Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 49

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qened yard; double garage. Nea Qrrington schoûl, làke and trans- portation. APlus value. Urider $15 "000. R, Johxisofl BRICK COLONIAL- PERFECT CON-. dition: 8 room's, 3- baths.. Near Orringtofl school and lake. 'Best buyin N..E* Evanston. R. Cun- ntnghaYL (iREenleaf,1855, HOLIY- court 1855. 7 New Model Homes in. Kenilworth -Gardens 2 SMART 6 RM. BRICK COLONIALS: tule bath, la.; knotty pilne gamte roomn. Except.iof.lly well-built. Ony$11l'500-$1,500 ,cash. On Walnut street. "ICAPIE" - THORNWOOD AVE .6 roomsi 21 baths. $13,500. EARLY AMERICANS: 7 and 8 roorns on Kenhlworth, Ave. Special equip- ment. .$18;850 and $19,86o. PRETTY WHITE CAPE-COI) COLON- Ial. One wall of living room pint paneled. .Lovely dining rooîi wit.h bay widow. t ti . wo."Open for Inspection" because the owner is still living tr ilt, but we cari make appointments at reasonable times. Mr. Pletsch, WîNnetka 2700, BRIar- gate 1855. NEW MODEL EAi" 2 AMERICAN: 7 rooms, 31/ baths on Greeriwood. irias charrfling designi and interest- ing price. A. K. Smith, Gre. 1855, HoI. 1855. WINNETKA BRICK COLONIAL - NEAR BEACH You'tl like its convenient east slde location and large living room; sun room; screeried porches; 6 bed- rooms, 3 baths and heated sleeping porch; recreation room. Beauttfully landscoped. ?rs. Fleming. Win'- * retka 2700, BRargate 1855. LAKE FOREST. WHIITE FARM HOUSE COLONIAL. *On large beautiful grounds, near lake:., 8 room-. 3 batbs; large liv- ing room arid reception hall. A charming home now vacant. A real bargain. Mr. Hart, WINnetka 1802, Hlghlarid Park 1855. VISIT OR PHONE ONE 0F THESE 3 CONVENIENT LOCAL OFFICES EVANSTON &522 Davis St. TEAER R(û) Greenleaf 1855 FRESHLY PAINTED WRITE brick, 4 bedrms, 212 baths, 68-ft. of. frontage, 2-car att. gar. .Ai1 newiy decorated and ready for occupaLncy. $17,000. and onlY $1,700 down. Seeing ie believ- ing. 654 Dundee 'Rd., Giencoe.. Look at it Sunday from 3 -6.. Is English architecture a favorite withyo? At 1260 Oak Street, Winntkawe.offer,,this moderm 5, bedrn. 4bouse, 31b baths, oit heat, ail newly decorated. A 10% paymnent will make It yo uËs. Open Sunday from 3-6 This home wili be available Octo- ber lst. It has fi bedrms., a splendid porch oveilooklnig the gardeni, a 2-car gar., and a 60-ft. lot near the lake. Al .for $18,000. Another fine English brick home with 73-ft. 0of frontage can. be offered at $2,500. This house has 4 bedrms -and 3 baths on the second floor; a 2 -car. att. gar., oit heat, and a delightful screened porch. This is a Glencoe home. East Kenitworth at its best. Red 'brick Colonia~l. 5 bdrms& 3%, baths - beautiful living room- a garden done ti the best marn- ner. Suc.h a home le a real buy. Further particulars on request. Small but roomy, brick, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, H. W%. heat, 2-car gar. A Winnetka home for only $ 10,000. Substant lai - ail roonIs large- 90-ft. lot. Ohly 10 yrs. old. 6 bedrms., 31k2 baths, library, att. gar., oit burner, and cari be bought * wlth renti norey. THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST 0F OUR EXCLUSIVES. IF THE HOME YOU WANT IS NOT IN TRIS LIST, GET IN TOUCH WITH- US FOR *OTHERS. 157,1 Shernnari Avenue Rog. Pk. 2616 Uni. 2600 Wil. 2602 NEAR LAKE Beautiful eold brick homer 3beo,2 2 bathe, llbrary, breakfast room porches, and recreation room.' fPitc kitchpfl. two-Car brick wriat ' ve gtin ix for $,000 down we can deliver this home. The balance cari be paid like rent to tiiis exceptional klnd hearted gentlemran.