Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 6

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U Àfight agfainst tubercujos. ep'eciaIll jarnong ,ch'idrenl. S[PVICE TA'TIONIii the followý,ing sigrif41 noteMs. l u>ss e xpres ss her thanks for many practical evidlences of appreciation of Patvonze Our.A dvertiýers hier work: "! i~ht>' f rr.- nsli"" i-thai* s a rd a~deatir> tthe .,ptwrqiI.' <f m:. i itvfsr the. wOnd>"rful gift" I Sqturday and h .rei'elv'il prior t>'> gûing ron. n: . il Su"day 'jç IIy two x'ers'b'aîiulp>(Eý Ikind fri(-rids with whom T hav e">>fliii B R IC K -1 "'t urine thiF- ig t "'" r"~ 1 j i-unwih th e.hf fl".' rî< h s mE' <'i.- i<i fter a a m<ith. va <'a t <f h rivtuýrrtiirg tri . rJ n iian>']' ai1l. Tha î,.k- L L QUART, ;SidneyCamper family Formerly Froim Detroit Mfr. and: MNrs. Sidnev D. Ca nipcer, 620 Forest. avenuean 'hers. Donald. moved ta W-ilmette JulIv 13. 'frorn Detr oit,. Mich. Dnald i- P 12 vears okland4 wîllente'r the WiÀ mette public school this fali. Mr, E U~~~WILMETTE Campnfer was tran.sferred' f rom Detroit COMMSTIONIERY bv the .Radio Corporation of An St N'est Ot Bank crica' and is divisioni manager her"' for that companv. Blefore going tr) D)etroit for six vears. theýv miade .their H hme 1in Louisville, Kv'. Thc paý"t a week-enid the Campers motorüd 1toa ho III, ., where thev visitt'd1 Mr. di and Mrs. S. R. Kemp. WlvKemil) camne home with thexnanîd wi'll be a guest here fora Week<. bis parent,- 's j Folowing 'upon tllastycear'- sipsea.soln. the Wildcats ai-, exp, te<1 to play before the largest cid~tbîi- fail -sinice the record hreaking 1()29; ta- si. n.,st ear 280,000 sawý the Prîl elevein Maction, whibw h lrt". 1attcndancc M ithe 1);,t five .i-, . Fivc of the Wlct'eïght gaiîw' ¶l1 fait wil hc playcd at I)Yc'lw > tadIjii. Thle scason ,wîll open witli'. lowa s4a1ie. Octoher 2.. The gmewill e l>c l's ýr..t hetwcen the two schools sino' i X"1 v. en' ii Scoach Glenn, (pop)ý Wariivr. now at Tem'ple, led1 the Cy-clones t, a .3< Jt"4 victory over the P uiple Other homne garnes, on tht .cl<l l are; Octoh)er,9, Nichigan ()ctrbejr 1"-. ýPuirdue; Novemnber (),. Ilfl4llil,. ali? Mau'ke 'htoNovember 20, Notre Damie. Thle. tr D&uj>tiy aville, slzares itl out of tow.f gaines are: C )>i< 'ber 2.1, Sýtclla Ja>nn;ôtta the leading ,feicale Ohio Stte; October 30,'.<'nil:id cliaracter, Els e f'endtIll'u November-, 13, 'Mfînnesota. «Charm, Sczool," to bc prescuted: _ith the exception of Io.%wa Statu ai! August 10 and il -by flic .\ew Tr icr, Purdue, the 1937 schedule 1, tihe~îi> simmcr scliool classes iii dranzati c s. as a vear ago. Iowa 'Statu rpat. iNorth Dakota State and. Plrdue t1tkt»- the p)lace (-f Io)Wa. The retuiri(f tihýý :ngagement Announeed ' Ioilermakers to thé' ~ cu& a.t Recent Dinner Partx - 1is tWiio~ u The anniouncemient oi the 'nae have met 2.3 timnes, each wnigI cnt of Miss Gertrude \Ventzul to gamles whiic on)le 1wvas tied.ý Th( la-t arod B'd)Scuet, onofMrgame was lin 19,35 vvIich Purduiie wu id MIrs. H.. C. Schuett of Wiliette. b creo o0 rmerly of Eanto. a' made at a The cornplete aied l iul r ce-C nfner party givenl la-t Tu.dyeve- xlosSaea xzsî Lflg at the ho-me fci," ' Wenltzel\ <t -Mcign at Entoi ': aren'ts, 'Mr. and '\,r-. 1-5rmia-Vet- Oct. i2--Purc1ue at Evanstoîî - a Yi. -' xrsý joinve s, ~!~'ueI'~ E"roa(l, rturned- to lier stniinîer homie at Crýý.sta.l lake after spenli.ng the fi rst part oi the %veek ini Wilhnettc. .%1r,,. Ani ,Hoffmnan. 1713 Fýore.t ave- nu e, drove to Crystal Lake F1,ridav vA with scveral other \Vilmette wornien. u7 1ho spent the day with Mrý,. Weis. M r,. li'offman remnaining %vlîh hbr for the 'week-end. 9 _ __ zz p4oy of the Public' Sericecmpf.' BAHAI LECTURE Nýo date ha- béen .'<'-t ' f>' '<">"< " l- Religious In,.estigatl(iiî cç~ (ing. à '~ryv Is t he subje'ct of thu talk to b(.' _________Il i un by rs Margarite UlIvich of Sa k Park at the Sundav aitcrnloo i Mr~> ~\lisn F Stne .awcn.e, eetngAugust 8, at 3 :30)<coc.j Mas.,arîvd una.Y t ~CiI( t<OFoiindlation hall, Bahia*l " 11v e.r,a week viitig 'ber augter M .~.House of Worship. at, Lindunam n. G.L.Mttlso I.137 Wa,1bîng2toný andl Sheridan road, Wilrnwtte. 'Fli ave n uc. __ classes for children ill' mc u i IFoundation hall at Il ococon S$un- I [ k~i~~1crA~r(lay mrtorning. ed, HARDWARE and Fertifixer e Avenue - Ridge Road Ony ISO &C . m ,e able store. jThiis i he twenty.first' of a serirs of Editorial i d etsne t ap e rn in thi paper each FULI Jus For

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