to Orville G. I)aily, vice presi- (lent of Franklin Realty corpora- . sponsoring. t h e (levelopment of nearly :a dozen Inew homes are being..buit or platine d for the Heury J. Stent- tord, of, Mont- :Orville G. Daily gomev Xardd company. hasý started construction on his new eight- room and three-bath home at 1015 Iiami road, designed lu the modern- classic style. by L . Morgan ,Y-ost, arcliitect. Jamnes 'Crabb of W'ilmette is the builder. P. 'C. McCabe, an- officia] of the Auistin company, wvho recently pur- chased the 75-foot lot. at 1022 Ponrtiac road fromn Ida W. Snyder, hias started biuildinig an eight-room and four- bath resîdence, designed by Qinni). and Chiristiansen, architects.' Evanstonian Builds Brick Colonial .Walter W. Norris, a. residerit of Evanston for some years, is building a niew brick colonial residerice for Iiis own uise on the .65-foot lot at a seven-roomn, ,two. andi a iait batii hiouse at 927 Pointiac road, Nviiichi is, to be. offered for sale. Homes Nearing Competion Marvini Harms is about ready to moeinto hisnew white' brick andl clàpboard- Colonial residence' at .925. Pawniee road, d esignied by Fredlerick B. Sch midt, architect', and built by A. L. Jackson, Construction comipany. The home bas. rine rôooms, four bed- roomls.,three and, a haîf baths, ibrary,, breakfast room, dressing room and rumpus room., Thé, Ear-ly, American. brick and clapboard residence being huit at 1028 Pawnece road by Franklin. Reaity corporation.of Evanston, also is near- ing completion. This homne, designed by Ralph D, Hùszagh. architect, con- tains, seven roomns, four bedrooms, three baths, lavatory, breakfast roomns and recreation room; ýanid is' beiliîg offered for sale. Other Hornes Planned Alberf W. MJeyer, Chiicagôý, lias purchased the 65-foot lot at 1045 Miami road. and plans for the erec- tion. of a. fille home arc Inow beinlg prepared. Plans are now being rcviscd for the jules Herbuveaux residence soon to be started on thie 60-foot lot at 1042.. Pawnee road. Rtipssell A. M\cFadden ,of Oak Park Owner must ýoSe of at once to mêet business oôligat1ons. Further dete ils avalla.ble at 135 S. LaSalle Streéet Telephone Franklin 0576 FRED A.ELLUs & Co.,'lC HoaHeafln d Air Condtfioning - Engineers - Contractors lu 40 Years of, Confinuous Sérvce, on the North Shore I OIL BURNERS 'end AIR CONDITIONERS. ý uift-iUMJIS Over 40 yeors of continuous service .should CONl'itCO of the hig/à stanrdard oet service we render. 840 Center Street I You,wil be doubly thankf ui you ixnstaled a Timken Oil Burner in you.r bolier or furnace when cold weather sets in. Firsi because you have clean, completely automnatic heating. Again because you have LIVE HEAT-the kind of heai that is more çffecfive and more economnical too. Timken owner s from many sections of the country report savirigs in oil and electricity up t o 1/4 over usual oil heating costs. Only Timken offers you LIVE HEAT from lhe maciic Factr y: LibrtyvllePhone Libertyville -378 Winn.tka 265I j' Factory: Libertyville