ni u (ventuires En., Angel's Holiday. Starring Jaile 13oyer, Leo Carillo, jean Arthtir, aind Pr se A i The P~ ar e O enM is Gibson spurned an offer. to V ih r.Collin Clive. 6200 West olh Touhy Ave. ntt ue . ppear i a 'stage plav on Blroadway Trouble conies double weitl is The story 'of the.Titaic's èollisn Refflica Of the LennTovro pu in order to take the role ini the Un- ane Withers cornes to towni and with' the iceberg is the basis of thlis Gladys Il g 2 versai picture. She recently returned àgls'ôethc ad'ft: irectn pcaua im prescnts Maxille Mordy inoHllwo roiIao pias aet saaesa9n amateur detective I -coinediv to relieve tense situations.Te dance concert Colo.. where she plaved wt tl uke f ITh Il roatoe ug.I.2.~13 1>1. Thete grupiiaa eore ieti na ront-page news.. -The, climiax of 1actors are vclI cast adte dialo)xnC. is bjj te MQa~kc Oper C~many heateplr. roioareorg rir-tins film, isconiservatively speakiig, e1spûCalyo.Tecsuear a- rampage iyiwhi$lî:tue ifull n(I).reTae canv rni s resu b y th e M a uk e S oe O p e r a C c i m a n » y o p pto s i t t L e e T i- ac x - hi h a un.s c r u a inw d v n a-lè . Mikado . .. Aug. 28-29-8:80 '>31. 011 t~~~ ~~he scrpnatyat s ep1 *ayed terip-roaringest,of iln' -T e lt, oo c ner ab u th a- Xikad t.iHtisaboutt fr ian v l ier, tve by t Lakeilwauk e O per-a C ampall -11fter o i g t Ol w ol fo iuii theSt r s C5 meit e'v i "-i Iilt ut "sup ru m 't o-i ff Ka Fra nci r The 'Shertenopedi three Kidsan lvîî aIHntér aîd rida îîscot. KidGai. t Warîîner Irs. and "The Great Im ersonati n" I-Ier-Seaptringle maiage ad lvesqu-v.ClnlOsof Edwar id . R fi sî. e iiihes eff cti e s en rv nd ue cti~ 'jrf}ý aout sto a elr ' nan' B,)%' durng he çt s 5mr wat er "boéule's End" w ss ibepodue l h ati in.'wt r-\i CoR pe serv ic y h are, TeatsC rr . ith Paul Male rn a no h r s ' wer t os pi. as Ile'(ly u'ie )B v. . a l in*ate Lyo hvely's Efvantit. brou iror.flnts-tUiesladWa' ue;drce yWil Loomany ofsClairfwith atcasticonîposed Q'f BOit." lg'.tIgaine. Tterti eied coiîtraIllee1 the seuees oe mad Tee on an od Dn1y RcekiHdo.Roettee di(l atrnolereros. tde Rricksogei's .l Delifiert OThesi nmA ic re tlî lî th.a q a r a'd ii. i he p e ur r a t a youg ianualine uo frn' taelfgt lh-<l W i m e te 4 0 2 r ce w h b ea s p t xi rr. T e icîît o î' s M i he lîjovn int i t . e a t v andoroTheGrat Kmernt ~ioi1' or keps ne en aG. eBiettale Ab Rfrs sandng 'Dumb tf'oflte I a reougli. d' ' eterFl Mutaintaiçe anrB c u i l I e ho um ervVatGe- * i4.ý nthe re ate st OPporteffectivEasy LMne*P r\a ndo cr-liture, a'drce hv \;i ~ r..x. lwg IOSePfllfl folk.tchi ld inar Iv~ ~ ~~ ~li ai e'îs~ie ig ignîorance (if he'alt1h ad saitar at alabegfu cat i (asures, intolerance of new ideas and thrown- out of a ewpole(rnr)ar iy )e s dow and ln s o n u e In A'tl i e ce of - wv ork . , i b e a lîeadof Jan Arliur .t1 country doctor does ie ic .a poor shop gi. T4îe.ot0work incidents- following are eéae f13. A K ofr eiiuchtintesTandpicture \with Leigh Jason directing. and monedy is tryng toa cast of Joe Penner, ]fMilRferle, show that t ai k ing Parkykarkas, 'and Hlarriet T-illalr(l. things over i uci The :show will appeal .to follower, cof imore satisfactqrv tb AmPnner.Berie, c.Ad tine, h ;iv W;Imette BowI Concerts /urnished bY W. W. Quinlan Alil Types of~ Sound Equpmnent Record a'nd Sound Dept. of Wellito production at the studio recelntly. As the romiantic Iead opposite Mijss' Kent, inl the storY of life and love amni'd fte canvas, sawdust and mud of the carnival 'woi-ld, is Robert Wilcox who has chalked up three conseciutive leéading roles ini his first four screen assigrnients. Robert Cavanaugli, perennial Iaugh provoker, ,vill bc se en as. the comical - miidway'spell-binder Professr qvlv2. 'e at Any ?ime . , u, ana tere "is, pity that is jpure comledY to furnish "%,ïjree,,,, en- tertaining picture. JThe Prince and the' Pauper. Xar. ner brothers Picture, directed by \Vil- liani Keighley, with Bille ad Bbb Nô Cover . --, .11 -11 jý 1 lÈi(!l Tnsephine ý- 11rtiz,