ROLLED VEAL- ROA Palace Foods' Erôtiooical. no )o ne. no Waste. almeatL Veal roast.ý Any size 29 : LES, of LAMB Genuine Sprîng Qual;ty. '8-7to av-lb . 2Sj. BABY LES of LAIS. o6-lbvag34qc POT ROAS?. Fineqt of prime chucik beef. AI) ieleeted 1'2191/2c Calves, Sweeibreads rjuallty Seef Very pca sweet pckled lb 4 DUCKLINGS Frré-;dresd-plumrp and'deliclouiS. 8 STEWINC liENS Fresh Ire-ssed, plump and tender. MikfA4- hi 4% lb* veàg>Tib aý29c~~ FRYING CHUCKENS Friesh drissed Wapsie, Valley milk-fed quality. 2- t(, A- l 79rge e c FRESH FISH EVERY DAY AT WHITIE F1SH. Genuine Lake Superior TRtOUT Fresh caught PALACE FQODS IF).39c S.. lb. 32c F i rst car to be lubricated! Kec fcr's Standard Oiu Station, onfl Green B road near blntt' usivesdistrict. bas installkd a oncw h výdraiic lit. Hozar.d Keefer and hJ4# 4sisfanti Ray Olmf-. arc bausi!v ,qdi hf fthe job is donie right. Dark Horse Team Sweepo.,s Into Finals of Skokie CIub's Tennis Tourney Moulton and Holbrook Win c(chi- and Mr. Hollowav a hard .t Over Foes by 6-2, 6-3 Scores il itt way but fi.naII. vielded ,-4, .3-t>. 1,3. F Pea ches-b4- suré, to îficlde <()ne HUATSt i * o.rder. MPE(JA L 'l GRAPEFRUIT or twc~ dz'--à J U4 larCeEStins $ ýAGGE.fY ANtI OLD LACESOAP FLAKES. TebîgS(-),11) alue i tw' 1afeRt and Lest for Paiby hings, sheere',t - fabrices k, lne andi woo>î-ns 104<ai ton "$1.~95 16 tins,$1 TIssu.E. $1 SO-KLESN ;V'EDY ANNI -mà M"U n - S i teamwork and steady play to over- 111nrohe wru I CMdl) caupwî1: corne two sets of opponents. Although liti mi' obe orau~ Josephine Otter and Jack -Mee, their lBillClover andGoreS.hields en foes ini the first rouind, took the of - throutgh Ini the third 'Ut againISt H fensive, X.i f oulton and MNr. Hol- Woh~rand _Lniuý Sinith by vru brook kept the bal going hack ado utimphd. a -6,a-. C)le ni (o)'-2, 6-3. Shl timhd8<xi-.61a~ IH. L. Woolhlser and his daughter. wfll face the' victor of the TomiV Ijean, met the -Moulton-Holbrook xai] alidJack NMe tilt with Harv1 cinhination ini the semi-finals but Glburt and Paul1 Oliver. the irs se 6-4desiteIxidian 1H111 Team ,ýaiter losing *tefrtst64dPt In the other hi, Derýwo-od C and~am a stpit~ resistance, dropped the sec- Nlirill uffington conquered John II-IIb - set at lo~ve~.. %va - ~a 'rFrncis T-Tnrook f6-1, . e %{hý-tr+ BICK. 4 cans I4mtIDeal ... ............. q IDI MMOMMUUM ...............