$1,0 Ri PARIAN RIGRT PROPERTY Riparlan Rlght Vacant li seldom offered. at. this price.. Yet here we have more than an acre ani a haf In Highland Park 1mproved wlth a, very lnterestln home. There are. seven bedroomean four baths and whilet4ie home le not the riewest or most modemn on the North Shore yet it bas dozens. 0f reasons for appeating to the sophlstlcated buyer of. this type of property. Outstandling In these- dozens of repsons le the price. We repeat- Riparlan Rig4t-over an acre anid a half- improved-for ...........-$40100Ô in the> terefrtoy sùrroun.dinlgthe North Shore Villages we see au. sorts of pseudo and hybrid coup- try bouses. We have a home tbe.t ie a country home if there c-ver was %ne>an*d la perfeet .i tY-, location, and every other attribute t4iat goes to make the perfeect bxouse lni this clase. So located that there lse erough grc.und te give a bayrack ride and malte It tast for several hours witbout gettlflg off the place.. The bousej le 1ow and rambllng andl country- lsh as ail get-otit. , But it lias four family bedroome and tw-'ý bathe.. two servants' morne and a bath, a paneled llbrary, a pow- der room wlth lavatorv, an air condltionlng system, Insulatiori, a. three-car garage, and it will cost sonleone ....... $50,000 1IlLTN14-1t42 Where Can YOU Find a Home 3 BLOCKS FROM TRANSPORTATION, 3 blocks from sehool, on a iarxdscapèd lot 66xl85, with 3 bedrooms and tile bath, with a den, with charmn and character, for $11,000? The ariewer le 89l Vernori Avenue, Glericoe. IW. G. RUGGLE S_& Co. OWNER LEFT FOR EAST Mrs. W-,le stayirig here to dispose of house.. Here le your opport uitY. This 6. room, 3 bedroorn homie, hollo(w tile constr1uction, close to. Greeley Sehool and New Trier Hlgh Sehool 1' offered for 1orily $10,000. Feziced In 50 x 151 foot lot, 1 car garage, heated sleeping porch and sunrooim..Mrs. Colle. OWNFER WILL SELL OR RENT,Ë Irmmediate possession la offered on tiS modern 9 room brick homne ln new sec- tion. 3 large mastpr beédrooms,- 2 tile bathse, dressinlg room., sleeping eorcb. maig's 'roomn and bath on rd, recrea, tion room'with fireplace, hot *atèr.011 heat, 2 car heated garage. Rentai $150. Mr. Ahbrens. OriY $2,50 *11buy 4thls 1 rooM home in eat Wlmette. 4 bedroon, nlce sunporch, bot wýater ohl heat, lavatory In basemeiit, 50gi18 foot carefullY cared for lot. Will econsider o ffer. 1Ur. Taylor., À PERFEICT BUILDING SITE This cholce 64 foot lot In east PRavInIO overlookfng a beautiful ravine le a real bargairi et $4,00 0. Ail Improvefierts ti and pald for. We finance and build. Mr. Clarke. HIGHLAND PARK* 715 BLACKSTONE PLACE Before You bixY, sce this distinctive 6 room Colonial home of Dearborll Brick. Bedrooi-es will accomnIodate twîi beds. Landscaped with beautîful trees and shrubs. Perfect coriditiofl-nio repairs. necessary. Located in i Hghlanld Park close to Ravinla .Park, scols, and trans- portation. $14000. Bob Clark. R. B. WHITAKER CO .140 Greeni Bay 1Ioad, WilUetlCa ,Wlnretka 3250 Rogers Park 7302* LOCATINPERFECT WE. HAVE ACHARMING HOME .with plenty of that "old atmosphere" for the discriminatiflg purchaser. It le.. .a white frame lieuse Wlth greeni shutter7s - ý Il.-- setinff la 7 -RMS.,. 2 BATIib, ATT'II!i-" t&ý- glaed orb, ot atr oit beat. Lot I a resiicted nrigfbornood 396 Cntrl, 655x189. Bond Hoiders Commttee anxiius. Ata Iieeaberce te liquldate.Ata nelvb pi. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT This modern Ergllsh homne with 4 bèd- OWNE1R mm. b: Ige. pcb. oit, lit. att. g. modern City National .Agency foSrRS$EA00STAT ÙF' EVANSTON, INC. SASRA SAEation bargi 800 Davis Ot. M. 400 Gre.1412 421 Richmonxd Rd. Kenllwomth 51)88 221 Frmni 111LN141P . l ILTN1 -Ite [I, on11 n Rd.. ij wooded hs, htd. tgar., lý

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