Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 46

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RALPH B. WAITE, JOHNS-MANVILLE WVALtFILI,, ROCk. WOOL B3LOWN IN. 426 Linden or cati Winn.. 1240 for free JMN book and est. No obligation. .15B-LTN14ý-4tp BUSINESS SERVICEF ELECTRIC WELDINGB OI L ER w~elding, automatic machine shop and, parts jobber. PAVLIK BROTHERS PHONE -KENILWORTH 1 280-820, 1 6LTN5-26tp PLASTERING REPAIR WORK AIND CONTRACTING. FRECE ESTIMATES. EDWIN B. KIEFER 453 JEFFERSON, GLENCOE 117ý 1 6LTN5 2-2 6tp G17UARANTIED SERVICE- Sewing M1achines, Vacuum Cleaners and Radios. Ail ma1kç§. Free Est. BtISS ELÉC1RIC SERVICEl 604 Dempster St. Uni. .6680, Gre. 7177 16LTN48-tfc. OPT@METRIST 35 yrs. experience. .Eyes ftted properl-y. Broken lenses repiaced, frames repaired. * JOSEPH F. KUSS 804 Elm St. Winnetka 3671 17A-LTN3ý5-tfc GARDENINO______ FIREPLACE \WOOD LOC1S CUT FROM SEIECTED WOOD. Seasoined, 1 yr. White birceh or 111ale, per ton $12. White oak, ton $9, del. Top soi 1- Man ure- Fil ling-sand-ci nders. DRIVEWAYS BUILT E. Hagiund, 849 *Em, Winnetka 2108 '27LTN15-ltip SOROTOTILLING ,ýlPtULVERIZER FOR BETTER lawns and flowers. Ljandscaping.. Lawns and borders a specialty. Fresh, eut flowers for sale. G'ardens located '3- blocks south of Williow roadon Skokle Blvd. Schroeder Gardens, Notbfieid. CaIi. Winn. 3945. 27LTN14-tfp CÔMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE BY D~A V fR D TIIRACT. BEST RE P1F- PAINTING ANODEicouRATING - SAVE MONEY!!! BY USING GOOD MATERIAL. I SPE- cialize in home decorating and out- side pjafiting, witf o fiaterilan àd neat workmansýhip at very reasonable prices. Phone - Nies Center 199-W. H. Mockus. .42LTN12-5tp CEIL. CALC., $2- UP ROOM PAPERED. $4: RM. WALL- paper cieaned $1; we do any kind of decorating, very reasonably. Also, out- side painting, reas. Well recommended. LOUIS WINN. 258 42LTN15-Itp Interior and Exterior LQW SUnMME'R RATES. GOOD WORK.. piaiship. Phone Highland Park 4381.. E. NELSON Painting -and. Interior Decorating WILMEITTt, 1891 42LTN13:-4tip WE SPECIALIZE IN OUTSIDE PAINT- ing only; that's why we can furnish the lowest possible rate, Also shingle staining. lighland Park. 2851. 42LTN15-2tp *-PIANOTrUNING PIANO TU'NING; AND REPAIRING AIl Work guaranteed Thomnas Lockerbie Wilimette 822 TUNER, WVILM.ETrE PUB. SCHOOLS * . 45LiIN13-4tp. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRINO $1i-EXPERT ADJ-U STI1N .G,- ALL makes. Foot or:eléec. Reparing- cl1eaning -overhauling. Work guaran- teed. J1iU11fnpHardware. Wiirnette.3060. 53LTN,1O-4tp LEGAL NOTICES_____ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR any debts other than tri- curred by myýseîf. Eari H-. Lingle. LOST AND POUND LOST SUNDAY, A SUM 0 F MNONE.Y on Wiimette avenue, bel ween Con- gregational church .and north shore- line ticket office. PReward. . Miss Gei'trude Dean, Winnetka. 3094. 31,TNI5-1lp LIBERAL REWARD, -NO QUESTION S asked. Lady's diamond wrist watch. lost ini the Vargity' Theater. Phone Winnetka 2288 3LTN15ý-itp Black Leather Jil-FoId Lost in or around Teatro Del Lago. Reward. A. M. Cox, 1135 Spruce St., Winnetka 113. LT1-t LOýST IN HUBBARD W.-OODS AN ALL1- black maie Cocker spaniel. Reward. Phone Winnetka 1963. 315-ltp) PERSONAL i(WNER OR (NE 1~W T~A VT cnr ('TWt Enjoy your vacation without worry about your house, garden or property. Those, littie things youimant todo ... and didnt'; weedingtle garden, painting, general cleaning every- where-al can be done by experts while you ýare away. O tispage we offer a directory of- dependable home services which can'help make your vacation care- and. worry-freei. fia on E.DI. Painting an )eorating 1512 42LTN12-4tp JTO THE AVRIE Tuesday, , Thursday, Friday.., references. Glencoe 1364. 68LTN15-2tpi Zhiée- $l - eàc*h Cone eèa iy.9Ï)2*2 (ht cagô Ave., Evanston. 7LTNI5--ilp DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING ANDREO LIC also drapes and -slpeovers iny hôme' or yours. Furnish' machine. Gen leaf 2629. 22LTN15-111p MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RESP-ONSJBLE -PARTY VOU LD Li K Ki us ,fgood piano in'oxclange fir, movinga charges anjd care of instrument. Gieflcoe 1417. 4L1-t 5 FINE GRANJD I>IANO)S,, CAREFI'LLY recC)fliti<Ifltd, ilso '2)uprigýhts,-at,,bar- gain pric'es. Storage 'Mart,' Ixedale Stor- age.. 1723Benson, Ave., Eva*ns'ton., CHRISTENSEN ANIMAI, HOSPITAL FORMERLY YOUtNGMIýAN'S KENN EI. InVites thté use of our extensive and weli-cared for boarding kennels f or your 1 ets>. Veterina.rian. residjng onI prejni.sL.s 730 b;ard iload Wiirnette ]?,IL Have your d (og. uukdor clil>led by an exp)ert tt RHIIENHO1FKE ES Ail breeds of puippie-s and grown dogs for sale. ,skokie anid pof.Niues ( 1te 29~ 441 TNI15-1 t 2BEAUTIFUL ANI)ELTYPEI gréted, wire haired terriers, :, monîhs (>1(, -$1, to $25. louse broken. 1504.sil mnAve., Evanston. Gre. 32 WANTD: OOD jHOMEjS FOI" 4. CLTE .CIT.TENS. CALL WILMETTE V4012) Itesaîîtb-.I ~.1 MlIton St., Nortlbrook. WTD. TQ BUY-WEARING APPAREL $$$OL '.TE $$ \Ve raced ,00suits luis we(ek. Vil pay bes prces \Vlietl- or bring them bt Martin's. Clothing- Store 742 ustr, vanton L'verity2220

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