Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 32

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HoId Husband and Wife Tournamnent Members of Sunset Ridge. Country cluîb mill have their an- nual husband andwife 'tourna-. mient, somletimles known as the. "'family'fearome" tournament, on Stun.day, August 22. The- event will'be, a two-baIl four- some, and play wvi11 commence at 1 O'clock. In this year's Chicago district pro- womnen' s chamnpionship event hield Sundayi, August 15,, at the North Shore Golfclub, Virginia Ingram and Dave Tosh (the Pro at Sunset Ridge), who were. champions in 1936,- were . oilly two, strokes away, fromn the winners. They turned in'a score of 78. A number of tournamients and spe- cial events have been in play at Suin- set Ridge during the past week. Tues- day's event f'or wornen, the Ba4lon tournamnent, was won by Miss Virginia Presba of Wilmette. Mrs. A. D. Herr- manin of Winnetka placed . second, Mrs. E. J. Witt of Glencoe, third, aifd Mrs. L. D. jerrard of Winnetka. fourth. Miss Presba wont the privilege of wearing the Wýomen's Western Golf association pin two -weeks, for lier best low net score. A. nine-hole blind bogey event xvas played last Friday by the young people wvho have been taking group ters of Mr. and Mrs. He-nrv L. Web-ý ster of Evanston, tied for first place aniong the girls, and "Bud" Reeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Reeves. of Evanston, won: first. place among the boys. A mixedfour-bail foursorne event,. followed by a buffet supper, wvas.held at the club Thursday, August 12. Mrs. J. E. Almond of Evanston and B. T. Wright- won first kow net; Mr. and Mrs. Guv A. Osborn of iîlt. MissJan Whelad, lic ungr. augîte ofTown House Photo, IIis Jae îlhela;i, te o 2Mrs, E. J. fl 'heeland of 5,03 Chestnut stecet., Winnetka, lias been azcarided a. freshini scholarship tf0 [teillesley colle gc, tWellesce; Mass~., l)'thelic ellesie-y Club ofCiicg. Miss Wheelaid -(as graditated f roi New. Trier Hligli scîzool ili ilune aud enters college this fll. At c Trier she zwas a inember of fleic 'Iioe.ç" staff, and a contributor fY 'Inkliugs:' thliciL' agaline. She wcas active in hockey and clogging. ami .as a im'uibcr of the Senior luWi club, tlîc Chiir, ndt lu.n vre u. Theta Upsilon Rho to Continue Discu ssions, Friends of Junior School Sponsor.Tea The weekly Sundav afteriôoii On Moniday, August 2.3. at 2 o'clock, mieeting. of Theta Upsilon Rho again, Mrs. Ralph Long of 020aran will featui~e the ever popular discus- avenuie, Winnetk'a, wvIll open herlove- sion. groups, during wvhichi current 1l\- home and gardelî for a tea tô be events and their influence upon the sponisored by the N orthi Shore lesof young people of todav are Fr-iends of Chicago Junior scliool. côfsiderl. The present topic is "ý$o- AssigMs oga oht cil Colcrndir" Plans lorAsistngtheMs. ongas o-hs at Orphanage 'l'ie- Frienids ofLake Bluiff Orp hanage are xîot content to. let sin ier clétayNs pass with Iess- ened activitv on. behaif of the b)oys fnd girls of the orphanage. In consequence work, is con1,- stanitlv being done to a(ld to the, coinfort.atid happiness of the hom11eless cliildren. IThe playgrounld is nowý% completed at Lake Bluff >orphanage and the ofý- icials l)elieve that it is onle ofý the finest things that thle Friendsof Lake Bluff orphanage have donce for the boy ad.girs.~vîoare tnow ,.enjoying Jt tlioroughlv. The 'Triends,-' tôo, are responsil>le for the "Summiertýreats," wvhich.have, i)eefl arriving regularly all1i inier long, inaking out of the sunier moniths a vacation for the childre. ~One .veck ice .creamn contes, popsicles. good humnors, pop, crackerjack and other hot weather re fre shmnit ~r Sent. The birthdav futid th'e Fiends of Lake Bluiff orphanage have establishl- cd is givitig tlhe childrcîî a great deai of enijov-ment. It is for the children wvho otlierwise void iîot be re- ine il>ered at al 0on their lirthdays. Soine of the boys and girls hiave. nleyer hiad, up to this tinte, birthdav remiembrance. The joy to themn of'a cake and stîxaîl gift can welI be imnagin.ed. Everv child alsb receivesý a card on it i, birthiday frômi the Frieiid, of Laike Bltiff orphlaniagc. Siokie Valley D. A, R. Aids Naturalization Work Memersfr,,mn the Skokie ValIev chapter, Daugliters of the Americanl Rc'oliution. 6of which Mrs. George E. *Among the lecturers on the @vening program this year were Robert Frost, Olin Downes, Burges Johnson, Ed- ward Weeks, Lee Simonson, and John.Mason Brown.. coming week; day will be f playîng in Co will1 be.giveil. on AUg the fei mes, for .e class T uesday, 'in honor ýof i at Kil- Richards of Tulsa, OkIa. of this Wedîiesdlay after spen.ding circus as a guest. in the McNI golfers The visitor and ber ho prizeý, been, school friends at Wýashiington, D, C, ss hlave airmont, * with onle of hier fr iends from Vassar college. Ili the fail Miss ,Hepburn wilI, continue her studies at the Grad- uate T.eachers College of Winnetka, having been graduated from Vassar last June..

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