SUPERIOR SUPERVISION COMPLUTE ORGANIZATION end Over si w.ars eape n4the ____ The L. Shizman Realty 'onîpouv . z/tic/p sol hi ith lre' sorv bi utditja ti- 12 1-1111 siç/p eet, Win iielka, last Ja n iàr' 84 non v.~f~~~ 00 to the .E/rpn Building orporationi. announnes ta74t h te oMpl'tiotof <îa $50 ,00 odernu-cation ipt oc/ ni sevecil stores and a/i apartnments have ren Prentcd.ý All refrigerators ln the'building were street and Chiestnt c ourt,ý and also the main floor spacc: *o replac.ed with new electric refrigerators. cut a ukonc n anel I .W Vo~ot 874 center Stret Nwgsrne ee nle.ada apartrunits and hall were re-decorated; Trea comnpany,1 Chestnut Couirt B _nieve etingSvsîem. including the halls carpeted and vencietian hlinds ý liop, Mfiss Coriaelison mtc... inite:rl!li W iOta 2 5n ae oI e we e u in . h nie placed .in al hall'w*indows. decorator, .W innetka NeilN c' 'gm pan.y.. frnaeoftebilig n ohEm A roof garden Wvas created above thé Little House f 1nterest, anti.c GENER4L sHEET frt lor stores, faci g thc apartniiem ______ ME A LWOR A B îdjwindows and extending froin Elin street, Lý ' ýý,B i 146 fee, through to Chestnlut couirt. Local R esde AIR CONDITIONING ubdll All of the work of rellabilitation, vas o JOBRING & REPAJRS MAINTENANCE under*ui Tels fSud Siate aed, Tuie S R I ERat ompany* 160.'North La SalI I ROOFING ti? o phoiie before 9 4 M. street, Chicago, as was 'the sale and. i l ni hA'Un ROOFIBuGtPhone Kenilworth 2495 leasing of the M *c M ll - - - - -- Te foJôwiig sesweremad fo By Herbert U. Nelson A (lS'ecretary, National .Associ'atl'ino N RP AE I H CRAN* B mail from «Munich, Germanv ): L AN V I MU Iihabanidea for* slunî ccar ancet hat B oar d s ndInian H /t R s d ,ýin iiv ood possibilitîes. FO R EP EN DAB I IT 1Here. as iii otlier Geriwii îi utu FO R D E E N ABI IT ýthe lak f pro\,idiit,i lew alil d ;,ý;* wmorker., has been )oîîîg fi~ad w years ago this citv b i Illuon.e3m(O ne\\ tanil units. Abouitt'wo-thirdcN of. these uniits were iii the forim of attractiv~e,1ittle ro\\-hotuse> \with reîi, of abouit $5 a month. The other thî1r<l wsiithe fornii of smnall dtcu garden. -homtes whicli are o](l on aý 1n tcrm.l payment planl, thue ýovr1- ienlt gularanteeing the nIortgage-ý agaînist loss tuntîl the. boan lha> 1uen paid dIown to a conseýrvat ive t.~: I have ju-st beeneisijn sn No more shoveling coal or carrying ashes in this happy teeproiects tihat Is1 I~tv;r home. The old heating systeinlias been replaced witb an Ihdthem ail ocupiedaidt- efficient automatic Crante is very welf tended. 15 Y-ear Lease A dean,. chatsning basement made Possible by Crane \Vhere the hone., are Iua..cIl. l 1 Deipendable OUl Heating. The Crante Budget Plan willhelp - ease is for '15 e Ar- t the . ii(l .Youh.aveon.leit., of the' 15 v ear p)et toc! the loie b cùnsthe. propertv oft tht tenanti. Desgnd o a~u~oyoumaiminh.a fot th ot CRANE AUTOfiMATIC <IL U&EAT Thie citv. whieh btit 'the 1 hou.11w Desiged toassue youmaxium hetfrm the oilyou<jloîîatèed the land. Putrthier it guiarani burn-. ane woSystem will Save yo»i money as wellas pro- teta tewrers \vho lttthe,ýt' homes iiinder the 1long tern iclase ai- tanemntwill bc providod witli v4de for yoirhih ai nd 'comfort. Call your heaigco rn-mn trato an isk imabot rae Atoati Ol HatUNiwok-the ti th, fiftwork ai- t~to *wk ~ *~iig-period tif ptivate.empîpymntt is tiot The mulipl n, absrbig mximm hat, low 'sages. This encouirage-s the sîum:i HEATNG SSTEM FORANY UEL-ILCOAL GAS theoil ie ler.s to geu into bte coi - Only ethe uildn riit werof ?issei G oo. ad o e kthe fis- CRA S Ç .. z~4 Exntso St, !iê*wi.U. .~ ixten avs af ugstii, bw o hii l hzi 1>1.4.. end pi. nformagop on bo I eau s-ve tocy by repcin# rq - nisstie ' fe nyJ-Glemecling th fi rGenct ............................. t............. a en o t y P ul G ugLn n,8, ..... tt ......... 1oa4 for a $1,400 improvemnent.