tre Photo by-Paul Stone-Raym.r OitWednesday,' Pr)ollienlt col- lege girls fromz the North Shore took over the new College-Vogue S0 hopatBus-Evanstoni, 709 Chiirch strcet.> To serve as. fash ion cons.ultant§ for evervone planning a successful school1 career, '\adge Friedman of. Deer- feld, Josephine Baîhatchet of \Vil- mette, above, Louise Guttmian, of Ev- anston, jean Delaney of Glencoe, and Delle Kiehly of Chicago will be ini Blum's Evanston from 10 to 5 o'clock every day. *Miss Friedman, who attends 'Milis college in California, and Miss Bal- liatchet from Northwestern will be on hand until early September. They Also attending Northwesterni is Miss. Kiehiy, who with Miss Guttman from Bradford junior coilege in Massachusetts, and 'Miss Deianey from Smrith will be at Blum's-Evans- ton dtiring September. These young womnen w'orked with Blum's ini assembling the things col- lege girls want and need. .showy, and not suitable inal locations; but the whiite fowers, which appear in August and then turr to pink and. russet1 shades as they age, ýcan be used to very good effect in formiai hedges where a: 'specimen plant is needed. Do Not Prune Now!ý Both, of these variet ies produce bloom on the current -season' s wood and should. never be pruned in the sumnmer or fali. g List Two Varieties And w~hile, on the subjectof hydrar- geas, 1. vantý to tell you about ,two of this family.of plants which are not listed in many catalogues but which are well Worth ha.ving. One is the Climbing Hydrangea (I-y- drangea. petiolaris), an attractive rýam- pant-groing« vinei It will dling to brick or its rootiets, and.> DR. JIM DUTTERWORTH VETERINARIAN 2810 W. Pairk Avenue Highland Park Phone Highland Pk. 2967 ~iUKETHWA SINCLAQ DIALERg, Ifyou are flot already using Sin- courteouasUy -you'll find that h. Clair prodiacts, may w. suggest tokes a real n.ighborly interest thut you drép in ut your, neurby in your car. And you, tao, wiII