Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 7

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Ihy Fritz Reitler:, the laSt of the suic- cession of cieiet guest coniductors, who have helped to make thîs season >0ostucces"sfuil atid Ravillia Park againi a imecca for- north shore mnusic loyvers, the Fsia commnittcec takes especial 1)easure ini a¶înounicing an extra gala 1,ý.rformi-afce b)3 the Chicago Syrn- ph.i1vnY orchestra unlider the directioji of Dr. Frederick Stock, 'Who, has been uirged forth from his. summer retire-~ muent to iead his ow .ilme" in 'this final concert of the 193 7.Ravinia -sea- son, Sunday night,. August 8, at 8:30. This Nviii be Dr. Stoàck's fltst ap- pearalice ini the- Chicago district on the. conductor's stand silice the severe illniess. which. necessitated bis retire- nient tbeflrst of "March of tbis vear and placed Associate *Conductor. Hans Lange On the stand for 'the remaining concerts ýof last season. It Avili also: mark 'bis flrst appear- aiice as coniductor at Raviinia Park ine ,the, coricerts apttiting the Ravinia opera days. Plan Rousing Reception D)r. Stock bias been regainiing bis health at is, simier borne ini Epli- rai. Wis., instead of makinig bis usuial 1Etropean trip. His return xviil be the sga foi a rousiig- receptiolî botli froin tbe orchestra xvich lie lias trained, to sucl superb lieigbts atid tbe audienice which bas folloxved lus musical leadersbip for so manyv earslad w i at the saine time pro- .Vide a satisfvilmg anid thrilliizl close t.o Raàviii*a' emineritly successful. sea- sol]. .Exhilaiatînig as it bias 1eei for audience and orchestra alike to -wel- corne cadli of -the' surnmner's dis- tiingiislied guest conductors, the or- chestra iiienxii iIhe on thieir musical tocs oni Sunidav niglît t-o welcomfe * back -the clief" as Dr.. Stock is iodvcalle*d. , The orchcstra lias xvoîî thé unifàiling praise of tbe. surn- -illers guest col uctors for IL îcir cx- celleiice as an orchestra .and unifail- * ilig rpneanid cooperationi, aîîd the *spiltidid audiences of the siutnniier -She is survived by six children:, Mr s. -J. W. Owen of Joliet, Dr. H. C. Storm o f Batavia, C. M. Storm of Great Falls, Mont., Prof. W. B. Storm. of DeKal, :C.. R. Storm of Miami.' and'Mrsý. C. H. Joncs of XVil- mette, in A.dition to 17 grandchil- Sdren and one great-grandcbild. Services we.re held 'Saturday at Scott's Wilriiette Funeral.Home. In- terment was:at Oakwoodý cemetery, Joliet,. here -Dr. George D. Allison. pastor of Mrs. Storm's cburch, conm- ducted- short- services., wNith relati-Ves. and 01(1 friends of'tbe communîity at,- tendinig. Mrs., Jennie B4. Weathered-, Winnetka Resident, .Dies, Mrs. jennie Bellew Weatbered, 623 Cherry street, \Vinnetka, widow of George B.. Weathered, passed away suiddenlv last. Sunday. Shie had beeti aresi ent Of Winnetka 'for 'morethân 20 vears. Services were held Tuesý-- cay miorning: at St. Francis Xavier chuirchi in .XVinette, and irterment \ainMount Carme, cemetery. TO VISIT RELATIVÉS Miss Nonidas Rodenkirk. 1121 l.ake avce. w.xiii g-o to Sbawano. Wsthe flrst part of next Nveek, to visit relatives. Shie xii e acconw 1 aiiied bli er cousin, M iss Genevieve il ~-1 eutral- Ave. ,Opp.. WiLmeteThri WliItte S- Lare.Pazrking S>ace i,-tee rem' for the conwenimnet ouiba custommir Qualify, Merchandise at Right Pri'ces-Get Our Estimate HARDWARE -PAINTS >- GLASS -HOUSEWARE BUILDERS' AND CONTRACTOS' SUPPLIES .Roofing--Gutters-Spouts-.Sheet Metal Work Installitig - epairing -Cleaning.. PURMNACES~PIPE8 and DOILERgS Lawn Sprilers- .Hose-Fertilizers-Seeds-Tools Oulin., ishlng, Camping N.eds, Tackte Boxes, Hooks, etc. Ill. wd WiLs. Fsg Lt*u.m. Free DlIIver.y Anyt h.. Vo. Speclfy wlith lier brother, e(l for the Nxeek-el -IN TRAINING CAMP Wallace Crawford, son of Mlr. and M\rs, -Ad(atiXW. Craxvford, 710 Cen-, t ral avenuie, is spending a mionth at the M\arinie Ofticers' Training camp at Quantico. Va. He wîll be home about the mniddlc of August. Mfrs. Williamn Phipps, 1320 Elini- wý,oodl avenue. ill entertain the mem- CREAM Regular or Bru shless Giant. Size 37eýý 's Reliable Timepieces I . id . Opposite VIllage Hall

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