required. Cal Colored, light, under 35 y-. Winnetka 460. 71LTN15-ltp 6 Y"s. on1 present place. WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HSEWORR, Colored, light, under 30 yrs. .exere c ook. ' wn roomn and bath, OVer 1 ly.onpesn pae. 3adls good wages. Phone Winnetka piset lae. 200.6. .71LTN5-ltP) WI.NETKA 3012 SýlHO11LINE EMPLOYMENT AIEJNCY MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 746 E.LM STPREET ýMust like childîren. WVilmette 4880. ______ ______70LTN15-ltc 71LTN15-lte REIT AEi ~WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HSE- lýE'IlAli)LF- ELP -vig -Zo âlnArv COUPLE FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Sorne driving. References. Glen- coe 694. 73LTN15-ltc RELIABLE W11ITE,. COUPLE. MAN, houseman and gardener; wife, good plain coo k. References. required.. Wil- mette 11M8.7 3L15-ltp, USED CAR DAIRGAINU Each of These Cars Has Been Greatly Rediiced FOR DOLLAR DAY! Our Cars Are-, Ail Carefully Selected and Guaranteed Mechanically '«34 Chev.. i % ton Pickup truck. Good paint. New tires. Motor- thoroughly overhauled....................$295 '36 Plymiouth ýdeluxe tour. sedan. Side mQIu4t ,bot wa, r eater. ,Beautifui1 black finish. Very good tires, excep- * tlonally low mileage........._$6 '33 International 1/2 ton panel truck. New paint, mechanicaliy perfect. Good tires. Sacrifice........... $225 '35 Ford coach. Motor and tires perfect. Good paint. Speclal low price. .$3415 '30 Chev. coach, H. W. oheater. Good tires. Runs fine................. ý95 '35 Dodge 4 door deluxe' sedan. Paint and upholstery perfect. Good tires. A-i mechanically ........ .....$485 33 'Chrysler Royal.4 doorsedan. Side W\ANTEI)* A.FIERN0()N G;LENCO)E l'U 1 Lp Il. . GRL VISHES CARE 0F: GRiL1- dren day or nighit ilsmilr.U after sehool houis Sept, n. Itefs. Fhonle Nyinli. 3689. . 6,NLTN15-1tp ('OMI>ETENT OA WANTS WOR-K by Ithe houir, asextruLalnwals v Jokid. "tu! >erved. .Phone reunleaf 4375. EXPERWENCEID W I 1T E WOMAN WANTS P~ WR-LAIG REF7ERENCES. NETA16-28. CarlIsoi 18Elrn st. siiimpI; Agency. Winnetka 117.5--117Iý 70LTNlï-)-tfe Ger'. Cple., 32-30, 6 Yrs. Winni. Ref. A-i. Ger-. oule. 27-2,N, good N. S. refs. General girls place your (re.snow. A-i lauindress wants Monday itnd Tues. WTe recomnimend this one. .Reinhart Empi. Agençcy 748 Elmn Street Winnetka 3399 ______________________70LTN15-ltc INEXPERIENCED YOUNG COLORED lauùndrýy. Go home nights. P.hone W 11- mette 1099. 7 1LTN1571tp EXPERIENCED WHITE* GIRL FOR general housewoi-k. Pr-eferaýblyN 25 yearis or over. 2 aduIts, 1 child. No laundrv. Winnetka 1501. 7iLTN15-itlp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAILD, GO homne fights, references. Hubbard WdS. 4 in family, $10- to start. Write A-97, Box 60, Wilmnette, Ill. 71LTN15-ltl) *WHITE 1CIRL TO CARE FOR 2 CHIL- dren 3 afternoons a week. Must lîve close to -Kenilworth. Phone Kenilworth 1119. ..71LTN15-tp or CHIAPMAN MOTORS 1119 Chicago Ave., Evanston Uni. .1339 77A-LTN15- ite The havé and folwn alAiste b oins~ ,sed miles in themn ci YOUNG COLORED M, honest, wishes Per Houseman, . drivlng e ences. Winnetka 290 *GARDENER, 36 YEAF greenhouse and Il WIshes position asi Phone Graceland 3069. ,D, '8 YEARS avv. aping exp.I COMPETENT Wl :e gardefler. I laundry. 4 Adulte in -69LTN5iltp I1939. is,." 71LI enced houi good cook. mies. 1 i11 cIý .&ve. plane DJ.JVUl4 444

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