BEAUTY!1 Sp ecïally A VIA TORI Major Warner B. Gates,. son of Henry B. Gates, former village /'resident of Wilinette, and, until bis retirernent, telephone* c o in p a n y official, zwho zvas r-eceiitl.y sent to .March field, Cclif., show>zi i flying garb. *A native of Wihinette, first enlisted at Fort Shi or Gates plaire, five ilesa operate with as possible to the p The plane is at pr mental' stage ; it a mneans of estal: air corps officials bove the earth, mnay littie discomfort as ilot and passengers. esclnt ini the "experi- will not be tisedl as lishing any records; announice. BLIND LANDINGS Rec .entlvcae the sta -tling an- nouncemet that radi n croiauti- cal eniner ave per'fecte(l àa hliîîid radio-ýlandinig systém %which perinits airliners, to land àsafélv thîrough fog. sno, r rainstornis., Engineers liave declared> it practi- Cal, following thé two year experi- mental laboratorv vhicl was' set iii. at. Oakland.' Cal airport to test, t lic nlew invention. The major obstacle to its use Uiow is ,thiat the comitri-s lan(hing facih.ities are iiot e<luippe(l foi- blind d (lscCIts: thieretfore it wîvll probah>ly take uti-l' 198to pult- theIC pro ect into eff (et. The a1)pparla t ls ope(rates as follow>s Planes flyinz the regular departmcent of commerce radio range beacons arrive at the airport withi this special eýqtipmtlent. There thev tunle their, specialreiig set to the ultra high friequci-es Of the "directionial" land- ing beamn, and descend belov the clouds iintil tke altimieter shiows an a1t,'tude. of approximately 2,000 feet;l theî. they aligui themselves on thie landing beami and fly until they pass throughi an outer mnarker beacol-a vertical radio ray-at a point five PERMANENT WAVEI additional work with the advanced flying The sets havetw needles ic school at Randolphi and Kelly fields.' s1how the pilot's relation to the direc- - - -- - -tional. finding beamn and to a curved BOMBERS landing. beami sent out from a station Developmlents ini miîitarv aviation on the airport. Thie needies show the during the past few months have beenl locationi either to the righit or left, of intense interest to those wýho eu- above or below the bearns. vision a new European crisis, vhc Automatic Pilot, might, perhaps, envelop the Unite.d Once ini the proper position the, States. B3ut outside :of speculation, autoniatic. pilot is engaged (operat(cd thev are interestinz iioneitheless The y, gyr oscop)es) and the plane fronm ated by this senisitive EVANSTON STORE LIIg theitew sUbstratosphe-e plane raILO'.> FCNI through i is paces highi above the Mfembers of the Illinois pilots asso- WNright field, Dayton, 0., but all ciation Jéft Saturday for a trip to resuits of the tests are kept secret. Lake Delton, *Wis. The group of The plane is substantially. diffetent eighit planes arrived there in the fromn simnilar appeaning ships because afternoon, and then took various of its. sealed cabin in which sea level sightseeing trips around the lake, comfort is maintained at altitudes up among which' was a boat trip to the to 25,000. 'fe et. Both the cabin and' Delîs. A party was held Saturday engines are, supýe rcharged so that. the njght in honor of the gatherii.