WORK ON HARBORý .,IS .STOPPED BY ORDERý 0F STATE Action, Follows Army En*gin.- eers' Complaint, Over Dis- posai of Dredged Sand Work on'the dredging of Wiliette har-bor, undertakeni with the aid: of state funds severial' iveeks'ago. "was' ordered stopped on' Tuesday. after- noon by authorities of the, Illinois, waterways. Cessation of the.l -vork fflaced in, grave.jeopardy hopes of north shore' citizens that the ýharbor, 'already badly overcrowded and needed as a haven of 'refuge Iy small craft .of ail kinds, would once im-ore ble made adequate 'for use. Engineers Complain The action folloNwed thie complaint of Captain S. N. Karrick, of 'thei United l$tates arrnv engineers' 'office at Chiicago, vdho asserted that san(1 dredged. f rom tie bottomi of' the harbor basin was being duip'ed back into the lake. Under the. contract wllicli vvas froin th'e tiarbor approacnes on the lake. side. After ten days of wvork, (Contiiniied on Page 52) A nnounce Plans Jor Kenilworth's A nnual Field, Day The eleventh edition of the Kenil- worth Field Day 'will be held on Sep- teimber 17 at Brierhill Country club, at Deerfield, it was announced' this ICONDUCTOR Maurice Seymour Photo Robert S. IlWh it; cy, Chicago sîipervisor of the federal' music pbraiect. vill he où est conductor, LiU'LIL.s anuy to ssiU. w nisiL.. l eï>' ý," dut ics as director. of the1 Louisville' (Kentucky) Symiiphok»y orchestra. Home Owners to Hold Picnic on August 21,st, The Wilmette Home Owners' as- sociation will hold its aniual picnic for memibers and their famnilies and friends on Saturday afternoon aand evening,. August' 21, it was announced Chamber of Commerce. Donor of.,$l1,.00»0,Gift Roadside Phone Skokie .Highway,. Emergency A id, Always looking toward' increased efficiency, the Wilmette Police de.- partment recently installed .a ne w phone box at the corner of Lake. avenue a.nd Skokie boulevard for 'use in .' emergency" cases. B.v virtue of this new facility, con- necting'directly with the switchboard at the village police' station, the police can be advised almnost immiediately of accident or oth- Prrlergency, 'an-. nouinced Chief Cloyd C. 'McGuire of the Police department, avoiding long delavs experienced heretofore be- cause of difficulty in locating tele-_ phones in that vicinity. Prirnarily for the benefit. of those who are un- acquaînited with the location of phone ý4emergency'" phone, and in case of accidents or other ernèrgencies 'will. be able to direct people to the phone. box. Two l arge signs with neat orange and black lettering' directing atten- tion to the phone box are now located at either extrernity 'of the village limîts on Skokie boulevard. The first, at the corner of Ashland'and Skokie: the' second at the corner of Glenview road and Skokie. and the phone box Fund, Prom: Rece ipts. of Wil- mnettelDays . àEarmarked for village Project In years. to corne,. when Wilmette citizens, engaged in the cultural and social pursuits incident to an en- li ghtened cornmunity, are enjoying the advantages and. facilities oif .a modern Commu- nity House, >August 3, 1937,. will stand out in. their mrids asý the date upon w1hich the irst practical ' s t e p was taken to provide a 'center around wh ic h these and other activities rnight revolve. For it was 9on August F. D. Aderson 3 that the Wil- U. & U3. Photo mrette Chamber of Commerce, by decision of its board of directors.. established 'a Receipts From ,Festival The money for the establishment of the fund carne from receipts of Wilmette Day, the cornmunity festi- val held on J.uly 21 andi 22. It is the intention to add to the fund as this event is celebrated from year to year, thus giving to ail villagers the oppor- tunity to' participate in a .community (Continued on Page 52) Srorn Kïdîgç roadu w miles. Frorn 23rd street boQundary, 1.53 miles. 115 ls. which, theré is at presient great '23rd street, 1.22 cali is men's and boy's shoes. NoeMarian Krerner, chairman të te wsten Nte:Econonly 'Shop Is eondueted to te wetern by the Woman's Club of Wilrnette. and was charge. r was driven ,away. into cans and- 1 he hati gone to sleep, where their car on a reckless driving case - will be inm Saturday.