Kuhn wifl sing Ferrando. The local debut of a Chicago tenor waIll add interest. Arthur Wilkinson ,wilI. sing: Manrico at-both p)erfor- ances. The well known oertic oprano, Lilyan Sacks, wHI be 'the Leonora.' Ume... Sacks has prryd this role maDY times wiîhpothercomipanies, but, neyer before inà Chicago. Walter Merhoff;, of theChicago City Opera, will sing the leading baritone rote, of Count di Luna. The treatment of the stage wil. have special interesiadteoiia costumes- will, add to the pictorial beauîy of the production. The entîre Milwaukee Grand ýOpera. chorus of forty voices will be heard and the general director, Lawrenice Waiîe, will, ond ateeo~#ig performances, ilDiscriminaming - Women I find their way fo our door Ëf 1every day e-1 Wave, me, uestU wiUh You. Dr%. mOiIpbmU sermon- thème will be, *'Wanied:- A Revolutlonary Rêligon." The spectal music for next Suuiday moring*wtlI bes fellows:- U:ReJblc e, Ye Pure ln Ueart-. . Sowerby "Dearesi Jeau, We Are HIfere"l. . .. Bach marie Briel Ofcrtery solo- "The.! Lorcla My Llghi" .... Allien Edward Stack Organ Poétud-'Toccatal athw Tiere lo a nursery wherc parents maYý leave rnnall"children duntng the wors hlp service. Mrs. ltoy Haskin is ln charge. Theta Upsilon Rho, for young pea- pie above hlgh school age, ls contlnuing Its Sunday cvcning meetings througliout the summer.:This groupy meets at '6:.30 eo'cloek. The mninîster'wiIl ret. ifn to the pulpît Aumgust 22- jus snuia De uaae njw. I1Ivre w'ou oe lendld èaccommodations and rates for ls retreat, and ht would be fine to have rumber of Our Wllmette people ln at- idanice. St. Jolzn's Lutheran Wlmette and Park avenues J. H. Gookel, pastor So0lo-LeavVe X it1 h àHlm ......... Mlis Ernest Schaper Postlude-'-Allegr.o VivOace." 2nd Sonaàta . . . G uilm anit Vicori MLeo-M.nitry0fMusic The Church' &bço1 convenes at 9 o'clock. Nekt OSunday mornlng the Senior department 'ailli vlewplitres on *Léuther,: and the Reformation."1 The Meditatlon for the service of ýwor- slip ne xt 8unday merningwill. le, based on the Epistle- .Lesson for the day, il Cortnthians 3. 4-11. 'The .Marly servjice at. 8 o'clock la for the conivenlence of those iVho .wish to spend, the day- away from home but first wish to -worshiv. 'Fixe second service is held at il o'clock. Ail are wéecme. On Tuesday, August '17.> the Junior league wil taire a. boit.trip. The mnem- bers *Ill meet ai the church at ý8 a. rn. For further Information phone Wlilmeýtte 4279. Th-e .M-en's club wil mcci Wedneeday evening, .&ugust 18,' at the churcix at 8 o'clock. Corne and enjoy this fiue eve- .ning of fellowship. Quartet rehearsal;' Thursday evening at 7:â :0O'clock. Attend church rêgularly during the summier months. Wilmette Baptist Wilrnette aud Fo rest avenues, Rev. George D. Allison, pastor Mrs. George Leggett Martin, 1046 Elmwood avenue, was taken by death. Mrs. Martin was a promient civic. worker active in First Congregational chrhcircles, the Wonian's club and Ouiîmette Coufitry club.> She was an enthuuiastic advocate of a Community. bouse. Seafgeant Andrew C. Camipbell of Kenilworth,' a war pilot of the ýLa- fayette escadrille, was decorated With the French wàr cross i,n recognition, of bravery. Mayor J. S:. Adams, Sanders.ville, Ga., annou nced to tht public that hereafter there will be no sale of. gasoline on Sunday. Al, dealers were notified to discontinue the, sales, and no violation .was permitted. All who need gas for Sunday trips were ad- vised to buy before thie week-end. or else let.their cars remain idle.is was . in accordance with. the state Iaw which stated that the usual lînes of binies mst tease ôon &rnday'. There was a car to every 29 per- sons in the United States according to a report issued b'y the United States departinent of Agriculture which took the census. Twenty per cent of the 604 men called before the local exemption board of ibis district were accepted for the new national army of the United States. So well was the draft machinery lubricated that the physi. ILinden Cres-t Beauty Shop 426 Unden Ave.. WiwM. Prelude-Adagio Vesperale ...... page Solo ................fr. Arthur Green OffertorY-Solo di Plaute...Capocci The cSermon-"A RevelatIon hI Strlving for Perfection" Postlude-Sontie Festilve........ Boslet There will be ne service at 9:15 a. m. ThIe 8'unday school la having Its vaca- tien durlng the uxonili of August. Opi Sunday, August 22, the pastor wllI again be in the pulpit ai 9:15 and il a.m. OIdaa witn me tney e &-A undje eof iA.movement was starteci DY the OdLetters." Ncwcomers lu the village y. M. C. A. to hep young -men who ar odily tvii e o.ps u w r were rejected' by the army on ac- * TmorowFrlay at1 oclok, lecount of the physical. deficiencies. Woman's society lias anoiher of our de-Te lne osîr eerp lightful fellowship luncleous. Tliis wili training course, so that those who be held at the home of Mrs. Charles ,Q. passed the course might jo 1in the Main, 1040 Forest avenue. United States signal corps. Tomorrow evening, FridaY, at 7:45, orboard of Religlous Education meets 10 Years zAgo est the call of the dhairman, Josephi D. A t-.12 Dingle at the church. Makiueg un the uut1,12 MrigPae wt emnà fireproof, and built o~f concrete and brick. ;s 'Wanda Mahler of Traer, Mrs. Charles Gilbert Davis, 615. is visiting her uncle and aunt, Laurel avenue, -is now at her Waunita tnd' Mrà. Edlwin R. Aldrich. 151 0 Hot Radium Springs resort ini Colo- iette avenîue, thist weçk. rado.