VIEIAN BLINDS IVili Do Wou4rs for Your Home! ire recomuend thepopadar .,Kirsch-- WII400W SHADES WALLPAPERS-LINOLEU14S A complet. lin. from leading manufacturer, R. P. Traveletti is flic archiecèt of this house zwhich lias just beeco -oplcfo<1 for. 1. Il. fi/cao, 400 St(istt laize. Glcncoe. This flouse colita'ei 'iqht roms and a ttuo car garageo fw OU k.t' Ifs simPjivadfî d/zaedtii! of flhe woodwvork make if a yenr' '/lc'asanf and livable example of.c-olonllil aop o ooe odtos ~EII~hIeU VACATIONISTS RETURN Yelwtoi at,(ial park. Salt Lake Nfr. and Mrs. P. A. Niçchols, 522 Cen- ICity. Rm~aI Gorge, Colorado Spring', tral'avenue, returned Fridav from a two anid tiieîîseid a ,few. days w1th rela- wèeks' trip through the west. going to t ives lin Denver., HOMES,! Happiiness.secuni*tN(l, to fort .thiey ,Pl-iiig frmi dreamns and liopes into the realismn of brick and stQne.- Display zoom: 836 S.1 Ave.,, Chicago University 0283. IAN AVENUE. Rogers Par k 0271 Wilneitte241 m8ur -UN r q~- I 996 x 7 486