Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1937, p. 15

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Chiffon -n'as t dre.çses of tlic br Carlos'Photo ina terial of the arnd /ici-nttpud- should be wefl acqualilted Nvith the, Lord's; answer and rememiber it when those cir-t cumfstances arise. Every Thursday. afternoon at 3 :30 a Lutheran bi7roadcast may be heard over station WAAF, 920 kilocyIcles. Today the, Rev:- C. Abel of Elmnhurst speaks on ý"The Second Corning of Christ.", Next Thursdaýy th e Martba Guild, for girls empioyed in nor th shore homes. meets at the church. $Ince no Sunday evening, services areheld duriflg the summer. this meeting. begins with a vesper srervice.at:3 :30. A b.usIiness lses- sion, is held at 4-:10. social houx' at 5:06, an d supper at 6 :00. We have had many visitors in our servicesduring the entire summer. 'They have'helped to keepour attendanrce at a record level. We assure prospective visit- ors of a cordial welcome. MetJhedîst Ckurch Wilmette Avenue at Lake Avýenue WVilmette, Illinois The minister wili ho in the pulpit. at the eleen 'd-ock worship service next Sunday morning. August 22. Ili- sermion theme will be: "And Jesus Clrew." The m-orship) service begins with the Organ Prelude at 1050 o'clock. and wor- ,shipp)ers are invited tô share in the en- tire servie. The specfal niusic for next Sundlay morninz will be, as follows: Th-ey have been idelightfui caio f or ,getting together during the vact.tion sea- A iiumljei of fiamilies of lh*s echurch- tike ne su1pper-s to Washinigton park on Wednesday.evenings, rei-taininig after- ivard for- Xhe ëconcert in ihe neew Wil- mette bowl. Others are pivied té corne -long. During the $ummier. Pastor Allhisùn has had a number of occa.siois to render ininist erjal service both w-'ithin and .ith- out the church family. He is happy tq bc of -service to any in need . -)fj. Engl.!'sh Lutheran evth ,:Ireet at Greenleaf avenue -~A HOUSE 0IF WORSHIP" 'l'le Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNSIJAY SERVICES Early Service.. .......... ....... 8 am. Church School..........9 a.mh. Second Service ................il1 a.m. The mnusic for the services next Sun- day morning is as foliows: Organ Prelude-MNoderato Cantabile, Symiphony 8 ............... 'I Waited for the Lord". Mendelssohn .Joy Wilson Dressier and Mrs. J. H. Hopp SoIo-"]Blesýsed Are the Merciful". ........ ....Ward-Stephens * Mrs. J. H. Hopp Postlude- March Triomphale ......... .Leminens ' Victoria M\cLeod-Miinistry of Music The women of our church are invited to, a. tea on Friday afternoon, at. the Woodiawn Immanuel Lutheran church, Chicag~o, in honor of Dr. Hilda .LazarÇ4 After -%orking months. to translate Dante's "Divine Comedy" . into ber. own tongue, a young. gypsy scholar of, RuMania bas just discovered that only 1 12,of her people can read. .The girl , 26 yea's. old, was one of ýthe few gypsies to' win. a scholarship, granted by the Rumaniian',govern- ment. Later 'she continued her studies in Rome, working on the translation, which bas ýbeen, proclain1- ed.a 'masterpiece. When efforts ,to have it published were made., how- e ver, it 'vas found that, of the entire gypsy populatioin m Rumania lèss than- a score would be able to read it., CIVIL. SERVIiCE T'ne United States> Civil Service Coin- mission bias announced open com peltitive examinations for the following positions: and vegetables), $2,600 a year, and as- sistant marketing 'specialist (canned fruits and vegetables), $2,600 a year, Bureau of Agricultural Economies. Instructor of Weaving, $2,000 a year; Indian Field Service (including Alaska). Departmient of the Interior. Speclalist in Indian arts and crafts, $2,000 a year, Indian Arts and. Crafts Board, and Indian Field Service, Depart. ment of the Interlor. Safety, lnstructor, $1,800 a year, and assistant safetylinstructor, $1.620 a ye.ar, Bureau of Mines, Department of the In- The bride \vore a gown . ,ot white, w\ith a pearl clasp holding. in place a shirred bolero jacket. The train was- short and bier finger-tip tulle veilý was Completed with a cluster of orange.btiossoms, Bride's roses anid liles of the valley formed bier showver bouquet.« Blue. was the color of the:gowli of Florence Seyller .of Wilniette, the iaid of honor, who carried velloýw r'oses. The two bridesniaids, Miss Snmal children may- be Ieft in the Nr -t-v curinz the Nworship servicee2Mrs. R'toy Takin is in charge. Theta Upsilon Rho) meets Sunday eve- ning at .6:30 o'clock. Thev invite al young people ahove hlgh school age. The Rock River Conference Summier Retreat at Lake Geneva wlll be beld August 27, 2,ý. and 29. You are *nvited fo attend. The reti'eat will be. held at [College Camp and there will be splendid The Church School c6nvenes Sundav mnorning at 9 o'clock. Next Sunday morn- Edde Hencierson, daughter of Mr. and ing9 the senior department will view pic- Mrs . Edward E. Henderson, 1200 ture.s on -¶Christ the Great Physýician Gewo avurtredhm MI ar welcrne.Sunday f rom Cedar Shores camp,- The medlitation at the serviceîs o Monitague. Mfich. Stop In. Any Time. ., . August Seyller bas taken bis br on an,,aUtomol Milburn's College SIiop 714 Church Street Evanston îng to il' JParents

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