i1 rs. Le» Younig Smiithi of Wiln- vetka is cliairmani of the 'Wheel and. Distaf group of -Fort- Dear bo ni chaPter, D. A. R. Mrs. Stitith lzavý- ivng completed a inotor tnP in the casi u 'th her family, visited Mr. Snith's family in Mfichigan for a* timie, and then expccted to be- with lier oiv» pareits for the remnainder oi the nionth. They, too, live ini Michigan. Tite , zithlioiie inlf n,tka is rented while the faiïly is Open Gardens for Tour MemiibeLrs of the Xilmette Gardenî club> are..epeniing their gardenis for a tour for mnemlbers of the garden de-, parmeit of the Evanston Xoan s club Friday -aftertiooii, August 20:1 Th'ose offering this .hospitality are1 UT 'MGLAD 0y10 CALE JoUSTTIE L. Sclieî -liribut,., To Vsi in lm,' arin xr. , Kenilworth: Mrs. Edward Geither and lier dauighter, Jeanne, of Bronxvilie,, N. Y., forinerly of Kenilworth, will arrive- the end of this week, for a visit. They wlIIfirst be thé Euests ILLINOIS SBELLCOPN COMPANY