News Patronize Our Advertisers SUFFEING. HUMANITY By, D. S. Lyman' Lyman Pharmacy in the days of yellô* fever, blacIc diphther ia. and ther plagues one mlght have used the words "sufer-: lng hurùanity", to 'describe far flung stretches of the world. E'ven todayý epidemiei are not un- Usual In sorne countries where rnP<U- cal science1 is iamentablY inadequate. China and India for Instance, con- ttUne to suifer from pestilences, thoqe devasta4ilng and viruent 4pflhii1. an'd hundreds of thousands of lives- are sacrificed every year because of the lack of *ànltary living conditions and pathetic scarcity of medical aid. But despite all~ that has been ae- compllshed, people do get sick. Your greatest safeguard is to have an oc- casional check-up by a comnpetent physician and if he finds you need medicinal aid take his prescription to an equally c'ompetent pharmiacist. This i, the t),ent,,third of a âpries of Editorial "Alvrtisements appearing in Èhis paper ac Baler-now1 to Interpret Social Wr *Ryder-liake Your Own Job PRyan-Your Clothe4 and PersonalitY Corbin-fland-Block Printing on Fabrica Das Bru.eghei Buch Baritone Songa- Penn-For Readers Only Laughlin-So You're Going ti) Scnnda- *navia Trrobridge,-EmaflUel Swenborg Zairni;-Daughter of the Eagle wlittrner-Fmlood-Llghts on Europle. Buck-The Road to Reunion Laut-.Pilgrims of the Santa Fe. IDiscrlminating Womeu find their way to our door .ivery day =Permanent ae Shomoo -Fingerwave M.nicure A3for85r ILinden Crest Beauty S h o 426 Linden Ave., Wilmefte I Irvi S. Blietz Christian Science Churches -SouF' was the subject of the lesson-serinon .in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, August The. golden thirsteth for Go wheil 'all I1co text vvas, My soul )d, for theling od me and appear before architecturally, and without vision of the final picture, according t o Irvin A. IBietz, 1160 Wilmètte avenue, Wilmette, designer and builder of suburban homes. "Cities 'are erected sometbing lk this," said Mr., Blietz., "Tom jones de- cides to build and after much cognita- tion picks out an Early Mexiîcan imotif which heputs down beside a Box'Car Mediterranean, ai ready there. Along cornes Bôýb Snifth and buys the next lot on \vhich be builds a dog hiouse. beçause, libe is in it niost of the time anvw'?,y. 'Price Emph&siS "Thée principal reason for this deplor- able state of things," said Mr. Blietz' is that too much.,emphasis bas in the past ýbeen put' on price restriction, i( 'not enougb on architectural control. *Houses of like type- and1 character, pt down, tqgether. enhance., each other*s charm as well as value. Houses of, dis - similar period fighit each other, aestbetic- ally. A Cape Cod will always look sil beskle a Spaniish hacienda. "Each local government," said M. *BIietz."' should recognize this, nusiance and set up a commission for the purposeý of' intelligent ordinances restricting sucbi intangiables. The commnunity, and everv taxpayer 'in the community. hias a real interest il sustaining values. Becatise *only thirough sustained real estate value., are tax revenues niaintairned. RED PERCH .. the kind ocean fishermen eut!1 2S~ lb. Trimjmeci before weighitig-i N ~fl chops you can buy! fainiteth ,for' the courts of thé Lord;_ my\ heart and .my flesh 'crieth out for the living God. For the Lord is a sun and shield; no good thing will i i withbold from tbem that ivalk uprghty"(Psalmns 84:1, 2, il'). The lesson-sermon also' included the following passages from the Chris- tiani Science. textbook, "Science and .Health with Key to the 'Scriptures," 11)v "ld2rv Baker Eddy.: "Soul and 'visit with ber brother and 'bis Nvif e in Dallas, Texas. With themi she motored to Mexico City for 'threé- weeks. Making Mexico City their beadquarters, they took interesting one- or two-day trips to Cuernavaca. Taxco, the pyramids at Guadalupe, Kochomilco, Toluca, and the Indian. market. Tbey also climbed to the top of the 'Pyr'amid of the Sun. 'On Julv 29 they experienced in Mexico Citv tbe 'earthquake 'wbich killeçl a' iumber of people at Vera Cruz. hen soznething- we are doing be- ;easy, it is tim~e to reach. out, for knowIedge, fl0w progress. r own business, we like to feel; has rue' experience, alert for new and ways to serve this, cominunity. T