Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 26

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mut each th.e eitor by Tuesday noon to b in 'dîne for uecumDet issue. CUT THEÉEES Pardon us if perchance wýe may have previous'lv nientioned ýthe subject of,.ragweeds,* but it is oif more than passing interest to a very considerable. tmber 'of people vho are net lookînig forward mith pleasulrable anticipation to the advent, of the hay fever season. Therefore we presume upon the patience of. readers te again remind theni that there is a campaign on in' Illinois to reduce the "mortality" of hay fever by cutting the' rag- weed before thé pollen begins to fly, and. that campaign contemplates tlie prompt cooperatiori oi every. owner. or occupant of property. resi- dential or business. in compliance with requests froni the state authorities, many village. authorities are issui ng, -proclamations, asking' citizens te, pronipty rut the ofending weeds, in somne cases even setting aside certain days u.pon which the work is to lie done. Village officiais in New 'Trier townshi'p have aI- ready rernovèd the noxious plants froni the streets- and parkways, and many citizens have clone the saine on private property. Thro ughi the various. Chambers of Commerce thie commnercial con'cerns * should be urged to perforni a like service liv see- ing that the areas back of or adjacent to their stores are also cleared. 'This shîould go a long wvav toward the total elimiriation of danger to those susceptible to hay fever, besicles contribut-. ing greatly to, the appearance of thte villages. ASLEEP ON TUIE HIGHWAY NNhen the average persons attention is directed tu the alarmning increase in automnobile accidents, or' to somne particular accident unusual in its de- tails. lie is not miuch i iîpressed unless the 'scene of the accident is ini geographical proximi'tvto his ownv home, or lie hias some knowîedge of the- victinis. The' question of highway safety' is 'ab- stract. and cannot engage attention until it touches or comes close to touchuîg, the individual. a few weeks ago, it was thouglit these desirable 'objects were "in the bag," te quote a notorious, phrase.. But, that "there's many a slip between the cup and the lip" was demnonstrated when state. authorities, stopped the, work aft'er onlyabu 3,000 cubiic yards of sand out of the 40,000 cubic yards total. had been remnoved. The centroversy_ arose, over the disposai of the. sand sucked froni the harbor. OfficiaIs of the 'United: States, armny enlginieer S office, charged that it was being dump4ed. l)ack into the la ke instead -of into designated "spoil areas." It shotuld nlot lie a' very difficult. matter te ascer-' tain whether the contractor was carrying out t'le provisions Qf tecôn tract. If lie -was, then t here shouid have b een lio stoppage of thle iwork. If not, lie shoûld libe. .required to. proceed- un.der its ternis to an early. concçlusion. of the project. lefore. the appropriation ac't under which. the work is-being clone ex pire .s. "UNITED WE STAND" H-e-re is one of those editorials tThat is so chock full of sotind commnon sense that we cannot re- frain 'froiii giving it space, even thougli we have iio information as to the identity of the writer. The closing paragraph puts a question that is l)eing se-riousl\v considered by. an increasing nuin- b)er of Amiericap citizens, and is worthy of con- sideration by al: ",;ecessity, as we ail know, is the ,niother of inven~tion, For exàni.ple, when. our forebearls decided they needed to get. places a little easier and~ a littie faster, they 'invented' the wheel. Po1itici&aiy iin that respect, are just like' other people. M-hen 'tjey need 'to promnote their personal proresthey look for a wheel--or, as sonie 'wudput it, for a crutch. It is only natural,' theefoethiat they should trýy to build up, straw Snien upon 'whvlom- they seek to lay the blame for their owNýn faili'ngs anld shortcomings. As pi-obably was to have been expected, politicianis lately have found an excellent s'traw mian, varlousl.y described as the "haves" and the "v ese-ted interests- and so on ad Infinitum. The straw man is blamed for the depression, foi- the present cointlnued uiiemPloyrncnt, for goverii- mnental -defic-its,, foi' droughts, 'for peace and foi' 'l'le unifortunate part about all this is that the straw men' de.) ot have a habit of talking back Visitors to, Chicago find curious Places in which to put up. One froni Atlanta, Georgia, climbed to' the top of the super-structure of the Clark street ,bridge to spend'the night. The sa nie Dr. Town'send who thougit up the old age revolving pension, fund -proposes colleges to train.politiciafls: He. %vants theni in every state and -county. WVe thought th'at.kin*d of college was. 'reopèned extensively with. the repeal of prohibi- More and more we marvel:at.the works of that fraternity known. as scîentists, whose achievements a re frequently recorded in t he public prints., Some- bines, we admit, -our credulitv is sorely teste'd, but we have neVer yet come 'to the point of actua11yisbelÏeving ýthe accounits of the exploits cred.- ited to this memiber and that. »d On the Nvhole,we get quiite > a 'kick out of the 'reports, espe- > ciallv this one: T'other. day one of, the boys was walking clown Dearborni street, or niaybe it was Clark street, bis mind absorbed, without d'ubil on firtding the solution to sorte knotty scientific problemi, oblivions 'to the -*'madding .crowd"' and unmiindful of the clang and rattle of the big city's fanious îoop. Suddenly lhe Iesitated, perked up his head, stuck up his ears like . 'a hound .catching thé first 'scent o'f, the quarry, and dashed wildly into and up the' stairs of what was lately the post office. Reaching the roof lie hurried unerringly. to a cer- tain spot and there pounced, with a shout of glee, upon a small object that no one but a scientjst could have discovered. He had captured, single *anded and 'alone, what the paperý stated was a grain of ragweed pollen, absolutèly the first tw reach Chicago this season Again we asc;k, are not scientists wonderful? Senators Norris of Nebraska and Dieterich of Illinois,., are reported to have aimost. corne to fisti&uff., _Monday. Sic imn, Norris, sic hini! tial tnatt physical e: tile other. oni authorities. It is as essen- of a car~ be as 'free frôni as f rom intoxicationl. One ary mu rder as quickly as The lowed1 Black inquisition is apparenty by Black cîourt decisions. o mytical Democrats are nowc dlaim that President' Rc date in 1936 to do the to be. fol- intention of doing.. designatingas a myth the oosevelt was given a man- things lie said he had no TUE PHÀNTom RiPORTrU

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