Pear sGrapes FnyCalifornia bartl.tts , Foncy 1hompsonSs.dI*.s 3 23 Fý2 151- à&AppIe Cook7 bs.23 Ie >C élorad 1 bs. B Peas .CyZ Produce price.: .fftiv*.Fri. und Sot. onIy Xeep C«oo(-Ot4;L tflaiwionaI'a jicecl Zea ali (.9>of.. Staff Photos The 125 foot concrcte, dam n t rutýcted mn i 'iIIoze road in connection- uit?: the Skokie Lagoons developîqent under supervision of the Nùtionial Park? r i.,is rapidly nearing. completion. 1-1b. bag I SC 3 l 5 Il AMERICAN HOME COFFEE' NATIONAL DE LUXE COFTEE. yard -ýhovcl reinoving the conter dam .between the Xillow road bridge and the' dam. The coffer dam wvas built a yýear ago t- protect the work during- constructioni (if thu concrete damn and spill\\ay. Above is showia a group oif CCC b)o>Ns 1I iping. the banks of what \vill even- tklally be the- east side of the *ettlintig bikIii1lewe the dain and bridge. The b sarc working at a poinlt adjacent tp. Suinday afternooti meeting ini Founda- tion hall, Bahai Universal House of: Worship at Linden aventie and Sher- idani road, WVilmeite, at 3 :30 o'clock. The children's classes wvi1l meet at Il o'clock on Sunday rnorning. GOES TO NEWFOUNDLAND Mrs. E. H. Buirge, 924 Forest ave- nue, left last Suniday for St. Antlio..,, Ne\Nfounidlaid.l to visit hier son, Di. reep Japon Broa doa:t Bacon -l.pkg. 170 DOMINO OR C & H XXXX CONFECTIONER'S. Sugar 9 * . *. i. g 6 1COLLEGE INN SALE Chicken a la King tO"t. 35 Toxuato luice **130.50 Soups . . . 2 1el-*-2 le Rice inner 21s 2l1e WITH MEAT BALLS Spaghetti. 215,-z-21e 4 L 100he 1 -b. bag 22c * lib.jar27c, I 1?