Cot o.More Tian OrdinayShingles SoId and Applied' AJAX SHINGLE &MODERNIZING CO. G. W. SWINEY. Manager 1148 Central Ave. Estab. 1911 Phone Wilmette 12248'a *This residence now nearing conpletian at 320 Locust road, Winnetka, is ane oi the feu, hiflh grade ucu' homnes- listed for sale. Ih is patterned after the smnaller French villas at Versa illes and is hein g landscapcd in the sainet tradition. ________ IThe exterior is brick, paintedl off- IWhite, with French gray trirn and are ireplaceýs ii the living. room' and MNaster .bed rooml. There is a play roorn in the basement. For conifort, both winter and sum Mer, the house is completely insulated withi rock wool, is winter air conditioiîed, aid. has. an attic exhaust fan for sumrmer conling. WV. Lindsay Suter, of 208 West AdlaniS street, Chicago, isthe architect, and H. H. Harnmond, , of Northbrook, the luilder. I HEATING SERVICE, COI 819 Oak Street Winnefkoý Winnief ingr.on avenue, tjielcoe, trorn. 'hicago Titie and Trust conlpany. se sales added to' those niowý, ig make Sears sure of a good ter business despite the recent ctivity is becoming incréasingli' for fail, it was added. 'J cil 3 901.